Part 16

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I woke up as the car made a sharp turn. I guess i fell asleep while listening to Sam and Dean talk. Then i remembered what they were talking about. They planned on sending me away. Which i knew wasn't going to happen i wasn't going to let it. No matter what I had to do.

"Jai you're awake."said Sam. Dean was asleep in the passenger seat.

"Where are we?" i asked Sam. He seemed uncomfortable and he shifted in his seat. "We uh... We're just going to see a friend. Shes about 25 miles up the road."

"Okay." i said still a little tired. I knew that falling asleep in the car was a bad idea. After about half an hour we pulled up to a small home with a white picket fence. Sam turned and woke up dean

"We're here." he said as dean stretched.

"Already?" he said in a groggy voice.

"Dude its been two hours"

"Right' dean said opening the car door. I undid my seat belt and got out. We walked up to the porch and when we got to the door Sam put up his hand to knock but it swung open.

"Heya there Sam." Said a very upbeat woman. "Hows it been?" she said in a tone that was a little too happy. she was wearing a police uniform. She reminded me of the police officer i had met the morning after Alec died. Right before he was possessed by a demon and tried to kill me that is. "Oh and Dean!" she said giving the both of them a hug. "Oh come on in!" we walked into her house and she stood there smiling.

"Donna this is Jai. We talked about her on the phone." said Sam

"Right your the lovely girl that will be staying with me for a few days." i looked up at her. Then to Sam and dean. "your room is the second door on the right" she said smiling. i didn't say anything. i was trying to keep from exploding.

"Jessica Hun. Are you okay?" she asked after a moments silence.

"Jai" i said annoyed. I didn't like her. She made me feel like i was living in some creepy movie where everyone pretends to be nice just to later kill you in your sleep.

"Pardon me?" she asked politely.

"Don't call me Jessica. Only people i like can call me that." I said bitterly. i knew what Sam and dean were doing. They thought that dropping me off like this would keep me from fighting about it. They knew that i knew better than to act up in front of other people but i couldn't take it. i wouldn't be dropped off there like an unwanted animal. I already couldn't stand her i wasn't going to live with her.

"Jai!" Said Dean in a harsh voice. I put my head down. i couldn't believe they were actually doing this. "One minute Donna. I need to have a minute with JESSICA." he said grabbing my arm. He led me into the other room.

"What has gotten into you! The past couple have days you haven't been yourself."

"myself?" i said angrily "Don't act like you give a crap about me! i heard what you and Sam were talking about in the car. I know you plan on making me stay here for longer than a couple of days. Your dropping me off like a stray dog."

"Jai that's not-" he began but i cut him off.

"You know what, everything people say about you guys is true! You two only care about each other everybody else is just collateral damage. As long as you two are together that's all that matters. Well you know what? i don't care anymore! Leave me! i don't want to be anywhere near you guys anymore!" i said shoving him up against the wall. i ran upstairs and into the room Donna said i was staying in.

I slammed the door behind me and threw Sam's jacket off of me. i stood there heart pounding. i wanted to scream. I had finally found a place to call home and now they were leaving me. Just like everyone else in my life. My Mother, Tatiana, Alec, now them. I couldn't take it anymore. i opened the window and climbed out onto the roof. I wrapped my arms around my legs and starred at the darkening sky.

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