Part 6

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We drove for about 2 hours until we got to a rundown old diner. The paint was peeling off the sign and the door was busted in. Dean turned off the car and turned around to me.
"Stay in the car. If you see someone duck down. Don't even look, just keep your head down." He said pulling the keys out of the ignition and opening the car door. Sam turned to me.
"Stay." Was all he said then he to got out.
"Yeah okay. Cause I am a dog." I mumbled to myself as I slouched down in my seat. I could feel the aching pain of no sleep starting to return. My eyes felt heavy, but the fear of seeing Alec bloody and in pain kept them open. I leaned toward the front seats as Sam and Dean walked into the dinner. I cracked the window so I could hear what was going on inside. For about 3 minutes there was no noise. The urge to know what was going on was almost to much to bare. My heart started to race and my hands sweat and the anticipation grew on. Finally I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed my knife from off the seat and opened the car door.
   When it clicked I nearly fell to my knees. I opened my eyes and I was standing in a grassy field. I looked around but there was no one to be seen. I reached for my knife but it was gone.
"Looking for this." Said a voice. I turned around to see a thin tall woman with fair skin and blonde curly hair standing 5 ft away holding my knife. Her black suit made her look like a funeral director and her piercing green eyes gave me an uneasy feeling.
"Who am I?" Said the woman finishing my sentence. "I am an angel of the lord. My name is Diana."
"Oh great" I said running my hands through my hair.
"So you have met the winchesters" she said in an annoying tone.
"How did you-"
"How did I know?" She said finishing my sentence AGAIN. "Well let's just say that those boys have a bit of a reputation around here."
"Okay...."I said looking around. "Well what-"
"What do I want?" She said. Gosh she was getting annoying. "Well I am sure you have heard by now that we are looking for a weapon. And the winchesters can be very resourceful.But-"
"But they won't help you." I said  now finishing her sentence.
"Like I said they have a reputation. And that means history. A history where they don't  necessarily  get along with us."
"So what do you want with me?" I said annoyed. The way she talked sort of gave me the same reaction as my alarm clock. Something you just want to throw across the room into a wall, or just keep hitting until it shut up.
" Well the winchesters seem to trust you enough. I need you to tell me everything they do and report back to me with anything they find out. Especially if it includes a weapon of any kind."
"Yeah, and why the heck would I do that? You dickbags have brought me nothing but trouble. I am better off with the Winchesters thanks."I said walking away.
"You are a fool the Winchesters only care about one thing and that is family.the moment one of them is in trouble they will do anything to save them. Even if that means throwing you under the bus. Trust me I have seen it several times."
"Your lying."
"I guess Alec didn't mean that much to you." I stopped dead in my tracks. 
"What did you just say?" I said heart starting to race.
"Alec he's alive. But not for much longer. You see some very aggressive Angels have gotten ahold of him. they really want to find the weapon and they are convinced that he could help. But of course if I were to say... Have another source of information I wouldn't need to extract anything out of him."
"You-" I said clenching my first.
"Oooh I wouldn't finish that if I were you darling. You see I am giving you a chance out of the kindness of my heart.  An opportunity to get back the one family you have. So what will it be? The winchesters who will sell you in a heart beat to save one another. Or beat them to the punch and save YOUR family, save Alec?"  I looked down at my feet. I noticed my knife was now in my boot. I pulled it out and looked over at it. I remember when Alec had given it to me.
   It was when I got caught up in net and he tossed the knife up to me. The first time he took me out to practice hunting and it was on my birthday . It took me an hour to get free. Mind you it was a VERY thick net. By then it was dark.  And Alec had left. I found him three miles back at a cabin we were staying in. When i got in I was cold and angry. When I asked him why he left me he told me that he didn't. His job was to protect me. And giving me
The knife did just that, so as long as I had the knife he was with me. I have kept it with me ever since.
"So what will it be" she said taking a step closer to me. "Alec or the winchesters" I looked at her then down at the knife.
"How do I get into contact with you?"
*   *   *
   I opened my eyes and I was laying on the car seat. I must've dosed off. Then I remembered the Angel. It took me a minute to figure out whether or not it happened. In books I had read angels could give you messages in your dreams.
   My heart jumped. That meant Alec was alive, but I felt a small bit of guilt for what I agreed to. But I wasn't really betraying them right? I mean for all I knew the weapon could not even be that bad. And if it was I could just lie.
  So that settled it. If I did find out what the weapon was and it could be used to destroy the world or something then I would just lie. But what if they could tell?
Just then i saw Sam and Dean come jogging out of the diner. Dean had a bloody lip and Sam a cut on his forehead. They opened the car doors and Dean started the car.
"What happened?" I said looking over at the two of them out of breathe and from what I could tell a little pissed.
"Crowley happened that's what!" Dean said backing out and into the street.
"Well did you figure anything out about the name?"
"No"said Sam "but apparently there is some sort of weapon that Crowley is looking for." I looked down at my hands.Dean stopped the car.
"Did you know?"  He said looking at me . "Well when the demons kidnapped me they mentioned something about it." I said in a small voice.
"And you didn't think to mention this to us?"
"Well I thought it wasn't a big deal."
"Of course it's a big deal. Anything to do with the word demon and weapon is a big deal." He said starting up the car again. "We don't have time for this. We need to get back to the bunker do some research and call some of our contacts. See if anyone's heard anything about a weapon." And with that we drove off.



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