Part 21

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The drive was about a day and a half. I asked several times who we were going to see but Sam and Dean wouldn't tell me. About 18 hours into the drive Cas called.
"Where are you?" He asked
"Uh... Route 83 by exit 321 near-" next thing I knew Cas showed up next to me in the back seat.
"Gah!" I yelled when he popped up. Dean swerved to the left almost crashing into another car.
"What the hell Cas!" Yelled Dean. Sam was asleep up until then, he also jumped.
"I came to see what you were doing."
"So a little warning next time!" Replied Dean. Sam yawned and sat up.
"Where are you guys going?" Asked Cas.
"To meet an old friend." Replied Sam.
"Oh her." Said Cas
"Her? What her? Who her?" I eagerly said turning to Cas, but he ignored me.
"Do you think she can shed some light?"
"We are hoping. As long as she's still got her mojo." Said Dean.
"Mojo? What mojo?" I said
"How long before you get there?" Asked Cas. Dean looked at his watch. "We've been driving for about... So maybe 12 more hours if we hurry."
"Ok I'll be back then." He said then he disappeared.
"Why can't we do that?" I asked. Dean just turned up the music. Several hours later we stopped in front of a home. "Is this where she is?" I asked Sam eagerly. He slightly nodded.
"Do you think she already knows?" Sam said to Dean.
"Of course she does." He replied. I jumped.
"Whoooooo?" I asked Sam, he put his hands on my shoulders and held me still.
"Did you sleep at all in the car?"
"A little but I had some coffee so I am ok."
"How long?"
"Uh... About two hours." He sighed and took his hands off me. Dean was about to knock on the door when it opened. In the doorway stood an older woman. She wore loose clothing and had a kind face.
"Dean." She said in a sweet voice. I liked the sound of it, it made me instantly feel calm. Then she turned to see Sam. "Sam! And this must be Jessica!" She said walking down towards us after hugging Dean. She hugged Sam then me. I was surprised at how tight she hugged me. It was the type of hug your grandmother gives you after not seeing you for a year.
"Hey Missouri" said Sam.
"Come on in" she said shooing us up towards her house. As we got into the living room I sat down on one of the couches. As Sam and Dean were about to sit she smacked them hard on the back of the head.
"That's for never calling or even coming to see me." She said sitting down. I grinned and put my head down when she looked at me. Sam sat next the me and Dean stood in the corner. "Come sit down boy!" He seemed embarrassed and sat down onto the other side of me. I looked at him grinning.
"Shut up" I heard him mumble to me, but it just made me smile more.
"Last time I met with you boys it was to get a ghost out of your old home. Now you come asking about Jessica." I was surprised. How did she know?
"I read minds" she said. I looked up.
"You were wondering... Now." She said leaning towards me. "Ooooh. You do look like your father, and a can see some of your mother in you too." She said looking at me then to Sam. "These boys better be treating you right or I'll have to beat them." I smiled.
"Yeah they're great."
"Good" she stood up. "Come here" she said gesturing to me. I stood up and walked over to her. Immediately she grabbed my face.
"Whare yoyre doiyen?" I asked she let go of my face. "What are you doing?" "Don't mumble." She said gently slapping me on the arm. She looked into my eyes. "Your mother."
"What" I said thinking about her. The memories I had of her. The little I knew. I thought of Morin coming after me and Alec. I thought of my life before Sam and Dean and after meeting them. I thought of what Morin wanted me for. To be the next generation of Lucifers army. All this went through my mind in a second.
"Hmm" she said letting go of me.
"Hmm....hmm what?" I said as she sat back down. " What does hmm mean? Is that a good hmm or a bad hmm?" She smiled and looked at Sam and Dean them back to me.
"Interesting." She said pouring some tea into a cup. Then she got up and grabbed something out of a box and put it in the tea. She sat there I silence and stirred it.
"What are you doing?" I asked curious. After a moment she stopped stirring and handed me the cup.
"Here drink this." She said as I grabbed it.
"Wow is this like one of those things, like in Harry Potter, where you drink the tea and look at the black stuff at the bottom."
"No, you just need to settle down. Your too hyper." She said gesturing me to the seat. "Your like a Mexican jumping bean."
"Oh" I said sipping it.
"You boys need to keep the coffee away from her." Sam smiled and Dean looked at me. "Okay" she said straightening herself. "Now for the real reason you boys came." Sam and dean glanced at each other.
"About a month or two ago Jessica lost her memory. We were able to get it back but some of it is still missing."
"Which part?" She asked looking at me.
" The part right before it was taken. We think that whoever has been taking her blood did it."
"Blood!? Who said anything about blood?" She replied
"Its a long story. Can you get her memory back?"
"No no no. I don't like being left in the dark first you tell me about this whole blood stealing business."
So Dean told her of everything. Of how I had passed out after running from them and during training. He even told her of the knife and a little bit of Zorrel.
"So you boys mean to tell me you LEFT her at a friends house after she passed out? Without even knowing what was wrong with her? And even after all the health problems she has had?"
"Exactly!" I said
"You hush girl" she said pointing to me. "You snuck out when you should've known better to meet a boy. Your lucky these boys don't whip ya butt." I shut my mouth and Dean smiled.
"Well we didn't know anything was wrong." Said Sam. But Missouri just made a face.
"Well what about the blade? Does it have any long lasting affects?" She said
"No, not like the mark. It's a cursed object nothing more. But it is one of the most powerful." He said
"Ok. So the knife has nothing to do with her memory loss. And you think its... an angel?"
"Yes" said dean
"Are you boys sure? I've never met an angel before but-"
"We're sure" I looked over to see Cas.
"Missouri this is Castiel. He's an-"
"Angel" she said standing up. She walked over to him and touched his face. "Hmm" What was with this lady and saying hmm??? Cas seemed confused after a moment she sat back down.
I yawned. I hadn't even realized that I had finished the tea. Missouri looked at me. Then to Sam and Dean.
"I think an in depth search of the soul will get her, her memories back."
"How do we do that?" Asked Sam
"Well with the help of your angel friend we can, in a way, clean her mind. You see, right now it's like a dusty attic. Some things are being used, others are just gathering dust and very few things, like her memories before they were wiped , are hidden behind bigger objects. So, if we can find those memories and dust them off she can use them."
"Ok so what do we need to do?" Asked Dean. My eyes felt droopy, the energy I had before had diminished. I wanted to sleep.
"Its already being done." She said. I heard a small drop. I looked down to see I had dropped the empty teacup onto the floor.
"Jai" Said Sam. No. No I thought to myself. I was done. I was done with being weak. I didn't want to sleep. I was sick of being poked and prodded. I was sick of being used as a tool. I was sick of.... what.. what was i? What was I thinking about? Was it? No. Wait. What am I doing? I felt droopy and I leaned against Dean. I could feel him grab me.
"What did you give her?" I heard Dean say.
"Dont worry she's fine. It's just something to make this easier. Digging around in the mind and soul is a tough thing" I could feel her over me.
"So you knew" Sam said
"Of course I did. But I wanted you boys to speak with me. I am getting old and need company... now Jessica. It's ok. Let it in." But I didn't want too. I was tired. To tired. I didn't want the memories. I had accepted that. What ever had happened I had blocked it out for a reason. But as I thought I fell. I tried to grab on but there was nothing to grab onto. Suddenly I was in a dark room.
"Ok" I heard Missouri's voice say. "Now you are going to see several doors I front of you. Walk towards the first one." I walked towards it and stood no more than a foot nearest it. "Okay now put your hand on the doorknob." I did as she asked. "Does it burn."
"No" I replied
"Okay now turn the knob. But don't go in. If you go in and it's not the lost memory you will be stuck. It's your mind trying to keep you from getting to it" I turned it and looked through. I saw Alec sitting on the couch. It looked familiar. It was the last New Years we had spent together.
"Come on Jai. The balls about to drop." He said as he munched on Cheetos.
"What do you see?" She asked
"Alec.... New Year's Eve. I totally forgot about it."
"Okay now close the door. It's not what we are looking for." So I shut it and I was again in darkness. "Good, now move into the next one." She said and I did. I turned the knob and I saw the bunker.
"Okay what do you see?" She asked
"I am in the bunker. Sam is asleep on one of the desks. I am eating Deans pie. Then Dean walks in and I push it towards Sam. Dean smacks Sam when he sees the pie."
"Dude I told you it wasn't me!" I heard Sam's voice say.
"Hush!" Said Missouri. "Okay now close that door and go to the next. I do what she asks. When I open the next door my heart races.
"What's the matter, what do you see?" She asked
"I- I see my mom. She's in a hospital room. She's crying."
"Ok now leave that room. It's not the right one." Said Missouri, but I stay. I can't take my eyes off of her. I remember the memory I had of her. When she wrote me the note. It makes me sad.
"Jessica you can't go in there. Stay out, its not real"
"No... She..." I feel like crying and my heart beats faster and faster. I want to go in, I want to talk to her. She seems so real. I can feel myself being drawn into the room.
"Jessica can you hear me! DO NOT GO IN!" But I ignore her. I want me be done. I don't care if I get lost or stuck or whatever. I just was to be with my mom. So I go to step in, but someone grabs me. I look back and Cas is behind me.
"What?" I turn back and the door is shut.
"We need to move on." He says, I feel sad. "I know.... It's ok." So with him standing behind me I touch the last door. As I do the door knob burns my hand.
"What happened?" Asked Missouri
"It burns."
"Ok that's it. You need to open it." I try again but it stings my hand.
"I- I can't it hurts too bad." I say trying to hold back tears.
"I know it does but you need to do it."
Slowly I put my hand near it. As I did I could feel the heat emanating off it and it begins to glow red.
"I can't."
"Jessica." I heard a voice say. I knew it but it wasn't from anyone in the room. Who's was it? "Jessica you can do it. I believe in you." It was A mans voice. But who's? "Come on Jessica."
I took a deep breath and grabbed onto it. It burned and I let out a yell. I could feel my skin melting, I could smell it burning. Quickly I turned the knob and the door flung open.
"Missouri her hand." Said Sam
"It's okay... Jessica what do you see." I looked around.
"It's a warehouse. I see Garret and Crowley."
"Ok now go in." So I step in and I felt a pull. I glance back and Cas was gone. Suddenly everything plays out. I watch as Garret grabs me. The memory, my memory comes back to me. I watch as everything played out just how I remembered it. Then a man comes in, he's an angel. I tell Missouri this, I tell her as I watch the man kill the demons then Garrett. I tell her that he knows Crowley and Crowley seems scared. And finally I tell her what Obadiah is looking for. The blood of a newborn that he believes Sam and Dean have.
"Okay you can leave now. Just walk out." She says. I try but then Obadiah turns to me.
"You are spared. But you cannot know of my plans" then he touches me and it starts all over again. The pain the horrible pain. I yell and kick. I kick and punch. I can't have it happen again. Not again. Then I feel arms wrap around me. They hold me down.
"No.... No I can't!" I yell.
"Jessica it's okay! Your okay!" But I keep fighting. "Missouri!"
"Calm down child." She says calmly. "Castiel!" She says. I feel someone touch me on the forehead and the pain goes away. I open my eyes and I am alone in the room. I sit up and look around. It's night, I shiver as I stand up. It's cold, really cold. I can see my breath.
"Hello?" I say but my voice is hoarse. I go into the other room, but still no one. I look around and everything seems creepy. I look out the window but all I see is blackness. Then I turn and I see Missouri standing behind me. Her eyes are white.
"It's you." She says, her voice sounds overlapped. Like another is speaking through her. It almost sounds like.... No. It can't be...
"Zorrel.. But your..."
"Its you."
"Wait, what do you mean it's me. What are you talking about?"
"Your the key."
"Key to what?"
"All of this." I stood there confused.
"To Morin's plan? How?"
"Haven't you put the pieces together?" He said walking around me. "Your Sam Winchesters daughter, but your more than that. You were bred from the finest of hunters. You were able to contain the power of the blade, my power. You have been visited your whole life by a man, by Morin. He never lost you, he always knew exactly where you were. Who do you think gave Alec my blade? He wanted for it to currupt you. Its all been part of his plan. When Azazel fell Morin knew he had to do something. He couldn't end up like his mentor. So he did a spell. A spell involving the daughter of the boy King, Lucifer's true vessel, the one to lead Lucifers army. Sam Winchester."
"Wait. Sam and Dean told me about all of that. Lucifers plan, his rising, everything. They stopped it, it's all over. The plans gone."
"Lucifers been locked up for millenias. Do you really think he only had one plan? He has millions, and this next one he's trying out involves you. You are the key to this whole thing."
"Why are you telling me this?"
"I want to help you."
"Why? Why would you want to help me? You an angel. An angel that for whatever reason has only brought me harm?"
"I have only ever protected you."
"You call killing Alec protecting me? I've been in more danger, more pain, these past few months than I have in my entire life!"
"And you have come out stronger. Right now I am speaking with you. Any other mortals mind would be turned to jelly. They would scratch out their eyes and cut out their ears. But yet here you are speaking to me as if I am just another angel."
"But you are."
"No, I haven't been an angel in a long time. An angel is meant to protect Gods creations."
"Castiel told me of you. You tried to give us a chance, you fought for us. What happened?"
"When my brothers tried to kill me I used a curse. A curse that is forbidden even to Angels. I turned me into this."
"Into what?"
"Even with all that you can see. If you were to see my true face. Your soul would rot at the sight of it."
"That's why you look like..." I said gesturing to Missouri. There was a light that flashed by the window.
"We don't have much time." He said "Now in sometime I will ask you for a favor. Just a small one, and I hope that when that time comes you will deliver. That's all I ask."
"Ask in return for what?"
"Morin has kept my blade near him. I know of all his plans, and I know how you can stop him. I know how you can kill him."
"Ok, alright. So one small favor?" he grinned, after a moment I nodded. Then he spoke.

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