part 11

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   I opened my eyes and I was sitting on an old squeaky swing. There was a slight breeze as my short brown hair fluttered in the wind. 
I was kicking the gravel with my feet when I looked up to see a man walking towards me. Then I realized where I was. I looked up to see a sign with a large clown on it. This was another memory.
As I sat there swinging my feet the man knelt down beside me.
"Hello young lady." He said with a smile.
"Hi" I heard my young voice say.
"Where's your daddy?"
"I dont have one" I said
"Who's that man who I was you with then."
"That's Alec. He's my caretaker."
"Interesting. Big word for such a small little girl."
"I'm not little I am 7." The man gave a sinister smile.
"Yes you are" I looked around and then I sat off the swing.
"I have to go. I am not supposed to talk to strangers." I said moving away.
"But I am not a stranger." He said putting his hand on my shoulder. "I am a friend of your mommys."
"I dont have a mommy."
"Oh well of course you do. Everyone does and she said I could give you this." He said holding a vile of red liquid.
"What is it?" I said krinkling my nose.
"Its medicine. It will make you big and strong. Here take it." He said opening it.
"But Alec said I am not supposed to drink things that I don't know what it is"
"Its told you its medicine." He said gesturing it to me. I grabbed the vile and looked at it.
"So will this really make me big and strong?" He nodded and i drank it. I coughed and put the vile back in the man's hand."that was gross" I said sticking my tounge out. He smiled and stood up.
   The image faded and I could hear the wind grow louder and louder. I got to my knees and put my hand over my ears. After a couple of seconds it became unbearable and I fell to the ground.
I opened my eyes and I was laying down, my head resting on Cas's lap. I looked up to see him all bloody, I tried to move or speak but I couldn't.
I looked up front to see Sam and Dean all bloody too. Sam kept looking back at me with worry in his face. "Dean hurry" he said and Dean sped up.
I looked back up at Cas he was looking down at me. I tried to get up but he held me down firmly with his hand.
"We're almost there" he said glancing over to sam who was still looking at me with worry in his face. "You need to rest" he said putting his fingers to my forehead.
  I could hear sirens and people talking. I could feel somebody carrying me but I was to weak to open my eyes or move.
  I felt somebody set me down on a bed. It was moving and a man shone  a flashlight into my eyes.
"What happened?" Said an unfamiliar voice.
"Car accident." I heard sams voice say. Then everything faded.
I could hear whispering but I couldn't make out what the words were. My body ached and my head was sore. But for some reason I felt fine. For the first time in a long time (despite being beaten up) I actually felt ok.
I opened my eyes to see Sam next to me looking out the window and Dean towards the door talking with a woman in a police uniform.
  He seemed to know her. Or at least was comfortable with her. Not in the way you are ok with a hot girl. But a old friend. Maybe she was an old friend.
I tried to talk but nothing came out. My throat felt like it had been sucked dry.
I moved my hand and touched Sam's arm. He turned towards me and his eyes went wide when he saw that I was awake.
"Dean!" He said glancing over to his brother. Dean stopped talking to the woman and came to the end of my bed.
"Hey kid. You ok?" Said Dean looking at me. I tried to talk again but I only started coughing. Sam put a cup to my mouth and I drank the cool water. My energy seemed to return immediately.
"Yeah" I said trying to smile and sit up. But It hurt my side so I remained laying down. "What happened?" I said looking to Sam.
"Well Cas guesses that pulling the power of the knife away from you so soon then you getting in the fight with Morin kinda blew a fuse." He said looking at me
"But don't worry a week in here and you'll be just fine" Said dean smiling. He knew that's not what I wanted.
"A week! You can't be serious! Gahh!" I said wincing. I forgot about my side.
"Hey careful" Said Sam gently pushing me back down. 
"Well where is Cas?" I said looking around and noticing he was gone.
"He's wandering around" Said the woman. I looked over at her.
"Oh this is Jody Mills. She's a friend of ours." Said Dean
"Hi" she said giving a small smile.
"Hi" I said returning one. After a moment or two of awkward silence she clapped her hands
"Ok well. I have got to go. I'll talk to you boys later." She said walking out. She gave me a smile and left the room.
"Yeah well this hospital food sucks. I'm gonna get me some real grub" Said dean moving to the door. "Want anything?" He said gesturing to us. We both shook our heads no and he left.
A minute or two of silence was broken by Sam clearing his thoat.
"So" he said looking uncomfortable. " your uh.... your my..."
"Yeah" I responded for some reason feeling embarrassed. "Kinda wierd huh?"
"Yeah" Said Sam in a sort of a laugh. "You got my hair"
I gave a small laugh.
"Yeah give it three months and yours is going to be longer than mine." I joked. He put some of his hair behind his ears.
"So Jessica... that really was your moms name."
"Yeah i guess so." I said looking down at my hands. "How was she? Was she nice?" A sadness came to Sams eyes. I could tell that asking If I could meet her was out of the question.
"Yeah. She was amazing. She was beautiful, smart. I loved her."
"What happened?" I said a little nervous to ask.
"She died."
"Oh" I said fiddling with my sheets. "How did she-"
"Fire." He said quickly. I could tell he was really uncomfortable by the was he clenched his jaw and readjusted in his seat.
"Look Sam... You don't have to feel responsible for me. This was kinda pushed on you. I'll... I'll leave after this ok. You won't have to see me again." I said trying to look into his eyes. But it was just too hard. It was my fault this was all happening.
   Alecs death, Sam, Dean, and Cas getting hurt. Everything. If I had never been born everyone's life would have been better off.
"Jessica." He said firmly  "It doesn't matter how you got here. Whether it was because of some lame ass demon or whatever. That doesn't change the fact that your my daughter. Your Family. Your staying with us"
I smiled and looked up at him. I was about to say something when Cas came running in.
"What?" Sam said standing up.
"Morin he found us. Hes got demons looking for Jai."
Sam turned to me and pulled my blankets off.
"Come on. Can you walk." He said grabbing my good arm.
"Yeah I think so." I said getting up.
   My side exploded with pain and my bad arm ached. But I kept walking. We went down several halls. Before we got to the exit.
But the were four demons blocking the doors. Sam put my arm over cas.
"I'll get around them and get us a car. Then call dean. Meet me by the south east doors." He said pulling out his knife and walking the other way.
Cas pulled me to the right and we went down another hallway. For about 20 seconds we don't see anyone then three demons came around the corner. Cas let go of me and I fell against the wall.
He walked towards the first demon and got him in the stomach with a  silver blade he pulled from his jacket.
But the other got him from behind and shoved him into the wall. The third one came after me.
I kicked him in the knee and he fell to the floor. I tried to get up but my side hurt to much.
"You little" mumbled the demon as he got up. I managed to stand and he yanked me by the good arm and flung my into the wall.
  I felt dizzy and my vision got blurry. He raised his arm to hit me but I smacked him so hard with my cast it broke and I fell to the floor in pain.
As he stumbled back a silver thing came out of his chest and he flickered a orange light then fell limp onto the floor.
Standing behind him was Cas blade in hand. He put it back in his coat and knelt down to me."Here" he said putting two fingers to my forehead. I heard I small ringing noise then all the pain went away.
I looked down the see the bruises on my legs gone and I could move my arm.
"Thanks" I said a little amazed. He helped me up and handed me another blade.
"Just in case." He said as we jogged down the halls. We got to the doors without seeing anymore demons.
As we got outside sam was waiting. But he wasn't alone...

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