part 14

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It was about 2 hours since I left the bunker and most likely Cas was already looking for me. And most likely Sam and Dean knew I was gone too. I just hoped that they didn't know where I was going.
I pulled up to the hospital and parked. I walked in trying to act as normal as possible. But every doctor was so busy I don't think any one even noticed. I got up to the front desk where a woman maybe in her fifties was at a computer.
"Hey I-" I began but she put her finger up. I stood there I little taken back. After about 30 seconds of her typing on the computer she looked down through her small pink glasses.
"What do ya need?" She said acting as though I was a snot nose four year old asking to play on her phone.
"I uh. I'm looking for a redhead boy that came in about a week and a half ago. He came in sort of beaten up. He was maybe 18."
" Are you a family member?" She asked.
"Uh yeah..." She looked at me accusingly. "Stepsister. I don't see him much."
"Well your "stepbrother" was checked out 2 days ago."
"Thanks. Where would I uh... Where would I find him?" I asked trying not to sound suspicous. But I was sure I already passed that a while ago.
"Sorry I can't give out his location."
"Oh come on. Nobody's going to care." I said a little nervous.
"Wheres your parents?" She asked
"Uh well"
"You know what,  i'll just get security." She said rudely. Ugh... I sucked at this whole faking it thing. I don't know how Sam and Dean did it all the time. Then all the sudden a woman came running in.
"Help my husband. He's been in an accident!" She yelled crying. The woman at the desk stood up.
"Stay here we're not done." She said running out the door. I stared at her computer.
"No" I thought to myself. I stood there for a sec. " Oh screw it" I said getting on the computer. I scrolled through the check out list from 2 days ago. My finger was trembling trying to go as fast as I could before the woman came back. After about 15 seconds I found what I was looking for.
Garret Williams
Age: 16
Caucasian         Male
Amber eyes        Red hair
5' 11"                 155lbs
Residence: 2467s Walter Drive....
"Yes" I mumbled to myself writing down the address then closing out of the screen. I glanced up to see the woman from the front desk coming in the doors. "Shoot" I said dropping to the floor. I peeked over the counter as I watched the woman rush past pushing a gerny.
   I got back down on my knees ready to sprint for it when I noticed a black purse infront of me.
I opened it and pulled out her wallet. There was $26 in there along with  $542 that was in a zipper pocket. For a second I wondered who carried around 588 dollars with them.
   Then I when i opened another pocket I found about 15 bottles of prescription pills. Each filled with vicodin but all under different names.
She was stealing people's pills then selling them. So I hurrily shoved the money in my pocket and grabbed her purse. I set it in one of the elevators making sure the pills were showing and keeping my face from the cameras . But not before I took a bottle. I figured it could come in handy later.
About 3 hours into the drive I ran out of gas. So I stopped at a gas station. Since I only had cash I had to walk in. Which was something I really didn't want to do.
As I got up to the register a kid maybe in his twenties stared at me.
"Uh 5 for pump 3." I said handing him a ten.
"sweet ride" He said smiling at me
"Thanks it's my uncles" i said trying to get out of there as quickly as possible. Then he leaned over the counter.
"I dig a hot chick with wheels."
"Dude. Do you have any idea how old I am?" I said annoyed. He looked me up and down.
"I dunno. 19" he said with a stupid smirk.
"No" I said annoyed.
"Well it doesn't matter a tall girl like you can have anything she wants." He said biting his lip
"Ugh" I said grabbing my change. I was about to walk out the door when I saw a black 1967 Chevy impala pull up. "Crap" I whispered to myself. Then I turned to the cashier. "What do you drive?" I asked. He looked at me then smiled.
"A motorcycle." He said  prideful.
"Great swap me."
"No way man! I just got that thing!"
" Serouisly i can garentee you that my car is worth 10 motormotorcycles." I said holding out my keys. I glanced over to see Sam over at the car I was driving looking into it and Dean  walking towards the store.
My heart started to race and  I shook the keys infront of him. After a second or two he finally gave in. He handed me the keys and I gave him mine then I pulled out a 50.
" This is if you forget I was ever here. No matter who asks" I said holding it out. He made a face that showed he wanted more. "Jeez dude the car Is probably worth more than you are" I said annoyed but he still didn't budge. Then I pulled out another fifty and he smiled grabbing them. I put the rest of the money up and ran towards the back of the store just as Dean walked in. I hid behind a wall to listen.
I knew that if they knew that I was going to talk to the kid who was possesed they would send me straight back to the bunker.
  Mostly Because the risk that he was being watched was to great  and it would be safer If sam and dean came.    
  But I was pretty sure if they were there the kid wouldn't do to kindly to the guys who tortured him.
Then It occurred to me.... how did sam and dean know where I was. I pulled out my phone to see 17 missed calls between sam and dean and 32 text messages. Ugh how could I have been so stupid knowing them they turned on the gps on my phone.
"Hey I am looking for my niece. About yay tall. Brown hair. Kinda like my friend over there but younger and more feminine." I peeked to see him gesture to Sam who was walking in.
"No sorry man." Said the kid. " only girl who came in here today was mrs.booth to buy her usual pack of smokes."
"Hey I'm going to call her again" Said Sam pulling out his phone. I hurrily threw mine in a mop bucket next to me and snuck out the back. 
As I got outside my heart dropped when I saw 3 motorcycles.
"Oh come on!" I said trying the keys. My hand was shaking I knew it wasn't long before Dean met the kids price.
Finally I got the right bike. Luckily I knew how to ride these. So I started it and headed down the road as fast as I could. Most likely Sam and Dean would have heard the roar of the motorcycle and would be on me soon. Which meant I had to loose them. Which I knew would be hard.
I drove for about 30 minutes as fast and I could without drawing any attention. When I got to an abandon warehouse I drove into the parking lot. I found a pile of scrap metal and set the bike over a old tarp. I pulled out the address from my pocket.
Luckily It was close enough I could walk, or maybe run considering I was in a hurry. After about 2 rights a left 3 more rights 2 lefts and another right followed by one last left and alot of jogging I got to a nice yellow house with a white picket fence and a beautiful garden. It was full of my favorite flowers; lilys.
I was about to knock on the door when I saw a little boy with the same red hair as the one I was looking for playing in the backyard.
"Hey" I said walking up to him he was maybe 8 or 9. "I am looking for a boy. He is around 17. His names Gary I think." I said trying to sound nice even though I was in a hurry. The kid starred at me skeptically.
"You mean Garret. My brother? He's 16 not 17 even though he tries to act like it." Said the boy looking up at me.
"Yes. exactly. him. Can you tell me where he is?" I said kneeling down and meeting his height.
"Sure." He said sweetly. "But it'll cost ya" he added holding out his hand.
"You have got to be kidding me." I said annoyed.
"Ok then. I'll just yell for my grandma. She's got a big shotgun she carries around. And she's been dying to use it..... GRANDM-"
"Ok ok ok!" i said quickly putting my hand over his mouth.
"Geez. People today." I said handing him a five. He pointed to the highest window on the left.
"Might want to climb up. Last time he had a friend over he left for 2 weeks. Grandma's got him on lockdown"
"Thanks"I said looking up at the window. "This is gonna end well."

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