Part 12

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Standing next to Sam was a shorter man with dark hair and brown eyes. He wore a suit and a black coat.
Cas stopped and put his hand out in front of me.
"Crowley " he said in a sort of a growl. "What are you doing here?"
"He's here to help. He wants the same thing we all do. To keep Jai from Morin" Said Sam
"Well maybe not the same thing." Crowley replied "but something along those lines." His British accent surprised me. He seemed like just another fat American business man. Then something else have me an uneasy feeling.
I realized I recognized his voice. From where I had no clue. But all I knew is that I had met this man before.
I subconsciously took a step back. A little more behind Cas. Crowley noticed this and turned to me.
"Well hello darling." He said with a sinister smile. " I have heard so much about you. Your moose's daughter."
I just stood there staring at him. I wanted to say something. I wanted to punch him. But I glanced to Sam who gave me a look.
I could tell that that was the same thought he had, had many times. Plus we could use him. I decided it was best to hold my tongue.
"Not a talker ay?" He said stepping towards me. " you've really trained this one up haven't you moose?" He said meeting me face to face.
That was it...
I punched him hard in the nose and I heard a crack. He stepped back stunned.
"Bloody hell!" He yelled as he clenched his nose. I looked over to see Sam crack a smile. "Jesus! Keep her on a leash!" He said grabbing a handkerchief from his pocket.
"So what are we doing? Cause I prefer not to stand half naked outside while there are demons hunting me" I said gesturing to the hospital clothes I was still wearing. Sam took off his coat and gave it to me.
The jacket was warm and heavy. It smelled like the a mixture of gunpowder and the cheap cologne Sam always wore. For some weird reason it smelled good to me. It smelled like home.
"Come on deans got some clothes for you " he said opening the car door. I walked to the car but stopped before I got in.
"Wait what happened to my leather jacket?"
"When we brought you here the doctors cut it off."
"What?!?" I said pissed "that was a 200$ jacket! They couldn't just take it off?!" But before Sam could respond 5 demons came running out and behind them was Morin. I hurried and got in the front seat. Cas and Crowley ran to the car and Sam started it.
"Move" said Crowley
"No you can sit in the back" I said to him. The more time I knew him the less he scared me.
"I am the king of hell!"
"So?" I said
"You punched me!" He yelled
"Yeah and you hurt me feelings!" I said childishly.
He was about to say something when Sam yelled
"Just get in the damn car!"
He hopped on the back as we drove off.
I looked in the rear view mirror and watched as morin and the demons grow smaller and smaller.
"Oh come on!" Yelled Crowley
I turned back to see him pull a styrofoam container from underneath him. It was dripping red sauce. It was lasagna. He had sat on it. It was all over his butt.
I turned back to Sam and tried to keep from laughing.
"It's not funny" said Crowley
"It kinda is. Think about it. The king of hell and an angel sit in the back seat of a car. It's like the start to a bad Joke." I said turning back. Crowley disappeared for a second then reappeared wearing different clothing. Then he gave me a mock-full smile.
Sam pulled the car over into a parking lot. The impala was parked with Dean standing beside it.
I hopped out of the car as Sam parked it next to the impala.
Dean pointed to the back window. I looked in to see some clothes.
" thanks" I said handing Sam his jacket. I grabbed some clothes and headed into the building to get changed
After about 5 minutes I came back out. Crowley was gone and so was Cas.
"Where is everyone?" I said fixing my shirt.
"Crowley went to go get some info on Morin and who knows what the hell cas is doin" said Dean " come on let's get some grub." He said opening the car door.
"Wait didn't you eat?" I said
"No I was about to when I got the call from Sam." He said gesturing to his brother and oddly my dad. " you owe me pie." He said as he got in.
I got in the car and we drove off.
As the we drove the night grew near and the stars came out. I then remembered the dream I had had. The one about me lying down in the car against cas. Bloody and hurt. Before it happened. Everything happened the exact way I had dreamt it did. Or was I just imagining it?
I instinctively went to grab my knife out of my boot but it wasn't there. Then I remembered...
After about 20 minutes of driving we pulled into a hamburger joint.
We got out of the car and the cold night air caught me by surprise. The clothes that dean had got me were for the warm summer day.
I folded my arms to keep warm. Then I felt something go over me. I turned to see Sam put his jacket over me.
"Thanks" I said as we started walking. We got into the restaurant and sat down at the first table.
A attractive blonde waitress came up to us.
"What can I get for ya darlin" she said to me.
"Just a burger and a water thanks." I said politely.
"And you?" She said turning to Sam
"Burger with fries and a diet coke." He said smiling at her. Then she turned to dean. He had this stupid grin on his face. He gave her some wierd look and she blushed. I saw Sam roll his eyes and pretend to look around the restaurant.
"And uh. What about you?" She said in a flirty tone. Which just about made me gag.
"I... would love if you could get me some of your famous..." he said glancing at the menu. "Apple cinnamon pie" he added smiling "Oh and what he's having" he gestured to sam.
"Coming right up" Said the waitress giving Dean one last smile. Sam started to get up .
"Hey, where ya goin?" Aked dean
"Bathroom" replied sam as he walked away.
We sat there for a sec as dean looked around the room. After a moment a big grin came over his face.
"What?" I said as he turned to me.
Counter He mouthed. I turned my head to see a guy maybe in his late thirties sitting down.
He was about 300lbs and was wearing a shirt 5 sizes to small and had star wars printed on the front. He had a huge plumbers crack and was scarfing down what looked like his 4th helping of steak. I turned to dean who gave me a look.
"If you think he's hot just go and tell him." I said jokingly. The smile faded from his face.
"Shut up" he mumbled. I laughed and looked to see where sam was.
" What's taking him so long?" I asked dean who was eyeing the waitress. But he just shrugged his shoulders in response. I was about to get up when a phone started to ring. I felt in sams jacket and pulled out his phone.
The screen read Jody Mills.
"Its Jody" I said handing the phone to dean.
"Hey." He said answering the it.
"Yeah... no we are about an 6 hours away, why?" He looked at me then stood up and walked out leaving me sitting alone. The waitress walked up with our food.
"They're coming back." I said as she set the food down. She gave me a smile and walked away.
Out of curiosity I felt in the other jackets of sams coat. A small knife was in one along with his wallet. I put my hands in a smaller inner pocket where I felt some paper. I pulled it out to see three photographs.
The first was of a young couple. A blonde woman and a man. Standing by a tree with a baby and a little boy. There was nothing on the back to indicate a year.
But by the aged paper I guessed it was of Sam and Dean. That meant that those people were my grandparents. And considering sam and dean never mentioned them I guessed they were dead.
The second photograph was of sam and dean. They were sitting at a table laughing. They only seemed about 3 or 4 years younger than they were now.
The last photo was of Dean leaning against the impala drinking a beer. Beside him was an older man wearing a worn out old baseball cap. I wondered if that was there dad. The way dean smiled he seemed like it. On the back it said B. Singer . I sat there for a second wondering what that meant. If that was where they were or the man in the photo with them.
I glanced over to see Sam walk out of the bathroom. I hurrily put the photos back in the jacket.
"Hey" he said sitting down ."Where's dean?"
"Your phone rang. Jody called and Dean answered it."
"Oh" Said Sam taking a bite of his food. Dean walked in and sat down. Sam looked at him as he started eating
"What " Said dean mouth full.
"What did she say?" Asked Sam
"She says a friend of hers in summit county needs some help with an "unexplained bear attack.""
" So what does that have to do with us?" Asked Sam
"Well supposedly the bear managed to get through three locked doors. One of which you need a pin to open. Kill a man in his bedroom and leave damaging nothing outside the room including the doors."
"She thinks this is out kinda thing" Said Sam eating a fry.
"Yeah I told her we would be there in 2 days." Said Dean
"2 days?" Said Sam
"Yeah right after we drop this one off at the bunker" he said pointing to me.
"Wait what? No I want to come with!" I said angrily
"No deans right." Said Sam " you just came out of the hospital"
"Yeah, but Cas healed me."
"That's not the piont. Your are 14 you need rest."
"15" I said
"What?" Responded Sam.
"I turned 15 three days ago"
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"We were kinda busy" I said fiddling with sams jacket.
"Look" Said Dean "Its probably nothing okay. Just sit out on this one and well take you on the next."
"Fine" I said trying to see the good side of it.
"Plus we need someone to stay by the phone unless anything about Morin comes up." Said Sam I gave a small sigh and started on my burger.
We finished our food and I grabbed our bill. Written on the top was a phone number written in a purple pen. Next to it a girls name with a heart around it.
"Here" I handed it to dean and he smiled. Sam gave him a disproving look.
"What?" He said acting all innocent.
We went out and got in the car. I was tired so I layed down in the back using sams coat as a pillow. I fell asleep to the sound of Sam and Dean arguing over some old movie.

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