Part 18

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I opened my eyes and I sat up. I took a deep breathe and looked around. The air smelled of dust and iron. I was in what looked like a large room with windows at the top and cement walls. It took me a moment to realize I was in a warehouse. I stood up and looked to my side. Laying beside me was a young man, his eyes were burned out and he looked dead.
"Gah!" I yelled as I moved far away from the body. My heart was beating rapidly and panic began to take over. My mind raced, I didn't know where I was or how I got there. I tried to run but I heard a sound. So I quickly hid behind a crate. As I did two men came running in. One was tall and the other one was wearing a trench coat.
"Garret." Said the tall man running over to the dead body. He felt for a pulse. The man in the trench coat went over to a second body I had not yet seen on the floor.
"This man was possessed by a demon, and killed by an Angel." Said the man in the trench coat. "Are you sure Jessica was here?" I wondered who Jessica was, and who these men were.
"Yes" said the taller one. "Crowley used the code. I've seen the Cardin. He wouldn't have used it unless something big was going on and he couldn't talk. Where else would Jai have snuck off too." Who was Jai? I thought. Then he picked up a knife that was laying on the floor next to the young mans body. "This is Jai's. It's the one I bought for her and handed over to Donna to give it to her." As he stood up with it, another man came running in. The taller one held up the knife and the man seemed to tense up.
"Where is she?" He said
"I don't know. All we found was her knife and Garret. So she must've been here at some point." The man glanced around.
"What happened in here."he said
"An angel" said the man in the trench coat.
"Do you think he could've taken her?" Asked The man
"I don't know. Possibly... But she's been kept from our eyes. I couldn't imagine why any angel would want to take her. Nobody but a tight circle knows who she really is. Nobody knows shes your daughter Sam." He said gesturing to the tall man.
Sam.... i had one name down. That gave me some information. I kept behind the crate. Not sure whether to come out or not. As i listened i rummaged through the coat i was wearing and i found some photos.
One of them was of two of the men. Sam and the other one. It read Sam and Dean, but they both looked a little younger and i could tell the photo was worn. I had two names down. Now i just needed to know who the man in the trench coat was.
But then I thought came to my mind. What if i had helped kidnap or even kill Jessica or Jai? Whoever it was they were looking for? Maybe i took her jacket? If they saw me wearing it there's no telling what they would do... i couldn't let them see me.
"Well, we need to look for clues" Said Sam "Jai might have left something behind to help us find her."
"Ill look and see what i can find out about this demon." Said the man in the trench coat. "Maybe i can get the last image he saw." As he said that he put his hand on the mans forehead. These people were crazy talking about demons and angels.
I wondered if they were using them as codes or maybe it was some type of morality thing. As all this was going through my mind the man in the trench coat held his hands to the dead mans head. As he did a small ringing sounded in my ears the his eyes started to glow.
Forgetting they could possibly hear me I gasped scared. WHO were these people? WHAT were these people. They turned and looked in my direction. I held my breathe hopeing if they didn't hear another sound they wouldn't bother to look.
"Did you hear that?" Said Sam, then Dean looked in my direction.
"I think it came from over there." he said pointing towards me. Dean walked over to me. As he did i got up to run. But he wrapped his arms around me before i could do anything. I let out a scream, terrified they were going to kill me. And i fought against him with everything i had but it seemed no use.
"Please! Please don't kill me! I don't know anything, please!" I said starting to cry. I was terrified i felt like i couldn't breathe. Dean struggled to hold onto me. after a couple of seconds I was able to get free. But Sam was in front of me. He grabbed onto me. I tried to pull away but he held on.
"Jessica! Its me! Its Sam. Your okay... Your safe." After a moment he let go and i went up against the wall.
"What did you call me?" i said scared and confused.
"Jessica its us." Said Dean. The man in the trench coat walked over to me.
"No please stay away!" i said trying to stop from crying. But the man stopped a step from me. He tilted his head.
"Sam. Somethings been done to her." He said stepping closer to me. I tried to move but he grabbed my head.
"No, No, No. Please." I said choking back tears. His eyes glowed and the ringing returned. Then they went back to normal and he let go of me.
"Someones wiped her memory."
"What?" Said Sam "How?"
"An Angel, and somebody powerful too. They did a complete sweep."
"Can you fix her." Said Dean.
"Yes. But it wont be easy. I would need a spell, and its painful."
"What? No! You people leave me alone!" i said trying to move. But they grabbed me.
"Jai" began Sam but i kicked him in the crotch. He fell to his knees, then Dean tried.
"Jai. Look we just want to help." He said also putting his hands near his crotch so i wouldnt kick it. But head butted him in the face and he fell. I tried to run but the man in the trench coat grabbed me.
"Relax Jessica." He said putting his hands to my face. I felt an overwhelming giddy sensation. Then I fell to my knees.
"Cas what are you-". Began Dean getting up.
" I can't knock her out. Not with her mind scrambled."
"So what are you doing?" Said Sam trying to sit up but in pain. I giggled.
"I'm flooding her hormones."
"Your making her high." Said Dean.
"Just until she falls-"
Then I closed my eyes... I opened them again and I was laying on a bed. I tried to move but my hands were handcuffed to the sides. Standing above me was a young girl. She had my eyes, and was smiling.
"It's almost time." She said pulling a knife from her side. As she held it into the air light shone on her face. It was me. Then she plunged the knife into my chest.

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