part 1

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So I guess it all started here... me laying on a moldy, stained mattress in the middle of a cold, damp, rundown abandoned house with a rotting roof.
3 hours that's how long I had been waiting for Alec to get back. He's kind of my protector... sort of like a guardian angel.
You see when I was born my mom didn't want me so she gave me to him. She was a drugy, but I am glad.
Alec is good to me, he has taught me how to fight and survive. But he is super protective.
He doesn't let me go on hunts not yet anyways... but when I know he will be gone a long time I sometimes sneak out of where ever we are staying and twice I have found a hunt.
But the last one was 6 months ago and I haven't been lucky to get another. It was a vampire, I killed it using a axe and the thing before was a Shapeshifter. But at the time I thought he was some creep trying to attack me untill I stabbed him with my knife and we'll you know what happens when Shapeshifter 's touch silver.
Speaking of my blade it is something Alec gave to me for my 8th birthday 6 years ago when he started leaving me alone to go on his hunts and whatever else it is he does.
It's handle looks like some wierd tough animal bone with symbols on it. And the blade is even weirder. It is some wierd combination of like silver, iron, blood and salt. And it has symbols on it too. Dont ask me how but so far it has killed anything I have came up against.
I sat up and grabbed my leather jacket from the mattress I was using for a pillow. I put it over me and grabbed my phone from the old table next to it. I turned it on and the bright screen read 12:43 AM.
"Great" I said putting my phone in my pocket and heading out the door.
The cold night stung me eyes as I walked down the trail. The house was about 50 ft behind me and I checked me phone to see the time.
12:55am.... And Alec was still not back... he normally text me by now. The wind blew my hair over my face and for a split second I thought I saw something....
I put my hair up and grabbed my knife out of my boot. I saw something move behind a tree and with my knife in hand I started walking towards it.
I could hear my heart pumping in my ears and the rustling of the trees as they fought against the wind. As I drew nearer to the tree I felt sweat trickle down my forehead despite the cold.
As I reached the tree I could believe my eyes....
A cat... it was a stupid cat. I put my knife back in my boot and starred at the cat. It's yellow eyes seemed to stare back for a moment we sat there eyes locked. There was something familiar about its stare. Then a gust of wind knocked a branch over and the cat hissed and ran away.
I grabbed my phone out and checked the time once more. But the time read 1:34am.
That couldn't be right. I thought . It's only been like 5 min since I last checked.
Then there was a snap near by. I felt a sharp pain in my head then everything went black.

I could see a man. I strange man dressed in a strange outfit. He was very tall... or maybe I was just small. I was sitting on the floor my long brown hair was falling over my face and it touched the old wooden floor. I looked up at the man who seemed to be talking with another.. I think it was Alec. But he had longer hair and was skinnier more lanky. The strange man looked down at me and smiled. I tried to say something but all that came out was a little giggle. Then I realized this was a memory....

When I came too my head ached like an explosion had gone off inside my skull. I tried to move my hands but they were bound.
I looked around the room and everything was blurry. Then my arm started to burn. I let out a yell and the burning stopped.
I opened my eyes once more to see a young looking man with long black hair and a leather jacket walk in the room followed by to other men.
"Well looky here, sleeping beauty is finally awake." Said the man with long hair. I tried to feel for my knife but it was gone.
"Looking for this?" He said holding up my knife. "This is a pretty powerful knife... now how did a young girl such as yourself get ahold of such a thing?"
"It was a present." I said coldy.
"Wow, well you sure got some pretty generous friends. I'd so love to meet them."
"Sure" i said yanking at my ropes. "Right after I kick your ass to hell. You dick"
" Been there done that... didn't seem to agree with me." The man said smiling then his eyes turned black. My body tensed and my heart started to race.
"Your a demon...." I said trying to sound calm. "What do you want with me?"
"Oh you." He said walking over to me "nothing. But your friend Alec on the other hand. Well he has some information our boss would really love to have." He said as he gently rested the knife on my face. I sat still afraid he was going to cut me. After a moment he laughed and pulled the knife away.
" So why do you need me? Alec isn't an idiot. He wouldn't come. And even if he did he would bring a ton of back up. You are screwed either way." I said as I tried to loosen my ropes.
" your right... but if your life depended on it..." the man glanced to my feet. I looked down to see some clay at my feet with cords that led to each door exept the front. Thats where the two other men stood.
"He brings anyone else. Any backup and you get blown up." Said the demon smiling. "Who's screwed now?"

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