*Chapter 21* : Shocking News

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Arya's POV:

Dinner went exceedingly well. I ended up meeting many of my father's friends who enquired about him. My father was not able to attend the seminar since he had planned a trip with my mom after a long time, and wanted to keep up the promise he made to her, that they would go for it. And that is the reason he had sent me in his place. My sister was sent off to her best friend's for a sleepover. I was informed of this sudden change of plan just yesterday. And so, even if I extended my stay away from home, it wouldn't be a problem. Since they were planning to return back to Chennai only a week later.

And that's when I realized that there would be no hindrance from my parents' side in my plan to surprise Riya.

One good came out of them leaving, I thought.

My father's best friend Dr. Ashutosh was one of the main speakers. The topic of discussion mainly revolved around the latest technology in the dental field. It was a very informative and entertaining session for budding young dentists who had just entered the field as a novice.

After eating a sumptuous dinner, I retired to my room to sleep.

As I lay down, thoughts of what I had blurted out to Riya raced through my mind. I wouldn't say that I regretted it, but I felt my mouth could have chosen another time to utter those 5 words.
We should have been face to face so that we could deduce each other's feelings from our expressions. We should have been in a place that radiated happiness, not miles away across the sea on a phone call.

But what was done was done, and I couldn't revert back time. All I could do was to eagerly wait for the moment I would get to talk to her again, this time, face to face.

The next day morning, I woke up to the beat of Perfect by One Direction.

What? When did my alarm tone change? I was going to murder my sister once I returned back to Chennai. I am sure, it was definitely her doing.

I hurriedly took a shower, dressed in a suit and tie, and wore my blazer. I ran my fingers twice through my hair and made myself look presentable.

Then I exited my hotel room and hailed a cab. The seminar was going to be held in in New York State University and it was a twenty minute drive from here.

The seminar was pretty thought provoking. The main topic was health hazards faced in dentistry and how to overcome them. It was a topic that was frequently discussed in my college when I was studying and so I had a lot of inputs to give.

After the seminar got over, one of my father's college friends who lived in New York offered to show me around the city since it was my first time here.

We saw the Statue of Liberty and many other important monuments. Then, I went to a jewellery shop to buy something for Riya as a birthday present. From what I had judged about her personality in the time that I had known her, she seemed to be a simple girl who liked simple, elegant things.

My father's friend was a lady and so she was a good companion in a jewellery shop. She asked me if I was buying something for a special someone and I nodded, a blush slowly creeping upon my cheeks. She grinned and winked at me.

" So what do you want to buy?" She questioned, looking at me curiously.

" Hmmm...I don't really know...Riya is a really fun person, but she's not someone who likes very fancy things."

" Riya huh? That's cute. Riya Arya " she said, smiling.

" Hey stop moving off topic," I said, a little embarrassed.

And she laughed.

" Well, to me she seems like a bracelet type of girl. And maybe you could buy a keychain as a souvenir too?"

" Okay,"I said. " I guess that would be nice."

After half an hour of looking through,( guys don't take so much time to shop okay?) I finally selected a silver double layered bracelet with white and pink stones having a cute heart, star and chocolate as charms.

Then I bought a keychain that had the Statue of Liberty as the hanging.

Once I finished with the purchases I remembered something. My sister had asked to buy chocolates!!!!!

"I will definitely buy it in the airport " I thought, as I got into the plane to take me home. Home, where my heart lay.

Riya's POV

A day later..

" The Dubai- Chennai plane crashed into the Indian Ocean, killing almost all the people on board..."

I didn't even wait to think where the news was coming from. As soon as I heard it, I just stopped in my tracks.

After having such an amazing birthday, this was the last thing I wanted to hear..

I almost stopped breathing for a moment and my body went into shock.

" Nooooooooooooo..." I cried, falling down onto the floor of my bedroom, repeatedly pounding it with my fists. I didn't even care if I hurt them.

That was the plane Arya was supposed to come by. Why why why... I started crying and I couldn't hold back my tears. They came tumbling down my cheeks and fell on the floor.

It felt like a part of my heart was torn away and I couldn't find anything to fix the wound. Why did this happen just when he told me he liked me? I had to tell him too, that I had fallen for him badly. He couldn't go away from me..

Just when I was trying my best to control my sobs, my brother came up to me and shook me lightly.

I was in a complete daze.

" Riya, Riya? Why are you crying?"

" Didn't you hear the news?" I said, now hiccuping.

" What news Riya?"

" That plane crash...Arya...he was...nooo nooo...this can't be happening. "

" There was no plane crash Riya."

" Whaaaaaat? Then what did I hear just now?"

" Recorded version of some news Aarav was watching, for some journalism project."

"Oh what the hell," I said, now completely feeling stupid.
" But Arya..."

" Arya's completely fine. Besides he won't be on a Dubai Chennai flight anyways..."

" What? Why? What do you mean?"

" Ahhh umm...oops what did I do? Aargh forget it...gotta run," he said, sprinting out of my room.

I looked at his receding back and sighed. People were hiding a lot of things from me these days.


Hello peeps,

Okay guys I am sorry, I feel this chapter is soooo boring. Will definitely try to write a more interesting chapter. But consider this as a filler.

So did anyone actually get scared by the fake news of that plane crash?

And are you going to kill me with guns, knives and pitchforks?

Haha don't worry nothing will happen to our lovebirds...atleast in their near future. Can't promise about later. * evil grin*

Anyways as always vote, comment, enjoy!

Adios amigos,
:) harshini :)

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