Part 17

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"Crowley. What are you doing? How did you get this number?" I said bitterly.
"Let's not worry about the details darling. Right now we need to talk."
"Let me guess the pile up was you"
"Well not me personally but you get the jist"
"So you hurt people just to get me on the phone!"
"Oh I didn't just do it to get you on the phone we need to meet"
"Yeah right. I am not an idiot"
"That's ok I'll just spend some time with my new friend Garret. He's been very helpful to me these past few weeks. You know Garret don't you Jessica." He said in a sinister voice.
"Crowely. I don't give a crap that you are the king of hell when I get my hands on you ill-!"
"Oooh, temper temper. Just like your father. You better watch it or it might get you in some trouble." He said in a happy tone. Then I heard a yell over the phone. It was Garret.
"No no! Don't ok! Ju-just leave him alone ok! Just stop! I'll do anything just leave him alone!" I said scared. I felt responsible for him. If a hadn't of gone back them maybe they wouldn't of taken him. There was a ding coming from my phone and I looked to see a test message.
"I  just sent you an address. Meet me in 2 hours. Come alone." He said in a calm voice. "Oh yeah. And if you decide to bring the sheriff you've been rooming with or the winchester boys. Your redhead friend here will die" and with that he hung up the phone.
  I slowly set it down. I could feel panic starting to take over. I had no one, no one who could help, no one to talk to, no one to tell me what to do. I didn't know what to do. Alec wasn't here to give me instructions. Sam and Dean had totally disowned me and Donna I couldn't take her. Crowley would kill her and Garret in seconds. I still didn't know why he hadn't already. But i didn't have time. I only had two hours and I figured being late wouldn't be an option.
I looked back at the phone to see that over the past 2 weeks Sam and Dean had both texted me about 19 times and called me around 12. After the first week they sort of stopped.
   I didn't feel the least bit guilty. They had left me and were probably only trying to talk to me to convince me their actions we reasonable. But i knew knew that they were just Hippocrates. They always talked about the importance of family never leaving them, never giving up, never abandoning them.
   Yet they left me the first chance they got. For a moment I thought that maybe, just maybe leaving with Morin would have been better. He had never lied to me. He said he said he would show me how to be the best I could.  He wanted me. It was more than Sam and Dean.
  I looked at the clock, 1 hour and 50 minutes. I needed to hurry.
I put the phone in my pocket and ran upstairs. I got into my room and grabbed a knife from my dresser that Donna had given me. I slipped it into my boots and it made me feel safe. It reminded me of the time when I still had Alec.  For a moment I felt bad leaving her, but then I saw how stressed she was being the sheriff and taking care of me. Then I realized it was for the best for me to leave. To take the burden of me off of her. Sam and Dean had already had enough of me and finally ditched me here. I wasn't going to wait until Donna had to do the same.
I went to leave the room when something held me back. I turned trying to think of what I was missing. After a moment I slowly walked over to the bed. I knelt down and pulled an object from under it. I held in my hands Sam's jacket. I missed the feel of it. It made me feel safe close to them. I put it on.
The heavy material hugged me. I must've grown since I had worn it last because the sleeves were actually almost fitting.  I looked at the clock again. 1 hour and 35 minutes.
"Crap" I said standing up. I ran downstairs and into the cupboard. I grabbed a can of salt and set it in the big pockets of the jacket. Then I opened the supply closet and grabbed out a paint marker then set it in my pocket.
  As I was walking out I felt the breast pocket of the jacket to see I had left my wallet in there with about 500$ still left in it. I then checked my other pocket to see that I still had the bottle of Vicodin from the hospital.  I looked at the clock once more. 1 hour 10 minutes.
I ran out of the door and down the street. After about 5 minutes I found a car. I managed to get the door open and I started the car. (Thanks to watching Sam and Dean). I drove as fast as I could down the street. 40 minutes. I went down several back roads and through who knows how many stop signs. 32 minutes. I was. Surprised I hadn't gotten pulled over already. 25 minutes. About 2 miles away. 10 minutes.
The car jittered and came to a stop. The
Back started to smoke.
"No no no! Come on!"  I said getting out of the car. "Please not now!"
I looked at the time 8 minutes. And half a mile to go. I tightened my boots and zipped up my jacket. Then I ran. I ran until my feet hurt and my face burned from the cold air. 5 minutes. I was almost there. 3 minutes. A big warehouse stood before me. Up the stairs and do own several halls. 1 minute. I pushed open the doors. My heart stopped when I saw it. When I saw him.

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