*Chapter 28*: Agony and Ecstasy

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Riya's POV:

As soon as Arya dropped me off, I returned to my hostel to find Meera fast asleep.

Kajal opened the door for me with a grin. " So how was the time with Mr. Handsome?"

I ignored her and went and lay down on my bed with a sigh.

Her expression turned to one of worry. She came and sat on my bed beside me. " Hey hey, what's the matter?"

"Arya's parents were there and they got to know about us. His mom didn't take it well. She wants to check if our horoscopes match."

" Ahhh I see, don't worry, you guys are meant to be. Everything will work out."

"That's what Arya said too!" I replied, a slight smile gracing my features.

" OK now go to sleep and don't worry," she said.

" Yeah good night Kajal. BTW I just remembered I didn't have dinner," I said.

She chuckled. " Are you really hungry? Do you want me to make some Maggi?"

" No not really."

"But you should eat Riya....sleeping with an empty stomach is not good," she chided, concern evident in her tone.

" It's alright for one day," I said pulling the covers over me.

She too went and lay down in her bed, unable to argue with me and switched off the lights.

The next morning I woke up to a severe stomach ache. The alarm clock blasting Radioactive right in my ears aggravated the condition.
I groaned and clutched my stomach. I felt so weak because of the pain. I wasn't even able to get up from my bed. I just slipped down further into the bedsheet and pulled the covers uptil my neck.

Kajal had woken up by then. She heard my cry and came running over.

" What's the matter Ri?" She asked worriedly.

Her care and concern for me made me smile a teeny bit.

" I have a really bad stomach ache. Also, I feel really tired," I said, yawning and quickly covering my mouth with my hand.

" Let's go to the doctor," Kajal said.

" Nooo Kaaju, I hate doctors. Please. I think rest is more than enough."

Yeah the irony of the situation was evident. I knew that I was going to become a doctor too. But somehow my childhood fear still remained.

" Fine, but if it becomes worse, we are going."

" Okay," I said, defeated.

Just then, my phone beeped. Oh yeah you must be wondering how I got one? Well dad got me one for my birthday. In all the drama happening, I forgot to mention it. I stretched my hand to take it.

" Ah no no, " Kajal said before grabbing it. " Rest and nothing else right now if you want to get better. I will read it out. You can tell me what to reply."

" Good morning love. You don't really have to come today. Mom asked your dad to send your horoscope. He sent it by email. I will let you know once they check it," Kajal read.

" Good thing," I told Kajal.
"Considering that I can't even move one limb right now."

" What do you want me to say?"

" Say okay thanks."

" Hi this is Kajal here. Unfortunately Riya has a severe stomach ache. She is protesting that she doesn't want to go to the doctor. But if the condition worsens I plan on taking her. Can you try and convince her?" She read.

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