Part 22

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I took a deep breath, and pushed myself off the bed. I looked to my left to see Sam asleep on the other bed and Dean nowhere in sight. My hand stung as I did. I looked to see it was bandaged.  We were in a motel room. They must've taken me here after we met with Missouri. I got off the bed and walked over to Sam. I tapped on him and he popped up.
"What?" He said groggy.
"I know Sam. I know what we need to do." he got up and Dean walked in. "Come on." I said tossing Sam his phone and grabbing my jacket.
"What? Jai. Wait." Said Dean as I walked past him.
"Come on! We need to get moving" I replied. 10 minutes later we were in the car.
"Jai. Where are we going? What did you see." Said Sam
"I can't really explain. But a lot makes sense now. Just please trust me. Where's Cas?"
"He left. I am not sure where."
"Ok tell him to meet us at the bunker."
"So we are going to the bunker?" Asked Dean
"Picking something up, yes." A day and a half later of them nagging me we finally pulled into the bunker. I hurrily jumped out of the car and ran into my room. I grabbed a backpack then ran into the library. I looked for a few moments until I found what I was looking for. Then I quickly shoved it into my bag just as Sam and Dean walked in.
"Jai what are we-" began Dean. But I ran by him. They followed me into the kitchen as I looked through the cupboards.
"Gimme a sec" I said grabbing a dish out. "Ha!" I put it into my bag. Then I zipped it up and when I stood up Cas stood behind me. Sam and Dean were gone.
"What are you doing?" He asked
"Good your here. Stay here." I quickly replied slapping him onto the shoulder. Then I walked out. After a moment I walked back in. "I meant don't leave the bunker. Come on." I walked down the halls and back into the library. Sam was on the phone and Dean was sitting down.
"guys come on." I said walking in. Sam hung up the phone. "What?"
"We have a case." Said Dean
"Ugh we don't have time." I said but Sam and Dean just looked at me. "Fine okay. You guys go on your hunt then meet me. You have three days."
"Jai we can't solve a case in three days." Said Dean
"Sure you can. You guys have been doing this for years. Just think of it as a challenge."
"Jai-" said Sam
"Three days." I said walking out. "Cas come on I need you."
We got into the garage and I shut the door behind us.
"Jessica what are we doing? Why do you need me?" Asked Cas. I turned around to him.
"Which Car is yours?" I asked he looked at me oddly. "I've sometimes see you drive up in a tan car. Where is it?"
"I don't have it anymore"
"Ugh ok. Here just take this one." I said grabbing a set of keys off and putting it in his hand. He looked at them for a minute then sighed.
"Hey you decided to be with Sam and Dean and now that includes putting up with me." I said getting into the car. About ten minutes down the road Cas turned down the radio.
"Okay, what couldn't you tell Sam and Dean." He said glancing over to me. It was hard to say. There was so much that Zorrel had told me, and did I dare tell him where I got the info from?
"You know the angel that has been stealing my blood?"
"What about him?"
"It's a.... It's you." He stopped the car and I smacked my head on the dash. "Jesus Cas!"
"Why wouldn't you tell Sam and Dean? Who told you that?"
"Okay. But first just listen alright?"he just looked at me. I let out a sigh. "Zorrel." I cringed when I said it.
"What you spoke to him?! Jessica do you have any idea how dangerous that is!"
"I know ok, but he came to me."
"You can't trust him, or anything he says."
"Yes I can. I know I can." I said trying to sound confident but truth is I was afraid, afraid that I did the wrong thing. Cas looked at me. "I- I told him I would owe him a small favor." Cas sighed.
"No, no you didn't. You just made a deal with one of the most powerful angels to ever live. There is no such thing as a 'small' favor."
"Look I am sorry but for now.... For now it solves our problem."
"And what's that?"
"Morin. I know how to kill morin."
"Zorrel told you?"
"Okay. Then how?" So he started up the car and I told him. I told him of the plan, my plan, well thanks to Zorrel. I told him of the things that made sense and the things we needed to do. We got to a old rundown house and I set the my stuff down.
"So how are we going to do this?" Asked Cas.
"Well, looking at the book it will take about maybe three four days to get what we need."
"Okay and how do you expect me to do my part?"
"Well I know you can travel in time, obviously. So what I am thinking is that over the next three days once a day you go back?"
"Okay but how do I know where you are?"
"I'll tell you." I said grabbing a paper out and writing the dates and the closest times that I could remember it happening. "I think these were the times and places you did it. I might be off by an hour or two sometimes. So you'll just have to wait." He seemed uncomfortable, like he didn't want to do it. I set the paper down when he didn't take it. "I am sorry. I didn't even ask you. I-" I stopped for a moment then spoke again. "You've done a lot for me. You helped me even when you didn't have to. And I know that asking you to go back in time and do this- it's not fair. But-" I couldn't ask this of him. It wasn't fair. "you know what. Your right. I- I can't ask you to do this it-"
"Jessica." I looked up and he smiled. "It was like you were saying a few months ago. We are family." He said taking the paper. I returned a smile.
"Okay, let's get started." I said grabbing the book out of my bag. "Alright so it looks here like we need about fourteen ingredients." Cas looked at the book.
"The first 12 I can get the other 2 will take sometime."
"Okay just focus on getting the first 5. I can start the spell using that. It needs to marinate for about 26 hours. In that time you can go back once."
So for the next 3 hours he came in and out with the ingredients. I started putting them in according to the instructions but it took sometime because I had to translate it through two different languages. Finally I got it all.
"Okay. Now this will take about 26 hours. So lets take a break before you go back." So for an hour we just sat and talked. Castiel told me about how it was like in heaven before he met Sam and Dean. Then when we were done he stood up.
"Okay I guess I should go."
"Yeah."I said nervous. I knew that this had already happened I had witnessed it all first hand. But still, something made me worry. It was all playing out to well. "Okay so here's the slip." I said handing it to him. He nodded then disappeared, and I was alone. I started to grab my knife and just threw it at the wall. I was bored and I had nothing better to do. On the tenth throw Cas popped up and I hit him.
"Ah!" I said as it flew through the air "Cas are you okay!" He looked worn he lifted up a part of a jacket and it was torn.
"Did you go back?" I asked.
"No"he replied sitting down.
"What why?"
"Well I went back then I realized that I needed something to put the blood in."
"Oh right yeah." I said handing him a container. He took it and was gone again. So for a full day I sat. I didn't want to leave in fear of somebody taking the ingredients or Cas coming back and me not being there. First i tried jogging around the room, then I balanced some pebbles that were on the floor and several other things. Then I just sat and tried to read some of the other pages of the book.After about a few hours I heard a swish and I looked up to see Cas fall to the floor. I ran over to him and he stood up.
"I am okay." He said handing me the container full of blood.
"Ew that's creepy." I said grabbing it. I set it down on the table.
"Ok where next" he said
"Uh no. Look I ordered some pizza." I said setting him down in a chair. I then handed him a slice. "Here you eat this then you take a long break." He jut slightly nodded and then took a bite. After about ten minutes he fell asleep on the floor using his jacket as a blanket. 1o hours later he woke up. I had just dozed off before he did. I woke up and he was gone. After about 3 minutes he came back. He had the next ingredients in his hand.
"Your awake." He said walking over to the table.
"Yes I am ." I said setting the stuff in order.
"You should rest."
"Yeah you know what I should because I am the one going back in time and teleporting to different parts of the earth to find ingredients." I said sarcastically. He gave me a look then I turned my attention to the book. I glanced back up and he was gone, and so was the second jar. I sighed and waited three hours before I added the other ingredients. Then all that was left was 1 more and my blood. About an hour after he popped back into the room. He once again fell to the floor. Then he passed out. I checked and he had a pulse but there were heavy bags under his eyes. So I took off my jacket and put it under his head then I set the other (now full) jar onto the table. I let the other ingredients marinate for about 6 hours until I added the last ingredient. Now it was complete all I needed was to add my blood and it would work. 17 hours Cas slept for until he woke up. I had eaten all the pizza and I didn't want to wake him. When he got up he looked a little better.
"How long?" He asked standing up a little wobbly. Quickly I sat up.
"Uh about 17 and a half hours." I said looking at my watch. He walked over to me and put his hands onto the table. "Pizzas gone. You want to go get something. I've been stuck in here and I am going crazy." He nodded. So I hid our stuff and put the blood in my bag then we left. Twenty minutes down he road and we got to a diner. We sat down at a table and I looked at the menu. After I saw what I had wanted I looked back up. Cas looked like he was about to throw up.
"Hey. You alright." I asked. He sighed and nodded while putting his hands onto his face. After a moment a man walked by.
"What can I get for you?"
"Just get me a coffee and a burger."
"Alright" mumbled the man writing something down on his scratch pad. "And you?" He asked Cas. But he just shook his head.
"Get him what I got." I added. The man smiled and walked away. I turned to Cas. "Just one more time and we are done." He gave me a small nod and closed his eyes.
After about five minutes the man gave us our food. I started eating but Cas just looked out the window. I set my food down and looked at him.
"You okay?"
"Cas?" He turned to me.
"I used to be powerful. When I was with heaven. None of it mattered. I didn't ever feel tired or hungry." He said gesturing to his food. "For thousands of years. It was so easy. I did what I was told. I knew it was the right thing, and now..."
"Cas I can't imagine how hard it is for you. And I am sorry. But you are better here. I mean I didn't know you before but you mean a lot to Sam and Dean. And to me. Your family. Real family." He gave a small smile then took a sip of his coffee. I grabbed mine but I winced when I touched it with my burnt hand. . Cas looked at me.
"Here let me heal you." He said
"No." I said quickly. He looked taken back. "You need to save your energy. You can heal me later." So he nodded and we ate. We stayed at the diner for about a half and hour then we headed back. Once we got in Cas grabbed the last slip. I went to go grab the ingredients out but they were gone.
"Uh Cas!" I yelled running into the main room of the house. "The stuff it's" But standing there were Sam and Dean. Dean held the bag in his arms.
"We saw you left them." Said Dean. I smacked him on the shoulder.
"Don't scare me like that! Why are you guys back so early?"
"It's been four days." Said Sam.
"What really?" I said looking at my watch it had. Somehow it really had been four days. "Ha that means your late." Sam sighed. Then I heard a thud. I went into the other room to see Cas on the floor. "Hey." I said running over to him.
"I'm fine." He said standing up. He had a cut on his forehead. "You forgot to mention that you were going to throw a weight at my head."
"Well you didn't give me much time to tell you." Sam and Dean had walked into the room.
"Cas you ok?" Asked Dean. Cas nodded. "Okay so what do we need to do next?"
"Come in here." I said walking back into the main room. Sam and Cas followed me in.
"You sure your okay?" I asked Cas again, he nodded. Then Dean came in. I looked at the book for a moment as he set the stuff down. "Okay it looks like we have all the stuff we need. All we have to do is add the blood and-" Suddenly I got a sort of Deja vu feeling. I looked up at the empty room and starred for a moment. Something felt odd, then I remembered the memory of this I had, had. But it was blurry and it-
"Jessica." I looked up and they were all staring at me.
"Yeah right sorry. As I was saying all be need is to add the blood and say these 14 words representing each ingredient. But we need to use all the blood. It's every ounce the body holds."
"So you would basically be sacrificing yourself." Said Sam
"Exactly but I am just using my blood taken from over time."
"Alright so-" began Dean but then there was a loud bang and black smoke entered the whole room. It came at us in hard gusts. I fell to the floor after about ten seconds there was a bright light and the black smoke disappeared. I closed my eyes to shield them and when it became dimmer I opened them. Standing in front of me was a man.... "Obadiah" I whispered.
Obadiah stood over me. I glanced behind him to see Sam, Cas and Dean getting up. Obadiah grabbed me and yanked my up. He looked at my hand.
"Ah!" I said in pain. He touched it with a glowing light emanating from his hand and i was healed.
"The mark on your hand was from a lock. When I erased your memory I put it on you so if it was ever broken I would know." He looked at Sam and Dean, then to Cas.
"Little brother."he said letting go of me. "I am sure this is your doing?"
"Obadiah?" Said Cas confused ."but you died. You died when-"
"Yes many believe that...Now" he said turning to me. "You are the child I am looking for. I need your blood." He said about to touch me.
"Wait wait wait." I said quickly. "We already got some. Right over there." I said pointing to the table. But when I saw my heart sank. The black smoke (demons) had knocked all the stuff over. Everything was ruined. "No" I whispered.
"It wouldn't have worked. You need warm pumping blood, and it's not just that. It's your life force, that's what powers the spell." He tried touching me again.
"No" I said stepping away. He sighed.
"I have all the ingredients ready. Just let me take you. You want this."
"Yes I want to kill morin but I don't want to die!"
"Are you sure? Trust me being here is a lot worse." He replied
"Hey she said she doesn't want to go." Said Dean. Obadiah snapped his fingers and all three of them passed out.
"Relax they are all just asleep. It's your choice."
"I just told you no! I don't want too!"
"Fine. But let me show you what Morin is doing right now. Then tell me you  don't want to do it." He touched me and we were in a skate park. There was a boy around my age talking to a man.... Morin.
"This was two months ago. Now listen." Said Obadiah
"Carter. Have you decided?" Said Morin
"Yes" said the boy. "I want to join your army."
"Good" he said handing him a vile of liquid. "I had a feeling you would see the right way."
Then we were in a dance room full of kids. There was a  girl about my age that was in a dance outfit. She seemed kind. Everyone left the room but the girl stayed. A moment later Morin walked in.
"One month ago" said Obadiah
"So what will it be?" He asked smiling. She debated for a moment.
"Yes"and he gave her another vile.
Then we were in a library. A boy (also my age) who was reading a book looked up at Morin.
"One week ago" said Obadiah
"Will I be powerful" he asked
"Of course" replied Morin. Then the boy nodded and drank the vile.
"46 others and you. That's how many he has so far. Not to mention the three other generations he plans on making once he has all of you." Said Obadiah
"No. This can't be happening." I said
"He's planning on doing the same thing Azazel did with your father and many like him. He will make you all fight. Everything's going according to plan and this time. It will work, why do you think I didn't get involved before. I could see that there was another way. But now, the only way is you."
"I- I can't I-" I sighed. "I just-"
"I don't think you get this, do you? You are the only thing standing between the world as we know it and the end of all mankind. Your family will die. There is no saving them this time. This new generation, this new army, will be ten times for powerful that Azazels."
"So? Why can you just take me huh? Kill me and let this be over with?"
"Because it needs to be a sacrifice. You need to be willing."
"Well then you obviously don't know me. Sam and Dean and Cas will be able to fight him and they will win. Just like they always do."
"No not this time." He said touching me again. Suddenly we were in a warehouse.
"Where are we?" I asked
"The future." Said Obadiah.
I looked to see over to see Dean and Cas dead on the floor. Bloody and beaten. Cas's face was bashed in and Dean's insides were torn out. I almost didn't recognize them. I felt sick and my stomach started to twist into knots.
"No. No. No" I said trying to hold back tears. Dean's eyes were open but I could tell nothing was behind them. They just started at me like one of those taxidermy animals. Blank and hallow. Then I heard a smack. I turned to see Sam. He was also bloody and badly beaten. He was kneeling, I could see he had been crying. He was breathing heavily and spitting out blood. He kept trying to mumble something but the blood in his mouth made it almost impossible to make out. After a moment I heard it.
"Jessica please." I watched as an older version of me grabbed him hard by the hair and lifted up his head . So their eyes met. Sam's looked worn and sad. But mine, mine were full of rage and hate.
"Please Jessica... Stop." My older self punched him hard. And he fell to the floor. Then she got on top of him and pulled out Zorrel's blade. Sam tried to fight but somehow I was stronger. My older self slammed him down hard.
"Gah.... Jessica!" said Sam desperately. "It's okay. I've been exactly where you are okay. The same exact place. Trust me you can fight this. The blood it doesn't have to control you ."
"Oh I like just the way I am." Replied my other self as her eyes turned black. Then she pulled the knife to his face and squish. I closed my eyes as she slit his throat. Then I opened them and she stood inches from me. She stared at me and I looked into her cruel eyes. Then she smiled and grabbed me and pushed me up against the wall.
"Take it! Take it all in! Don't fight it! You belong to this!" She said spit flying onto me. "Feel what I feel!" She screamed loudly. Then everything went black. I screamed and suddenly I was back in the old house. And I just broke down crying. I fell to my knees and let it all out. After a moment Obadiah stood before.
"So?" He said looking down at me.
"Will I really-"
"Yes" he replied.
"Okay. I'll do it."
"Good. You have 10 minutes. I can wake them up or-"
"No" I said wiping the tears away. "Just get me a pen and a few papers." So I had him leave and I sat down at the table. I sat there for a while just staring at the blank pages. After a few minutes I couldn't. I couldn't do it, I was about to tell Obadiah no when the images of the three of them dead flashed in my mind.  So I wrote;
   I don't care what you say. ACDC shook me all night long is way better than Eye of the tiger. And thank you. Thank you for introducing me to the greatest  music ever produced and where to get the best pies. Thank you for taking care of me and for always believing in me. For always being positive whenever I wasn't. Even though sometimes I would get upset with you. Thank you for being my uncle. The best uncle I could have asked for. Thank you for being my family.
        Jessica Winchester
   You are important. Remember that. Never forget that. Without you I don't think I could've done half the things I was able to do these past few months. I would literally be dead. You have saved my life more times than I could count. You have shown me that there is good in the world, that there still things worth fighting for. You are a Winchester. You are a part of my family.
         Jessica Winchester
I have a dad. Something I thought I could never say, and I am sure something you thought you would never be. I know that it must be hard for you. To look at me and see Jessica. I am sorry that she was taken from you and that I am now leaving too. But these past few months have been the best in my life. Thank you for teaching me things and showing me that I can be good, that I am strong. Thank you for putting up with me and comforting me when I needed it. Being with you guys, it's the closest thing to family i have ever come too. And thank you for everything. I am glad to call you my father. Even if it was only for a little while.
        Jessica Winchester
And with that I folded each of them up and set them near the three of them.
"Okay, I am ready." I said with tears in my eyes.
"Don't worry Jessica. I promise I will make sure you have a good place in heaven." He said reaching his hand towards me.
"Wait just one more thing." I said putting my hand between his and mine. "You have to promise me one thing."
"Yes." I looked over at the three boys, at my family. "Protect them."
"Unlike many I keep my promises. They will be protected." And with that he touched my head. I felt a familiar weightlessness and I fell to my knees. But it was stronger. Stronger that before. And before I knew everything went black. Then I saw and image. It became clearer and clearer. I was Morin. He was talking, pleading with... Who? Then I saw Sam and Dean they looked angry, but mostly sad. Dean had Morin held against a wall. They were in a large room. Dead demons scattered the floor. After a moment Sam yelled something and plunged a knife into Morin's face. He twitched them flickered before they let go of him and he fell to the floor.... Dead. Sam and Dean looked relieved. But tired and worn. Then Sam sat down in a chair and Dean leaned up against a wall. Slowly sliding down until he was sitting on the floor. Then everything faded and finally for the last time. For the final time. Everything was gone, and I was left with darkness.
      The End

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