part 10

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I was laying on a couch watching a cartoon. There was a blanket over me and a strange stick in my mouth.
After a moment or two the cartoon ended and I started to get upset.
It took me a minute or two to realize that this was the same memory I had dreamed about the night Alec....well the night I killed him. Or the thing forcing me to do it did.
The same woman came around the couch a took the stick from my mouth. She looked at it then smiled . Again I could tell something was wrong. Then there was the same blinding light and I shut my eyes, after a moment or two nothing happened so I opened them to see a man standing in the doorway surrounded by the light.
He shut the door and walked to the table. He hurrily set a bag down and started packing it.
The woman stood up and walked over to the man. When he turned i realized it was Alec.
"Alec what's going on?" Said the woman.
"We need to leave. They're coming. They've found us." He said packing some more things.
"What are you sure?" She said following him around.
"Yes they're about 20 minutes behind."
"Okay " she said grabbing things and putting them into bags too."Where are we going?"
"Not sure yet."
"What about her mother?" She said looking over at me.
"You know that's not possible" he said grabbing a gun and putting it in his waistband.
"Her father?" She said grabbing her jacket. Alec stopped and looked down for a second then over at me. He starred for a minute then looked over at the woman. "No, right now being with her father would put her in even more danger. Trust me."
"But you said he wasnt involved in all of this anymore"
"No, I said he was ignoring it. Once you are in you are in forever. You can never run from this life. And right now he is to ignorant to realize that and that ignorance will get her killed."He said looking at me. "For now she's better off with us."
  After 5 minutes they had everything packed and in the car. Alec came back in and over to me. He knelt down to meet my height.
"Jessica sweetie we gotta go ok?" He said checking my forehead then picking me up. He set me in the back seat of the car and strapped me in a car seat.
Alec got in the car while the woman grabbed one last thing from the cabin.
As Alec was starting up the car the sound of 2 more cars came up the hill.
"Tatiana!" He said yelling into the house. She came out with a shotgun and a sword. "Come on we need to go!" He said closing his door. She just stood there for a second.
"You go with out me. I'll hold them off and meet you at the motel down the road" she said looking at him. I could tell he wanted to argue but then he looked back at me and got out of the car. He ran over to her and kissed her then whispered something in her ear. Then he got back in the car and drove off.
   As we drove down the road Alec picked up his speed. Then we pulled into a rundown motel and Alec got out of the car and to check us in.
Once he went in a man came to my window. He was a middle aged man that I had remembered seeing before. He smiled and opened the door. Then he set a wierd looking knife with symbols on it under neath the seat. He put his finger to his lips then smiled. He put his hand to my head and said some words then I felt better.
The achy fever like foginess I had been felling went away. The man seemed happy at this and stood up and closed the door. As he walked away Alec came out. He must have seen the man because he yelled my name. He came up to the car and put his hands on me.
"Jessica... Jessica. Wake up! Wake up!.. it's me please. it's me...." i noticed the voice wasnt Alecs then everything faded out
   My vision got sharper and the voice became clearer. I stood over Sam with my hand on his chest the knife to his thoat.
"Its me Jessica please it's Sam just come back." His kindness voice gave me control and I could feel the thing in me. Squirming inside, it's power coming from the blade that was in my hand.
   I tried to fight it but it was bigger than me. It began to manauver the knife closer to Sams throat. I saw a small amount of blood trickle from his neck. The pain of seeing someone I cared about hurt gave me a gust of anger. But that just pushed me deeper in.
"Its ok Jessica" Sam said out of breath. "Its ok. I am here. We're all here you can fight this."
  The thing inside glanced around the room. We were inside a old house. Cas was unconscious on the floor bloody and beaten and Dean was next to him just as bad. My head turned back to Sam.
   He gave me a small smile, just a simple smile. It made me feel safe, it made me feel happy. I looked to see him all bloody and in pain yet he, dean, and Cas all still after everything tried to help me.
And that, that gave me streangth. For a split second, just one I grabbed ahold of the thing, but that seemed enough.
It burned and I held it. It squirmed and flung itself like a small child having a tantrum. But most of all it hurt
But in all that hurt I regained control of my body and I let go. I just let go of all of it. The pain, the hurt.everything. and when I did the thing inside went back into the blade and my hand finally released it.
  I fell to my knees and Sam grabbed ahold of me. I was able to stand again.
"Its ok. It's ok." I said to him as he looked into my eyes. Sam nodded and ran over to dean. I went over to Cas and checked to make sure he was breathing. He opened his eyes and looked at me.
"I am sorry." I said to him as I tried to help him up. He gave me a weird look which was I guessed was his way of smiling then it faded when he noticed something behind me.
I turned to see a man, my heart stopped when I noticed his face. He was the man... The very strange man I had been seeing all my life. But this time there was a hardness in his face. He bent down and picked up the knife.
He clicked his tongue three times then turned me. "Oh Jessica. I've been looking for you" he said looking at me. "Your a tricky one to find. But then again that was because of that hunter Alec. It's a good thing you took care of him. He was holding you back from your true potential. And now these three are doing the same." He said looking to Sam, cas and Dean. He gestured the knife towards me.
"Morin" I whispered I knew this was him. Somehow I could feel the evil in him
"It's about time you take them out. Here finish them off and we can be on our way. I'll teach you everything you want to know. "
"What? No!" I said looking at him disgusted. "You gave me that knife. You are the reason Alec's dead!"
"Oh Hun. All this knife does is bring out your strongest trait. It is what Zorrel wanted to prove. And you just proved it.that deep down were all killers. But don't worry a killer is just what I need. So come on I am getting bored."
"No." I said standing up. "I won't hurt them." Then he flung me up against the wall. Sam Dean and Cas went to move but he flung them up against another wall. He started to choke the three of them."stop!" I yelled he turned to me and put his hand down. "Look you can kill me, do anything. But just let them go."He stepped closer to me.
"Oh, Jessica. I don't want to kill you. No,no no. You see your too important . You are one, the first in Lucifers new army."
"Lucifers what?" I said trying to break free.
"Good luck with that" said Sam  "Azazels dead and Lucifers back in the cage." The man turned to Sam
"What? You think Azazel didn't have a back up plan? In case you two screwed everything up? Of course he did. If anything went wrong I was to create a new army out of the best." He said turning to me. "And the first to be right from his favorite" he added touching my face.
"What are you talking about?" Said Sam
"Did you ever wonder why Jessica. Your girlfriend was killed?" He said walking over to Sam. "You see after Azazel saw you were going to marry her   Now that he had to stop. But he could have just played it off by having her crush your heart. That would have worked just well. But the weekend you left with Dean here. Well she found out she was pregnant. And Azazel couldn't have that so he was just gonna kill the baby along with Jessica." He said touching my face again. "But I convinced him she would be of some use. So a couple of witches and a bribed angel later. We got the perfect weapon. Sam winchesters child. And everyone knows what a Winchester will do for family. Unfortunately some hunter found out about her and stole her from us and raised her as his own. But no matter, we have her back now." He said releasing me. "Now kill them." He said putting the knife in my hand. I gave him a nod and began to walk. Then I turned and stabbed him in the thigh. He grabbed my arm and bent It back I heard a crack and pain exploded from my arm. The three boys were let go from the wall and came towards to help me but about five demons came running in.
   Morin threw me into the wall. I hit my head and landed on my broken arm. And I yelled in pain he grabbed me by my arm and punched my in the face three times. Then lastly he punched me in the stomach.
  I fell to the floor and managed to grab the knife again with my non injured arm. But he kicked me hard in the ribcage and I could feel some ribs crack. I laid on the ground in too much pain to get up. He knelt down beside me and grabbed me by the hair. As he did I stabbed him in the neck with the knife and he started to flicker as he fell to the floor but then he pulled it out and laughed. I looked to see Cas run over to me and I put my arm over to him. Sam and Dean killed the last of the Demons and we ran out of the house.  We got to the car and opened the doors, as I was about to get in my vision got blurry and my knees gave out . I fell to the ground and threw up some blood. Last thing I remembered was Cas yell my name then everything faded to black.

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