part 4

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I woke up to the sound of arguing. I tried to open my eyes but everything ached. I guess thats what happens when you don't eat for almost 2 days.
Then I felt a warm tingling sensation on my side and the pain was gone. I could feel my strength coming back.
"Dean" said a new voice" look at her hip."
I felt cold fingers touch my skin and I jumped up.
"Where am I?!" I said reaching for my knife but it was gone. "Where's my knife?!?"
"Relax its on the table." Said Dean. I looked over at the table. It was sitting there on top of my jacket with my shoes.
"You have symbols on your rib cage that protects you from the sights of angels. Who put them there?" Said a man in a trench coat. He had scruffy black hair sand kind blue eyes.
"An Angel." I said looking over at Sam. I didn't notice it before but there was something familiar by the way he looked back.
"What was the angels name?" Said the man with the kind blue eyes. I looked around at them. I couldnt believe how much has happened in such a short amount of time. "What was the angels name?" He said again stepping closer.
"Cas. Give her a sec." Said Sam looking over at me. "When was the last time you ate?" Oh thank god he brought that up!!!
"Um.. about a day and a half-ago." I said trying not to sound to eager.
"Here let's go get you something. Then we can talk." Sam said looking over at Cas.I just finished my second burger, and went for my drink when i noticed Dean smiling at me.
"What?" I said mouth full. With the smile still on his face he turned to sam.
"She's got good taste in food." Sam gave him a look then sat down across from me. He smiled at me and I smiled back.
"Hi I am Sam. What's your name?"
"Jessica. But I go by Jai."
"Why not Jessica." Said Dean
"That was my mom's name. She gave me up. I prefer not to be compared to her." I said putting my drink down. Cas looked at me like he wanted to say something but then he turned his head."Zorrel."
"What?" Said Sam putting his long brown hair behind his ears. It's funny it's the same color as mine. I wondered if he used the same conditioner.
"Zorrel that's what the Angels name was" I said throwing my cup in the trash. They both looked over at Cas to see what he would say. If he reconized the name. But he just stared at me.
"Cas." Said Dean looking over at him."Zorrel ringing any bells for ya?"
"Why are you lying?" Cas said looking at me.
"What... I am not lying. Thats what the angels name was. Thats what he told me." I said a little offended.
"Zorrel has been dead for millions of years. I watched him die." He said straightening up. Sam and Dean both looked over at me accusingly.
"What?" I Said looking between the three of them. "So some angel lied about what his name was too a human. I am sure that happens a lot. You guys do seem a little dickish, it can't be to hard to imagine." Cas gave me another accusing look then his face softened.
"Well if somebody did lie about the name then somethings up." He said sitting on the bed.
"What's so special about the name?" Said Dean turning to Cas.
"Zorrel was part of a very elite group of angels. Only the best in heaven. There were three of them. When Cain killed able there was a big uproar in heaven. Zorrel was able to restore everything back to order. He was the leader of the three. But the other two angels turned against him saying that things needed to be done a different way. That able's death proved that humans could be trusted with free will. And by then God was already gone so Zorrel took them on. He was killed but as soon as he died the two angels that killed him disintegrated. Some say he did a spell that used the two angels grace that killed him to keep him alive somewhere But it was never proven . After his death Michael was left in charge and well you know the rest." Said Cas looking out the window then over to us.
"Wait a second." Said Dean standing straight from leaning against the wall. "If this was such a big deal. Why haven't anyone, anywhere heard
Of it?"
"Heaven was ashamed of it. The fact that one human death could divide us up so much. So it was shut up. Those who needed to know knew. the rest
"So who would use the name? I mean, what does it mean?" Said Sam
"Well." Said Cas standing up from the bed. "Most likely it's a rouge angel using the name as a code."
"Code?" Code meaning what?" I said looking at dean to try and see what he was thinking.
"Meaning that somethings coming and whatever it is. you are a part of it
And as of now so are we." Cas said looking at the three of us.
Dean turned to me.
"Who are you?"
"I told you my na-"
"No I mean the tattoo on your hip. The antidemon possession symbol. You a hunter?" The three of them turned to me. I wasn't sure what i was. I had never met anyone that knew the same things Alec and I did. He always kept me away from other hunters. And as far as he knew I had never gone hunting. Yet he still trained me up a little and made me get the tattoo.
"Um. I guess." I said sinking down in my chair a little.
"What do you mean you guess? either you are a hunter or not." He said kinda rudely.
"I- I don't.... I haven't really been on much hunts. But I know things. How to identify and kill monsters. But Alec just hasn't really let me do much of the killing." I said looking over at Sam. He seemed to look at me with pity.
"Wait who's Alec?" Said Dean
"He is- well he was sorta like an uncle to me. He raised me. Taught me everything I know. Just didn't really like me getting in on the action. He preferred to keep me behind the scenes. You know call me if he needed any info."
"What do you mean was?" Said Sam. I looked down at my knife that was in my lap. I didn't realize I had grabbed it. I was tracing my fingers along the symbols carved into it.
"He was killed. The night before last. Angels." I said trying to hold back tears.
"Well do you have anyone else you can stay with? family?" Said Dean
"No Alec was the closest thing to family I had."
"Any friends?"
I shook my head." Alec didn't make to many friends. Didn't want many people knowing about me. Said something about it keeping me safe. But all it did was just keep me alone." I could feel a lump start to form in my throat. I missed him.
"Well there are some hunters we can take you to and you can stay with them until we figure all this out." Said Dean pulling out his phone. "I'll just give them a call."
"Wait no!" I said a little louder than expected. "I want to stay with you guys."
"Oh no. Trust me kid you are safer the further from us you get." He said putting the phone up to his ear.
"No you don't understand. I can't!" I said standing up.
"What do you mean you cant?" Said Sam
"The angel who saved me,zorrel, told me to find a Winchester. I am not going to some other hunter. I am not dragging anyone else into this." I said turning to Sam. " I trust you."
" Wait, the angel told you to find them?" Said Cas
"Yeah right before he zapped me here."
"That doesn't make any sense. The markings you have on your rib cage. Sam and Dean have those same markings. No other angel should be able to locate them. Not without other help." He said making a wierd face. He had made the face before when I said zorrel. I think that was his confused face. For some reason it made me smile.
"Yeah and not many angels are what you would call our #1 fans." Said Dean
"Well we can't discuss this here." Said Cas
"Cas is right" said dean "Not now. If someone is tracking us then we need to get somewhere safe."
"The bunker?" Said Sam looking over at dean. Dean looked at him then to me.
"Can we trust you?" He said giving me a staight down to business face.
"Uh what?" I said a little confused
"Is said can we trust you?"
"A yeah of course. I don't have anyone else. You can trust me." I said looking between the three of them. "I promise"
"Great" Sam said giving me another smile. "Then your going to love this."

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