part 5

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  5 hours and I could feel my stomach doing back flips. With 3 more to go and put my head against the window and looked out it. Trying to think of anything but throwing up.
"I thought you said Alec was a hunter. You should be used to driving around." Dean said noticing I looked a little green.
"Yeah we do. I am usually in the front." I said quickly. Sam laughed a small little laugh.
"Sorry Jai. Front seats Sammy's. Always has been always will be. Unless of course we rescue a hot chick." Sam gave dean a disproving look. And Dean smiled. For about 10 minutes we listened to Acdc back in black then Styx renegade. Then when heat of the moment by Asia came on sam quickly changed it.
I couldnt take the nausea anymore so I closed my eyes in hopes of sleeping it off. After a little while I fell asleep to gambler by kenny rogers.
   I was maybe 7 this time. My hair was short which meant it was after we visited Mrs. Monay the summer I lost my second  tooth.
  I was outside a creepy hotel near Pennsylvania. It had a big clown on the side of the huge sign near the interstate. I remember begging Alec not to make us stay here I hated clowns.
    Ever since I was stuck at a daycare where they had a clown come in for the kids. The clown smelled like cigarettes and kept trying to get me to talk to him and sing with the other kids. I ended up kicking him in the grion and yanking his rainbow wig off. He turned out to be a werewolf so Alec killed him which made me feel better. But still I was scarred.
  I was swinging on a squeaky swing when a man walked up to me. I knew i reconized the man but I couldn't place his face. It was like it was blurred out.
He kneeled down in front of me and smiled . He was the same man that I had seen as a small child. He said my name and I nodded, then he introduced himself. I couldnt really catch the name. Then I felt a jolt.
I opened my eyes and Sam had his hand on my shoulder.
"Jai you ok?" He said looking into my eyes I looked back. I realized my heart was pounding from the dream.
"Yeah I am fine." I said in a groggy voice.
"You were talking in your sleep." He said giving me a small smile.
"Oh sorry"  I said looking around. "Where are we?"
"The bunker " Dean said popping his head through the window. "Come on lets go in I need a hot shower."
We got in the bunker and It was huge. Dean disappeared down one of the halls and sam set his stuff down on one of the tables.
"Come on I'll show you to a room. " he said walking down one of the halls. I followed. There must have been at least 20 rooms. The place seemed to just get bigger and bigger. After a while I thought we were lost.
"Here, you can stay in here." Sam said stopping at a door. "Uh, mines 2 doors down. If you need anything. The bathrooms right there and the kitchen is 2 halls on the left . I'll let you get settled in." He said looking at me. Then he realized I didn't have anything to get me settled in. No luggage or personal items what so ever. Just my worn out leather jacket and my knife. "Oh here's this. Just in case."He said handing me a cell. "Dean and my cell numbers are programmed in."
"Thanks." I said taking it from him. I gave him a small smile and he returned one. Then left down the hall.  I walked in the room and Sat on the bed.
The first night I slept in the bunker I had a nightmare about Alec. His eyes were bleeding and he was begging for the pain to stop.  I woke up to Sam and Dean rushing in the room with knifes. After a minute or two of explaining and being completly embarrassed they left.
  The second night the nightmare was the same but this time it was longer. An Angel was torturing him asking him where a weapon was. Then I woke up in a cold sweat.
   Same went for the third and fourth night. The fifth night I pulled an all nighter and chugged the rest of thier coffee.
  By the 6th night and still no sleep Sam and Dean left for a case a couple miles west. I was alone and tired. It reminded me of the night Alec died and it just made things worse.
  I wandered the halls of the bunker and read the huge collection of books they had. But after a while I got a headache and moved on. Sam and Dean called a couple of times. Some for info others to check up me.
   I hadn't seen Cas since I met him in the motel. I guess he was doing his own thing and trying to figure out who would use the name Zorrel.
The bunker was empty and it made strange noises to show that. Several times I found myself pulling out my knife. Only to realize It was a leaky pipe or a pile of  books fell over.
   By night tenth night my bones ached and my head hurt. I didn't feel like eating and every time I closed my eyes I could see Alec. I was lucky to get about 30 min of sleep though out each day.
  It was about 2 am and I was in the library reading a book on Shapeshifter when there was a click and the door to the bunker opened. I jumped up out of my seat. Sam and Dean hurried walked down the staires and down the hall to thier rooms. About five minutes later they each came back.
"What's goin on?" I said to Sam who was packing a knife into his bag. It had some of the symbols that mine had but was a little smaller.
"Where meeting a friend of ours Crowely. Rumor is he knows something about the name Zorrel. We think he might know who used it." He said zipping the bag up.
"Come on Sammy!" Dean said walking up the staires. It took me a minute then I remembered where I heard the name.
"Wait" I said grabbing my jacket and knife. "I want to come with."
"Oh no last thing we need is you near Crowely. "Said Dean. I had told them about the demons who kidnapped me. But I left out the part about the weapon.
"Please I am going crazy here. Just let me at least stay in the car. I'll keep my head down." I said desperately ...They both looked between each other and dean shrugged his shoulders to Sam. After a couple of  seconds Dean started walking back up the steps. Sam grabbed the bag and climbed the stairs. I smiled as a joined behind. Suddenly I had all my energy back.

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