part 13

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They dropped me off at the bunker after 2 hours of my trying to convince them to let me go. But they held thier ground.
As they left I took sams wallet and knife from his jacket and gave them to him.
"Uh Jai? My jacket?" Sam said as I walked to go in the bunker.
"Nope. Your not letting me go. You can be cold" I said opening the door. I gave them a smile as I closed it.
I flipped on the switch and the lights came on. I stood there for a moment untill I heard the car drive away.
I was kinda sad when I did. I had a tiny bit of hope left over that they would decide last minute to let me go.
I hated being in the bunker alone. Considering last time I was plagued with dreams and it was just after Alec- well after I killed him.
I took off sams jacket as I walked down the steps. The clinking of my feet against the metal echoed throughout the bunker. Other than that it was silent.
When I got to the third step down I felt a pull on my left leg. I fell forward and hit the hard cement. In pain i turned around to see what had yanked me.
I looked down to see my shoe untied.
"Awesome. Real smooth" I said to myself as I got up. My elbow stung. I looked to see a long scrap down my arm. "Ugh" I said tying my shoe.
I got up and walked down to the storage room. I opened one of the dusty boxes to find bandages.
Of course it was dusty. Sam and Dean would sooner used a patch of sand paper than a bandaid. Freaking men and thier need to look tuff. I say screw that, I want to be comfortable.
I pulled a bandaid out and put it on my bleeding scrape. I shut the box and picked it up. Maybe if they were out in the open they would actually use them.
As I pulled it off another box that was leaning on it fell. Sending it's contents skidding across the floor.
"Really?" I said to myself in a defeated voice. I starred at the mess on the floor then to the box. I debated on just leaving it. But then I knew it would just bug me if it stayed a mess. So I set the box down and started picking up the scattered contents.
I had picked everything up but just a few pieces that had gone under one of the racks. I got down on the floor when I noticed skid marks like something had been moved.
I stood up putting the last of the mess in the box then yanking on the racks. They swung open like two big doors.
Inside was a cement room with chains, a devils trap with a chair in the middle.
"Wow. Kinky" I mumbled and I walked to one of the chains. It also had a devils trap on it with some dry blood. The room gave me an unsteady feeling. It seemed alot of evil had been in here. It sent chills down my spine.
"I can feel it too" Said a voice. I turned to see Cas standing in the doorway.
"The evil that's been here. The death. It's interesting that you can sense it too."
"Yeah... I guess it's just instinct." I said turning to him. He gave me a look."What?" He laughed sort of. It was wierd I had never seen him laugh. Frankly he always seemed so emotionally constipated.
"You are a Winchester."
"So are you" I said walking over to him.
"Not I'm not"
"Yeah... Yeah you are."
"I am not biologically or legally related to the winchester in any way." I laughed
"What's so funny?" He asked looking confused.
"Oh come on your like thier little brother"
"No I am actually several thousand years older than them."
"Cas. Dude. I mean you are a part of thier family. They care for you. I mean you have the brooding down and the mysterousness. Just add some flannel and your there." He made a wierd face then seemed to shrug it off. I picked up that box and headed out the door. He followed me.
I walked into the library and put the box on the table. I started putting some of the first aid stuff by thier things so maybe they would notice them. When suddenly out of the corner of my eye Cas's face went into a smile.
"Oh I understand." He said still smiling "They often check in on me as a concerned family member would. And they teach me things about humans that somebody would teach to a younger sibling. They also give me advice like big brothers." He added proud if himself for figuring out what I said. I understood why they didn't take Cas on hunts. I sat down on the table and pulled out my phone. Cas just awkwardly stood their sort of looking at me.
"So..." I said trying to make him feel a little more comfortable. He seemed to only know how to act around Sam and Dean. "Whatcha doin here?" He seemed to soften his posture.
"Sam and Dean wanted me to make sure you didn't follow them." He said a little sad. I think that after however long he had known them. Which seemed long. Maybe he had hoped that they would let him tag along on a hunt. Trust him more than just to babysit.
I set my phone down. Looking into his bright blue eyes. I could see the pain in them. There seemed so much weight inside. Almost as if he had seen thousands of years of pain and misery. But then again i guess he had. Being an angel. Never aging. Never being able to love or be loved. And Sam and Dean. Well they cared for him but from what I had seen he had always rode in the back seat. Literally and metaphorically. I could see that the boys cared for him. But I don't think he could.
"Look Cas you don't have to watch me. I'll stay here. Plus I have to see what I can find on Morin. Have you found anything?"
"No. Nothing we don't already know."
"Ok. Well maybe there is something in these books that talk about him. Why don't you go grab us some food? Just you and me it'll be fun." He seemed to debate the question. I needed to leave and I hoped he would take the bait. After a moment or two a smile came to his face.
"Yeah. You and me. Like hunters researching."
"Yeah exactly." I said.
"Ok" he replied "I'll be back in half and hour."
"I'll be here" I said patting a book I had set down on the table. He left up the staires and out the door. I hurrily grabbed sams jacket and ran down the hall. I ran past several doors untill I found the garage. Inside were several nice older Cars I grabbed the first set of keys I could find and tried them on each car. The second car was the match. I started it up and the engine roared to life.
At that moment I realized that I actually didn't know how to drive. I mean Alec had taken me several times but I never actually drove by myself. He told me he would let me when I turned 15. But I guess that day never came...
I opened up the garage and pressed on the gas. I flung forward. Luckily I slammed on the brakes just in time.
"Right." I mumbled to myself. "Reverse... I need reverse." I put the car in reverse and pulled out of the garage.
About 5 minutes down the road a was struck with a stinge of guilt. Leaving cas high and dry. He seemed to just want to feel useful. But i needed to do this. I then realized that if i met up with Sam and Dean on a hunt they would just send me right back.
So I might as well try and find some Intel on Morin by myself. That way no one would be there to hold me back. And I knew just where to start.

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