part 9

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Dean started up the car as Sam put the rest of the stuff in the trunk. I sat in the back seat with the redhead boy passed out next to me.
He was a little heavier than he looked and the way he was leaning on me gave me a cramp. As Sam got in the car I repositioned myself as we drove off. We drove for about ten minutes before we pulled up to a hospital.
"I'll drop him off you pull the car out front." Said Dean stopping the impala.
"Wait, we're just gonna leave him? What about the demon? We can't just drop him off like an unwanted dog!" I said as dean pulled the kid out of the car and walked him towards the emergency enterance.
"Jai, we really have no choice. There is nothing more we can do for him." Said Sam.
"So I don't care! You guys took me! Why not him!?"
"Right now our top priority is getting you back to the bunker. We can't risk anymore demons coming after us."
"Look was can just!"
"Jai, it's not as simple-"
"Sam we can't just-"
"Jessica!" He said turning back to me. "Stop."
Shocked I sat back in my seat. I had never been yelled at before. Alec never had to.
Mostly because he never really spent enough time with me to get in an arguement. Dean opened the car door. He looked between us.
"Did I miss something?" He said hopping in and looking between the both of us.
"No" Sam and me both said in unison.
We didn't talk most of the drive home. We just listened to ACDC and Aerosmith. I looked out the window to see stars glowing in the sky as we drove down a back road. It's funny I hadn't realized how long we had been driving for. It felt like it was just 2pm.
I turned to ask Dean what time it was but when I did, I was laying down, my head resting on Cas's lap. I looked up to see him all bloody, I tried to move or speak but I couldn't.
I looked up front to see Sam and Dean all bloody too. Sam kept looking back at me with worry in his face. "Dean hurry" he said and Dean sped up.
I looked back up at Cas he was looking down at me. I tried to get up but he held me down firmly with his hand.
"We're almost there" he said glancing over to sam who was still looking at me with worry in his face. "You need to rest" he said putting his fingers to my forehead. I opened my eyes and it was day. I looked up front to see Sam asleep and Dean driving completely blood free. I was alone in the back seat. Dean looked over at me through the mirror and turned the music down
"You were talking in your sleep again" he said
"Uh really what did I say" I said worried I said something about Diana
"You just said Sam and mines names"
"Oh yeah it was a weird dream you guys were uh, hunting clowns" Dean gave a small laugh
"Hey we've done that" I looked at him half expecting him to say just kidding but he gave me a look like ya bro we really did.
"Good I hate clowns" I said leaning back
" you don't like'em?" He said looking back at me
" no they terrify me. Bad experience when I was younger." Dean laughed and looked over at Sam who was still asleep.
"Sammy here is afraid of them too"
"Really?" I said kinda amused. It Made me fill a bit better.
Dean and me talked about some of the hunts they had been on the rest of the ride home. About an hour and a half later Sam woke up just as Dean was telling me about the hunt with the clowns and sam retaliated by telling me about a plane they had to go with some demon and Dean kept humming Metallica.
Sam and me took some time to make fun of Dean. He told me about when Dean got a sickness where he ended up screaming at the sight of a cat. We laughed and Dean attempted to defend himself but eventually he just laughed too.
It was a good drive I forgot about the dream I had. I was just happy Sam and me made up and I could finally feel like they trusted me enough to tell me embarrassing things about one another.
At about 8pm we got to the bunker. When we walked in Cas was waiting at one of the tables reading a book, which seemed weird to see an angel reading. When he saw us he put the book down.
"Dean I need to speak with you." He said standing up
"Alright what?" Dean said going down the steps.
"Not here" he said looking at me.
"Well that's not directed." I said looking at him.
"I am sorry but I need to speak with Dean alone." He said
"Yeah but you didn't have to look straight at me"
"I am sorry I-"
"Ok let's go in the other room. Jai help Sam put the stuff away. We'll be quick." Said Dean looking between Cas and I. I didn't really like Cas, for some reason from the moment he met me he seemed to think I was some bad person, out to get Sam and Dean. Sam nudged my arm and I followed him down the hall.
"What's his deal?"I said putting some holy water into the empty jugs.
"What do you mean?" Said Sam cleaning one of the guns.
"I just don't think he likes me."
"Who Dean? He loves you."
"No Cas" Sam stopped and looked over at me.
"No Cas is just,well he's Cas. You just got to get used to him." He said finishing cleaning the gun.
"Yeah" I mumbled to myself as we finished putting the stuff away.
Sam and me walked into the library were Cas and Dean had just finished talking. When we sat down Dean and Cas looked over at me then to Sam.
"Jai" Cas said walking over to me "can I see your knife." I looked to Sam and Dean. Dean whispered something to Sam and Sam tensed up.
"Why?" I said to Cas as he knelt down beside me.
"Have you been feeling sick?" Said Cas
"Uh a little why?"
"Can I see your knife"
"Um ok" I pulled my knife from my boot and gave it to Cas. He held it in his hand and looked at it.
"Dean" he said looking over to Dean. "This is it."
"What? That is what?" I said looking between the three of them. Cas put the knife in a cloth and set it on the table.
"This knife is cursed." Said Dean
"What no it's not" I said looking at it.
"Yes it is. It was the knife that killed the first angel. The very same thing that killed Zorrel. The angel you saw the night you were kidnapped, that was Zorrel." Said Cas
"Wait it couldn't have been, Zorrel is dead."
"The spell he did after he was killed put him inside the blade. He's been feeding off your soul ever since. I'm sure you have been having nightmares?"
"No i-" I couldnt believe what they were saying. They were just trying to trick me.
"Jai" Said Dean "you killed alec"
"Shut up.... you... your lying"
"Jessica." Said Cas "I went back to the hotel you were at. I looked over some footage. It's shows you killing Alec." . My heart started to race. I wanted to stand but my legs wouldn't allow it.
" that was other angels. Not....not me... Diana she's another angel. She has Alec."I said looking into Cas's eyes.
"A woman with blonde hair green eyes I am guessing?" Said Cas
"Yes! Yes see. You know her! I am telling the truth!" I said feeling a little better. Then Cas looked over at Sam and Dean then to me.
"Diana Carters. 38 owns the motel you were staying in. She was found dead next to Alec. We were guessing she tried to stop you."
"No but she came to me in my dreams. She told me to find the weapon."
"That was most likely your subconscious trying to warn you."
"No. What about the demons? The ones that kidnapped me?"
"I went there too" Said Cas "the bodies they possesed were mutilated. Not killed the way an angel would..."
" this can't be happening" I said trying to get up again. My vision began to get blurry. Then everything went a wierd shade of almost gray. The pain I had been feeling for days went away and I felt calm. I stood up but it wasn't me standing up. I pushed Cas to the ground and grabbed the knife from the table. A voice spoke that wasn't my own
"Castiel. The runt of the litter. How proud you must feel." It said
"Leave her alone" Said Dean.
"Silence you insignificant hairless ape"
Then my arm moved and Dean went flying across room. Sam started to get up and he to was flung across the room.
I turned and Cas was coming at me. My arm grabbed his and bent it backwards he dropped the silver blade he had and I punched him. He fell to the ground. I wanted to fight but I felt to drained to do anything. I just wanted to sleep. So I did....

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