part 2

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An old dusty clock ticked on somewhere in the rundown cabin they held me in.
I couldnt tell the time but I guessed it was around 3 am. The demon with the long hair sat on a chair opposite of me, knife in hands staring at me.
I avoided eye contact, ignoring him. The other two demons stood at the two windows looking out for Alec. Then the demon with the long hair's phone started to ring.
"Yes. he is on his way. He's coming for the girl. Yes.yes of course. No. Yes. We have it all under control. No. We will now in a matter of hours where the weapon is. Yes. Yes Mr.crowely." then he hung up the phone.
After a minute or two there was a bang and one of the windows shattered. I could feel something warm trickling down my head, I was still bleeding. They must've hit me harder than I thought.
My vision started to get blurry and sounds started to muffle. I looked up to see a man in a suit walk through the door. Followed my another man... Alec.
I tried to say his name but it came out as a soft whisper. I felt tired... really tired. As he saw me he dropped his gun and ran over to me.
Two of the demons jumped the man in the suit and he put both his hands on thier foreheads then there was a burst of bright light and I couldn't take it anymore.
I shut my eyes and the pain went away.
When I woke up I was laying on a bed, I looked over to see a small table next to me with my phone and knife. I picked up my phone and underneath it was a note pad that read
Red River Motel
Ran to the store. Be back in a couple of min
"Great" I mumbled to myself and I sat up. I looked around the room and nearly yelled when I saw the same man in a suit standing near the window staring at me. " who are you?"
I said pulling myself up. My head didn't hurt anymore. I felt my head for where the gash was but it was gone.
"I healed you." Said the man in the suit.
"You what? How?"
"I am an angel of the lord. I can do anything that God wills to be done."
"Okay...." I said looking him up and down. He had short blonde hair with brown eyes and a scrawny looking body. He noticed me looking him over.
"Oh, yes my vessel. It was the only one I could get without drawing to much attention. I normally go for much more suiting looks."
"Sure" i said as I got up and put on my combat boots, then my leather jacket.
"You cannot leave" Said the man in the suit.
"Ok well I really don't have time for your games dude so whatever your trying to sell I'm not buying. So please just leave me alone." I said stepping towards the door. But he walked in front of me.
"Is said you cannot leave."
"Ok your crazy and I have had a really rough night so please just go away." I said pushing him aside.
"I am sorry for this. But I must protect you." He said grabbing my arm. I blinked then I was in a white room. With no windows, walls, or a way out. I stood for a moment trying to comprehend what just happened. I looked around and the man in the suit was standing in the corner.
"Where did you take me? What are you!"
"I told you I am an angel of the lord I serve g-"
"Right right you serve god. Blah blah blah. Exept for one little fact. Angels Dont exist!"
"Why do you say that?" He said tilting his head at me.
"Becuase if they did they wouldn't let so much crap happen." I said thinking about my life. Growing up in motel rooms, eating dinner food all the time. Hours upon hours of being alone. Waiting for Alec to get back from a hunt.
The man looked at me. For a moment just a small one he seemed to feel sorry for me. "What's your name?"
"If your an angel you should know mine." I said walking over to one of the walls and feeling around for a way out.
"I do. But I want you to say it."
"Why?" I said pushing on the wall.
"Common courtesy. And because I saved your life."
"You first."
" All right fair enough. My name is Zorrel." I looked over at him. Not sure weather he was joking or not.
"My names Jai."
"Jai... nice." He said looking over at me. I glanced over at him then continued to look for a way out. "You need to understand that listening to me will help keep you alive. I am the only being in heaven and in hell that knows who you are."
I stopped searching the walls and I turned to him. What did he mean by know who you are? Who was i?
"What are you talking about? I am a nobody."
"Trust me many that have wished that have been proven wrong and so will you."
"That's not an answer. Who do you think I am?!" I said getting a little angry. I didn't even notice we were back in the room. I looked over at Zorrel. "When did you put us back here?"
"The room is designed to protect. It can only be reached by you and you alone... unless acompanied by an invited guest. It's a safe room in your mind. We have been here all along. You stopped seeing the safe room when you were no longer trying to leave."
"What?" I said sitting down. "You mean you were in my head?" I grabbed my knife from the dresser and put it in my boot. I felt a little violated.
"Yes. It's simple really but not allowed by my kind as it sometimes wears down the soul."
"Wait,what?" I said sitting up. Then there was a click and the motel door opened. "Alec. What is going on?" I said as he entered the room.
"Jai, your awake. Good here take this." Said Alec handing me a bag of cheetos . "And this. And this"
"How many cheetos did you get?" I said as he dumped four more bags into my arms.
"They're for the road." He said grabbing his things.
"Wait. Just stop!" I said dropping the bags of cheetos. "Whats going on!" Alec looked over to me and then to Zorrel.
"The angel told me he'd explain." Said Alec
"He did but avoided alot of important parts. Like what's actually going on!" I said stepping closer to Alec. "What was the weapon that the demons were talking about. Who am i?"
Alec set his things down and ran his fingers through his thinning hair.
"Jai. Nows really not the time."
"What do you mean nows not the time! I was just kidnapped by demons and then an angel shows up out of nowhere being all cryptic!!!"
"Look we will explain later okay just please pack your things so we can get into the car." He said grabbing his things again. I turned to look at the angel. He was staring out the window.
Then there was a rumbling and I could start to hear voices. I looked around to see where they were coming from and I noticed Alec on the floor covering his ears.
"Alec get up. Hurry somethings coming!" I said trying to yank him up. But there was blood coming out of his ears. Someone grabbed my arm and yanked me back. "Let me go! I need to help Alec!"
"Its too late!" Said Zorrel "I need to hide you, they are coming!"
"Who?" I said as he touched my sides. Then there was a sharp pain for about three seconds then it was gone."Gahh! What did you do!"
"Iv hidden you from them." He said grabbing a long silver knife from his suit pocket.
"Who? Who have you hidden my from!?!" I said tugging on his arm. He looked over at me with a seriousness in his eyes. "The other angels."
"Are they the ones after me?" I said pulling my knife out.
"No. You can't fight you need to run. Run now!!! Look for a  Winchester." He said shoving me. When I opened my eyes I was on the side of the road. I felt for my phone and realized I left it in the motel room.
Then it hit me... I was alone. All alone.

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