Part 19

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SMACK! I hit the mat hard.
"Owwwww"I groaned as my shoulder hit the ground. Sam grabbed my hand and pulled me up. It had been three weeks since I left Donnas and still no sign of Garret. Sam and Dean had started teaching me how to fight and it was going slow.
"You have to keep your feet steady or I'll just smack you back down again." Said Sam.
"No, your just freakishly tall so you have the advantage." I said rubbing my shoulder.
"Jai, your almost as tall as Dean. Your fine trust me."
SMACK I hit the floor again.
"Ugh stop doing that!" I said in pain. Sam laughed.
"I told you keep your feet steady. I was able to do that when I was younger and trust me I was a shorty." I got up sluggish like and tried again. SMACK! That time I just stayed on the floor.
"Come on get up." He said. I looked up at him. The bright lights in the room making me squint.
"No, I'm just gonna die here." I said defeated, he tried grabbing my arm but I went limp. He yanked several times put I remained a rag doll.
"Jai. Come on" he said trying to pull me one more time. But I didn't move. We had been training for almost an hour all that had happened involved me getting smacked down over and over again. "Fine" he said annoyed. So he sat down and leaned on me.
"Gah!" I said as he put his weight on me. "Sam- your- killing- me!"
"What? I can't hear you? You want to keep training?" I was about to respond when Dean walked in.
"Hey Sammy I-" then he saw Sam squishing me. My face was turning red and Sam got off of me. I let in a deep breathe and rolled over.
"What?" Sam asked walking over to Dean.
"We might have a case." Said Dean as they both started to walk out.
"It's okay I'll just lie here and die." I called after them. They ignored me and walked out. I groaned and got up. As I did Cas was standing in the doorway. He seemed out of breathe and tired.
"Hey Cas I thought you were-" Then images of him flashed into my mind. No... Memories. Memories of him taking something from me... Something.... What was it.
"I am sorry. Only a little more." He said quickly coming closer. Then I remembered... My blood. As I stepped back the door shut.
"Sam! Dean!" I yelled. Cas came towards me. "No!" I said trying to get away, but he lunged at me. I ducked and grabbed a weight. I threw it hard at him and he fell to the floor. Then I ran to the door. Sam and Dean were banging on it. I tried to yank it open but it wouldn't budge. Then I started to feel a weird sensation. Cas had a hold of my arm. I was able to yank him off and run to the other corner of the room. I started grabbing things and throwing them at him. But he kept coming. Sam and Dean were still banging and I think they had gotten something to break down the door with.
"Cas why are you doing this?" I said scared.
"Because you asked." He said.
"Wait what?"I said stunned. "What do you mean I-" then he grabbed me. I felt dizzy and weak. Then my legs gave out and my vision blurred.
"This time I need all of it." He said holding on tight. "And its going to take a toll." Then the world faded to black.
I was standing about 100ft away from a swing set. The sun was beating down and the wind blowing. Quickly like in a time lapse video. I watched as a girl swung on the swings. It was me, a younger me. Then a man came up to her. He spoke with her, then handed her some red liquid. She drank it and started to cough. Quickly another man, no, Alec came running towards them and the other man vanished. Then everything was pulled from me and I was standing in a warehouse. I looked over to see another me. My heart raced when I saw Garret. I tried to yell his name but he didn't listen. What was he doing? I thought. Then he grabbed the other me. And things began to speed up. To fast for me to hear, to fast for me to see. I saw several blurs enter and leave the room. I tried to slow things down but it just went faster and faster. My mind couldn't take it anymore. Then just as I was about to scream everything froze. I watched as a man stood over the other me. Then everything began to move but very slowly. I watched as he touched my forehead and my other self went limp. Then he disappeared. I looked over to see Garret.... Dead. I tried to move over to him but I was again pulled away. Next thing I knew I was standing in another room. I couldn't tell if it was in the bunker or not. I saw another me looking over a book. There was no sound. Then Sam walked in with Cas. Cas's jacket was torn, he looked worn and he had a gash on his head. Other me said something to them and Cas nodded. Then Dean walked in with a bag. He set several things onto a table and they looked over them while the other me read off the book. Almost as if checking something. Then the other me looked up right in my direction. It felt almost as though she could sense I was there. Then like before I was once again pulled back.
I opened my eyes and sat up. As I did the door was broke open and Sam and Dean came tumbling through.
"Jai" said Sam running over to me. "What happened are you okay?" but I didn't say anything.
"Jai" said Dean. I looked up at him. "What attacked you?" He asked
"I- I don't know" I said trying to remember. My mind was buzzing over the images I just saw. Or were they memories?
"What was it?" asked Dean. I was confused, had something attacked me? What was I doing laying on the ground? I couldn't think. Was it a dream I just had? Or were they really memories? If so, from when? The first I remembered but the other two..... was Garret really dead? Who was the man who touched me? What was the book I was reading to Sam, Dean and Cas? Someone shook me.
"Jessica." I looked up to see Cas.... Cas... my mind began to work. Slowly... something in the back of my mind, hanging there waiting to be taken, waiting to be brought to the light, to be known. Something important about Cas. Something torn? What? Blood? No. Why was everything so... so... "Jessica." Cas kneeled down and met my height. He looked at me with concern and wonder. He gazed into my eyes as if trying to unlock so intricate puzzle. Then he felt my forehead. Where were Sam and Dean. They were just here? Now it was only Cas and I. After a moment my mind began to clear.
"Cas? what-"
"Someone's been stealing her blood." He said looking behind. Sam and Dean. They were back... but wait.
"What do you mean stealing he blood?" Asked Dean.
"An Angel most likely. Whoever he is he's been doing it in periods. I think at least 3 times. But it could have been more."
"No." I said confused.
"It looks like they've been wiping her memory each time. I am guessing a couple of weeks ago they erased too much. And now they have come back again. But they took almost all of her blood this time. They could've killed her. Especially after everything she's been through with Zorrels blade. Her minds a mess." Then he looked at Sam. "Much like yours was after being in hell. But less severe." Sam made a face.
"What do you mean a few weeks ago? When was my memory erased?" I said energy returning, my mind was beginning to get clearer. They all exchanged glances. "What?" I said clumsily getting up. Cas tried to steady me but I shoved him off and tried to stand. "You guys promised. No more lies. Please. Just tell me. " Sam gave a sigh.
"We found you in a warehouse several miles down the road from Donnas house. Crowely had given us a code word. I've seen the Cardin. So we followed his GPS and found you memory erased and Garret. Dead." For some reason hearing Garret was dead didn't phase me. it was almost as if I knew... But the words Ive seen the Cardin echoed on my head. Had I heard them before? I could imagine Crowely speaking them. But then It faded.
"Ok" I said looking down.
"What?" said Sam confused.
"What your not going to freak out?" said Dean. I was so tired of all the pain. I was tired of being angry. What ever happened I wasn't gong to remember by being stressed. We would figure it out, Sam and Dean are smart and they always do. I needed a break. I felt that the past few months have just been back to back episodes of a tv series and I wanted a break. I wanted to relax and not worry.
"No, ill just get you guys back another time." I said walking out. "I am going to take a shower. I could feel their confused faces starring at me as I left the room. As I did I heard dean whisper.
"Don't look at me she's your daughter.'

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