Part 20

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I rolled off the bed and smacked my alarm off. 5:50 am. I got up and rubbed my tired eyes and ran my hands through my scraggly hair. My bare feet were cold on the hard floor. As I walked down the hall a chill in the air gave me shivers. I quickly turned on the heater, it was warm last night so being a dummy I shut it off thinking it would remain warm. Then I walked down into the bathroom and got in the shower. The warm water felt good on my face and I leaned up against the wall. I felt comfortable and I debated on just living in the shower. I heard a small beeping and i looked at my waterproof watch i have forgotten to take off last night. It said 6:25, i had been in the shower for almost a half an hour. Knowing i had things i needed to get done i drew up the strength and got out. I got dressed and combed my hair. As i was walking down the hall i could hear my phone ringing from in my room. Quickly i ran into the room and jumped onto my bed to answer it. But just as i did the call ended.
"Ugh" i said annoyed. I saw that Sam was calling, so i started to call him back. But i was interrupted by him calling again. "Hey i was just about to-"
"Whats another way to kill a ghost?" Sam asked quickly.
"Uh personal belonings... an item... the usual."
"Tell her its not working!" i heard Dean yell.
"Its not-"
"Okay, Okay." I replied running into the library. I quickly got onto the computer. "Is this the Melissa Carters case?"
"Okay gimme a minute." I said as I heard a bang from the other end. Then the phone went silent. I typed in her name and scrolled. The past two months had been like this. But i was okay with it. They would go on a hunt then come back and train me. After everything that had happened several weeks ago i was sort of burnt out. Sam picked back up the phone out of breath.
"Okay, it looks like her mom kept a doll of hers on the shelf above the fire place. In an interview she says that her daughter took it everywhere. Even when she got a bloody nose during her first soccer practice."
"Dean the Doll!" he said then he hung up.
"Thanks Jai. Your so valuable." I mumbled to myself standing up. I looked over to see Cas standing about ten feet away. "Hey" i said closing the laptop. He looked at me oddly.
"Are you feeling okay?" he asked
"Yeah" i said and i meant it, I felt perfectly fine. "You?" he slightly nodded his head. Then walked over to one of the shelves and picked up a book to read.
"Whatcha doin?" I asked
"Reading" he replied and there was a moment of silence.
"So... what do you do when you leave?" i asked him.
"What do you mean?"
"Well you will be here then gone. Sometimes for days. Do you have a hot girl i don't know about? Maybe a secret life as a singer or something?" i said jokingly. He smiled.
"I can show you."
"Okay." and before i knew it he set his hand on my shoulder and we were in a large field. "Uh, Cas?" i said looking around. Then i saw him at a tree, i walked over and there were bees buzzing everywhere.
"Look at how magnificent they are." He said holding out a handful of them. I scooted back. "What?"
"They just might." then he touched my forehead. "Cas what-"
"There they wont." i blinked and he put a handful of them onto my hand. Strangely they didn't sting me as I had feared, they just tickled my hand. i laughed.
"Do you really spend your time doing this?" i asked.
"Not just this." he touched me again and we were in what looked like a park. There were kids playing and people all around.
"Where are we?" i asked looking at hundreds of kites. Each one different, unique. The sky was painted with amazing colorful objects. There were drums beating an uplifting beat and peoples laughter that filled the air it was a beautiful thing to hear. Especially after everything i had experienced the past few months.
"A small village somewhere in Africa. They are having a festival celebrating a good year. Thanking their ancestors." i looked at all of this in amazement. We sat there for hours not speaking, just watching. Then Cas turned to me. "I want to show you something else." He said grabbing my hand. I blinked and we were on a cliff overlooking an ocean. The sun was coming down and everything reflected beautifully off the water. i looked up to him and he just seemed to be enjoying it so much.
"Look." he said pointing out into the water. i looked to see a dozen or more dolphins jumping in and out of the sea. "Come here" he said touching me again. We were then on a small boat near the dolphins. he put his hands to the water and one came up to him. He sat there petting it. "Try it." He said grabbing my hand. Its skin was smooth and almost felt like rubber. I smiled, I could feel the animals strength. After a few moments then sun went down and the animals went back into the depths of the sea and I was left in the dark cool ocean.
"So do you really do this?" I asked
"Sometimes. When I need to get away. I spent so many years up in heaven doing what I was told. I never got to enjoy this amazing Earth."
"That's nice." I said as I yawned and looked up at the sky. I could see Cas looking at me for a moment. Then he looked down.
"My vessel, Jimmy Novak. He has a daughter a lot like you. She was strong and full of life." I looked at him I had never really thought of it. The people angels posses have family's and friends just like the ones demons do. When they become their vessels they have to leave all of the behind. I wondered what it was like being possessed by an Angel. Did it hurt? Was it peaceful? I hoped that they didn't feel the darkness like with demons. For the first time the reality hit me that Castiel, this angel, my friend. He didn't really look like this, like a man. No, he really was an angel, yet he valued the wonders of life. He took time to appreciate the beautiful little things, things that no human would ever think twice about let alone another angel. I had always wondered why Sam and Dean valued Castiel so much. Why they cared for him so deeply. Why this angel was more like a man than anything. Then it hit me, he was special. Some might say broken or defaulted, but no. I could see that he really wasn't. In fact in my eyes he was the only angel that came out right. And I wondered had God made him like that? One soldier, one broken soldier to win the fight. One damaged hero to fix the damaged world? Then, at that moment I truly saw him in a whole knew light.
"Do you ever speak with her?" I asked
"Sometimes Claire is upset with me. She blames me for her family falling apart." He replied
"Was it your fault?" He looked down.
"Jimmy prayed for this and he received. But morally in the eyes of some. Yes it is."
"Is Jimmy still?"
"No. Several years ago this vessel was destroyed. When it was his soul was sent up to heaven."
"But how?"
"It's a long story."
"We've got time." I said looking over to him. He turned and looked out into the ocean. After a moment he began.
"Well. Really it all started when..."
He told me of everything that happened with the yellow eyed demon and Lucifers big plan for Sam. Which made more sense as to why Morin had chosen me. He told me of Lilith and the seals along with Lucifer rising.  Then he went on to talk about getting Sam from hell and the whole thing that happened with his soul. When he finished I could see the sun begin so come over the water and he showed me the many fish in the sea.
Finally my watch started to beep. I glanced down to see it was 6:25. I hadn't yet realized how tired I felt. Because really I wasn't. Everything was peaceful and I didn't want to go back. Back to the bunker. Back to the scary world. I wanted to stay here and see the wonders that Cas saw.
  "We should go back." He said
"Can't we stay?" He looked out for a moment.
"I don't really do this." He replied.
"What?" I said looking up at him confused.
"I do but I don't. All this beauty, all this... I don't- I have done a lot of bad Jessica. I showed you this because I know you needed it. But the truth is it isn't the real world. We don't get to live like this."
"Why not?"
"Because God created all of this. This magnificent planet. You have seen the horrors and I could see it in you. Right when I looked into your eyes the moment I came in yesterday morning. You had given up. I showed you this so you could see the good in the world. So you could see that this, this is what Sam and Dean fight to protect.  And I am sorry but it's what you have to do too. You have a talent. You can help people, and you won't be able to save everyone." My mind went to Alec and Garret. "But that's how it will be. You will loose people. I am sorry that you have to be told this at such a young age but it's part of being a Winchester." Winchester... Those words took me by surprise. Yes I was biologically related to Sam and Dean. But I  was no Winchester. I was just Jessica. The nobody orphaned to a hunter. I subconsciously nodded.
"Come on" he said touching my shoulder. I blinked and again i was in a different place. I was in the bunker. There was a gust of wind that caused a few papers to fly but other than that it was just how we had left it. I was exhausted and took off my jacket, well Sam's that i had adopted, and sat down. I let out a sigh and turned to say something to Cas when Sam came running in.
"Dean she's in here." he said stopping as he saw me.
"What?" i asked confused. He looked flustered.
"Where have you been?"
"With Cas-" i said turning to him but he was gone. "That's weird he-"
"Jai. Are you okay?" he asked when he saw me look at where Cas was.
"Why does everyone keep asking me that? Yes i am okay." He looked at me with concern in his eyes. I glanced back up as Dean walked in.
"Where were you?"
"With Cas. Just like i told Sam." Dean looked at me oddly.
"I was just speaking with Cas on the phone."  For a moment i wondered if he really was there. Did i just imagine it? What was going on? What did he mean he just spoke with him?
"No i was just-" there was another gust of wind and Cas came into the room. "Where did you go?" i said to him.
"Dean called. i didn't want to be rude." I smacked him on the arm.
"Jeez! Your making me feel crazy!" i said angrily. Cas looked confused.
"okay where did you guys go?" Asked Dean
"I just showed her some dolphins. I don't understand, why are you mad?" he said turning to me. I shook my head.
"Never mind" i said with a small laugh. He still didn't pick up on social cues. "I am going to bed." i said standing up and walking out.
"Actually" dean said tossing me my jacket. "We have to meet someone. You can sleep in the car."
"Who?" i asked
"An old friend." he replied.

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