part 3

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My feet ached and my back hurt as I walked along the road. It was now dark and the wind started to pick up. I pulled my leather jacket over me but it didn't do much. Four cars had passed by and not one stopped for me. I instinctively kept reaching in my pocket for my phone but it wasn't there.
  My stomach ached and twisted. It had just occurred to me that I hadn't eaten in about a day. Sudenly I missed the vending machines and diner foods.
After a while I stopped at a sign that read welcome to Utah. Tired and hungry I decided to sit down and rest. I sat down on the ground leaning up against one of the posts to the sign. I put my jacket over me and with my knife in hand and to my surprise I fell asleep.

I was laying on the couch watching a cartoon. I was giggling at a bear who just slipped on a banana peel and got his head stuck on a tree. I had a blanket over me and some wierd stick in my mouth. Despite the blanket and the fireplace that burned bright in the room I was really cold.
As the cartoon ended. I got upset. Really upset. As I did a young woman came from around the couch. She smiled at me and I stopped crying. She had brown hair, brown eyes, and buttermilk skin. She made me feel safe, she took the stick from my mouth and looked at it.
When she did I could tell something was wrong but she smiled at me to riasure me.
"Its okay. Your okay Jessica." She said putting her hand to my face.
Then there was a bright light and I saw another face and it shared my smile. Then the light consumed it.

  I opened my eyes and a man In a police uniform was crouched infront of me.
"What?" I said in the groggy voice.
"I said Are you okay?" Said the officer in a sort of feminine tone.
"Uh, yeah." I said getting up. My joints ached and it reminded me that my stomach was empty. The officers radio sounded from inside his car and he went to answer it. I took that as my chance to slip my knife that was in my hands in to my boot.
  The sun was bright over head and I could hear birds chirping from nearby trees.
"Welp I have to go. Been another animal attack. What's your name young lady?"
"Jai. You?"
"Oh I'm officer Melvin Peers." He said exited. "What's your full name. So I can track down your parents."
Then it struck me. I didn't have a last name. I was Homeschooled by Alec and have never had anyone ask me that. I have never been to the doctors, not officially anyway.
"Um. It's a.. it's Smith. Jai Smith."
"Well Mrs. Smith where are your parents?"
"They uh... they're on a hunting trip. Yeah they'll probably be back tomorrow. So I'll just head home and uh.. just you know wait for them."
"Alright well I'll give you a lift back to town. I just have to stop by somewhere first." Said officer Peers.
  We pulled up to a old rusty gate that had a no trespassing sign. There was a chain on the opening which by looking at the rust stains didn't look like it hadn't been moved in a long time.
Officer Peers opened the trunk and got some bolt cutters out. He walked over to the gate and snapped the chains. Then he came back to the car.
"I have to go check this out. Now just Stay in the car miss and ill take you home after. Now i am just gonna put these cuffs on you for your own saftey. Just to keep you in the car" He said with an annoying smile. I started to wonder if this guy had any mode other than happy. He slapped a cuff onto my right hand and the other to a bar in the car.
  He pushed the gate open and pulled out his gun. He started jogging up the path and his lanky body bounced with him.
As soon as he was out of sight I pulled the Bobby pin from my hair and picked the cuff lock.
I sat in the front seat and got on the computer that he left logged on.
I went in to the search and typed in  WINCHESTER
But it came up with thousands of searches. Winchester's from all places that were involved in robberies or stolen.
  Why would an angel want me to look for a gun? Was that the weapon the demons were talking about? Obviously he sent me to Utah for a reason. Maybe it was a Winchester gun that was stolen or pawned here recently? So I typed:
Nothing. All nothing. Useless information nothing significant about anything. Maybe it wasn't a gun but a name. Maybe a place or person? I went into the database and typed in
Three results came up....
and of course just my luck all dead. Every one of them.
  I went to try a place name but I saw the officer come back down the road. I shut the computer and got back in my seat and slapped the cuffs on.
"What are you doing kid?" He said getting back in the car.
   He had a metal container that looked like a tool box. He set it on the passenger seat and turned on the car. He had some blood behind his ear, and what used to be neatly combed hair was now ruffled. He was wearing a big bulky dark brown jacket.
  "I am waiting for you to take me home." I said looking over at him
"Right whatever" he said starting up the car.
"Um. Officer Peers where did you get the jacket?"
"Found it. Where did you get your annoying tone?" He said speeding up.
We made a sharp turn and I was yanked to the left. I felt a sharp pain my wrist that made me bite my tounge. I  looked over to see that I still had the cuff on.
"Officer Peers can i have the key?" I said trying not to piss him off. Apperently whatever went down when he left really ticked him off.
"You can wait." He said taking another turn.  My wrist couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed the bobby pin and unlocked the cuff.
After a minute or two of driving he pulled to a hard stop.
"What are you doing? Aren't you taking me home?" I said shifting in my seat.
"Yeah..." he said undoing his seat belt. "But first I need to make a call."
"Ok" I said moving a little further away from him.
He leaned over his seat and grabbed a knife out. Then he looked back at me and smiled. Then his eyes turned black.
   I kicked him and opened the car door. I got four feet before he tackled me. He was on top and with the knife in hand. He put it to my side .
  I grabbed his wrist with both my hands. I barely had the strength to keep it up, but thanks to not having eaten that strength was failing.
  The knife tip barely made contact with my skin drawing blood. Then there was a piercing sound and the demons eyes flickered  an orange light and he fell to the side.
Something grabbed me by the sides and pulled me up. I turned around and punched what ever it was. It let go of me then I turned to run and something else grabbed my arms.
"No! Let me go!"  I said trying to pull away.
"Hey! Relax we're not going to hurt you!" Said a mans voice. After a second or two I stopped. The man let go of me and the other I punched got up.
"Who are you?!" I said stepping back. The tall one I hit spoke.
"I'm detective James this is detective Craig. We are with the f-"
Then I recognized the faces. 
" oh my god... Your Sam and Dean Winchester. But your supposed to be dead."  I said loosening up. They both looked at each other then at me. 
Then Dean grabbed his knife and pointed it to me.
"How do you know us? Who sent you?"
"Dean..." Said Sam stepping close to Dean.
"Did Meg put you up to this? Are you working for Crowley?!" He said putting the knife close to me.
"Dean!" Said Sam more firmly
"What!"  He said turning around.
"She's bleeding." He said looking at me.  The demon got me deeper than I thought. There was blood trickling down my side.
  For the second time in two days I felt light headed and everything started to go black. My body gave out and I could feel hands grab me then nothing.

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