part 8

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We grabbed our things from the hotel room and headed back to the bunker. About 6 hours into the drive we stopped at a diner to eat. It was pretty small about the size of a 7-11. It's was old and some of the paint was peeling of the sign that read Donna's Diner.
I hopped out of the car and stretched me legs. They felt like jello, but I was so hungry I didn't care. We sat down at the table nearest the door and Dean sat staring out the window.
"What's wrong?" Said Sam as I was pretending to look at the menu.
"Nothing." Said Dean. But even I could tell it was something. I could see him glance at me but I pretended not to notice. Obviously it was something dean didn't want to talk about infront of me so I got up to hungry to care at the moment whatever it was.
"Hey, where ya goin?" Said Sam looking back at me.
"Bathroom" i said walking away. I set the menu on the counter and went into the restroom. It was a small two stall room with a slanted sink.
I leaned against the wall and pulled out my phone. I managed to get a Internet connection. I typed Crowely into the search bar. But all that came up was a bunch of crows and some fanfiction thing. So I put my phone back in my pocket and started to head out the door.
But before I reached it there was a horrible itch in my throat. I coughed three times then it went away. I took in a deep breath and it felt like something was in my throat. I leaned over the sink and coughed once more. This time blood dripped from my mouth and onto the white stained bowl. I looked up to see some on the corner of my mouth. I felt weak and my knees started to feel wobbly. I could hear somebody coming so I hurried wiped my mouth and cleaned out the sink.
A young blonde woman maybe in her early twenties walked in with a two maybe three year old girl. I smiled at them and they smiled back as I left the bathroom. Something seemed familiar about it. But before I could think about where I had seen it Sam came up to me.
"Hey" I said as he stopped right in front of me.
"We need to go. Come on" he said grabbing my arm. I was still to exhausted to fight so I let him pull me out of the diner. He opened the car door to the impala and I got in then we drove off.
"What was that about?" I said to Sam and Dean as we sped away.
"Just got a call from Cas. He thinks he knows who would use the name."Said Dean speeding up.
"Ok so by are we hightailing it?" I said putting my seat belt on.
"There was a demon back there working for Crowley. He's been following us since New York "
"So" I said still not catching on apparently.
"So" Said Sam "we need to interrogate him and we don't have much time. Before Crowely realizes what we have done and sends back up"
"Did you guys serouisly kidnap someone in broad daylight?" I said looking back half expecting me to see cops chasing us.
"Dont worry we know what we're doing. Dean lured him out back and we stuffed him in the trunk" Said Sam. I glanced back again then over to them.
"Wait so you have an actual demon in the trunk?" I said touching the seat. "Wait how to do keep him from smoking out?"
"Demon trap on the hood."
"" We drove about another 30 minutes untill we got to a abandoned warehouse. Sam and Dean dragged the demon out and put him in a devils trap. I stood and watched as they tied him down and made sure the trap held. It looked like they had done this a million times, they moved almost as if it was a routine. Not thinking about it just doing it, working perfectly. After a couple of minutes they had him secured so they pulled off the hood.
It was a boy about 16, 17 with red hair and amber eyes. He seemed kind, I felt bad for the real person who was inside being violated by such a foul creature.
He smiled a creepy smile and sort of laughed.
"Sam and Dean winchester. It's An honor really. I have always wanted to meet to world's biggest screw ups." He said still smiling. Sam threw holy water on his face and it singed when it touched his skin. He grunted and his eyes turned black.
"Oh, I am so scared." He said sarcastically "What's next? You gonna cut me with your pretty knife?"
"Why were you following us? What does Crowely want?" Said Dean stepping forward.
"Like I would tell you? You are just going to kill me anyways" he said looked over to Sam. Then he saw me standing behind him. " pretty little thing isnt she? Oooh the things i could do to you... whats your name?"
"Hey!" Said Sam grabbing the guys face. "We ask the questions you answer" then he poured salt down the guys throat followed by some more holy water. The demon started coughing up the mixture of salt and water with some blood along with it.
"Why is Crowely having you follow us!?!" Said Dean
"Go screw yourself" Said the demon laughing.Then the demons black eyes went away and the kid inside sufaced."what, where where am i. Please help me!"Said the kid looking at me. "Oh god! Please. Just please let me go. My grandma she-"
"Sam take Jai out"
"Wait. No." I said as Sam walked me out."c'mon sam let me watch."
"You really shouldn't be around this." Sam said as we sat down.
"What I just saved your guys' butts from those Shapeshifter thingys! I can help. I am fine!" I said a little angry. I had seen things like this before. I am not a little child anymore.
"Jai" Sam said looking out the window then to me. "Thats a kid in there around your age. Dean needs to do what he needs to do to get the information. And sometimes the person inside doesn't always survive."
"I know sam. I know how that stuff works" I said annoyed. "I'm perfectly capable
"Even if you are, you don't need to see this." So we sat there for about 10 minutes not speaking. Then Dean called Sam in. "Stay here" Said Sam.
I crossed me arms and he stood up still staring at me.
"Fine okay! I'll stay" I said as he went back to the room. He closed the door behind him. After a second or two I got up from the chair I was sitting in and put my ear to the door.
"Tell him what you told me." Said a voice which I am guessing was Deans.
"I wasnt following you...."
"Ok " Said most likely Sam. "Then what were you doing?"
"Following the girl..." Said the demon.
"Why?" Said Dean
"I cant... you have no idea what they will do to me" Said the demon almost wearily.
"No, what you have to worry about is what we do before we send your ass back to hell." Said Dean again.
"There's a rumor..."
"What rumor?" Said Sam
"There's a rumor that a demon by the name of Morin, one of Azazels old followers. Wants the girl."
There was a silence. Then a creaking of the floorboards. A leaned closer to the door trying to hear what they were doing then the door opened and I fell to the ground. I looked up to see dean standing over me.
"Heya Dean... funny meetin you down here..." I said with a small laugh. He grabbed my arm and pulled me up."I was just uh..."
"We don't care" he said yanking me into the room. The Demon sat in the chair looking at me. "You ever hear of the name Azazel or Morin" Dean said looking over to me. The three of them sat staring at me.
"No." I said dean just kept staring at me. "I swear I dont"
"What does Morin want with her?" Said Sam.
"I don't know" Said the demon looking over at me. "But he's offering a price.".....

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