part 7

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About an hour away from the bunker and Sam got a call from a friend of theirs asking them to take a hunt. So Dean turned the car around and we headed to New York.
I was a little excited at first because I had never been to New York. Then I realized that most likely Sam and Dean would make me stay in the motel room.
On our way there we stopped by a diner to eat. Dean ordered and bacon extreme with coffee and a side of pie and Sam got a salad with a water. Looking between them I decided to get a salad with some pie and I ended up downing 3 cups of coffee.
I still hadn't slept and considering the last time I dosed off I met sandra bullock with wings I didn't want to risk it again. Not untill I figured out what this weapon was and why the angels want it so bad. Bad enough to trust in a teenage girl.
We stopped several more times to eat and sleep. I didn't really, I just read a book I had taken from the bunker. Despite the fact i had very little sleep i was surprised I wasn't more tired. Although I am sure my blood had turned to coffee by then.
When we finally got there Sam and Dean got a room with twin beds and a room with a queen for me even though I didn't plan on sleeping. They got dressed in some suits and headed off, of course leaving me in my room.
By then the coffee was starting to wear off and I could feel myself beginning to get tired. So I turned on the tv, and opened the curtains to let some light in. But of course all there was, was a brick wall with some graffiti on it and a view of a homeless guy picking his butt.
I sat on the edge of the bed and started flipping through the channels. My eyes started to get heavy and the urge to close them became very strong they shut for a second but I was able to draw up the strength and willpower to open them again. So I stood up and walked over to the rusted sink.
I put my hands on the rim of the sink and looked into the cracked mirror. My eyes drooped with exaustion and my mouth was slightly open. I was breathing heavily and every bone in my body ached. I turned on the sink and I heard a few gurgles before it spewed out unconfortably warm water. I splashed the water on my face and looked back up into the mirror.
My heart jumped when I turned around to see the Diana standing by the bed.
"What are you doing here?"I said energy returning.
"I am here to see what you have found out. Unless you are going back on our little deal." She said walking over to me. She stopped about 3 inches from my face."You aren't are you?".
"No." I said moving away.
"Then why aren't the winchesters looking for the weapon." She said crossing her arms.
"They're on a case." I said grabbing a soda out of the fridge, mostly to show I wasn't afraid. Even though I was.
"Well get them off it. The top priority is finding that weapon before Crowely does." I stopped drinking my soda.
"You know about Crowely?"
"Of course we do. He's the king of hell. Now get the winchesters back on the weapon or I will have to turn to another source of information" she said making my heart race. Then there was a knock on the door. I opened it to see Alec hunched over in the doorway... bloody.
I opened my eyes and I was laying on the bed. A blanket was over me and my shoes were off. Someone had turned off the tv.
I got up and put on my shoes and walked over to Sam and Deans room. I knocked on the door and Sam opened it.
"Can in come in?" I said looking up at him. His face softened and he opened the door then sat down at a chair where his laptop was.
"Where's Dean?"I said looking around.
"He's interviewing the vic's mom." He said scrolling on his laptop.
"I thought she only had an uncle."I said sitting down on the bed nearest him.
"That was Hannah the old Vic. I am talking about Alice. She was kidnapped 14 hours ago."
"Yeah... well do you know of anything that rips the heart out of its victims?" He said clicking on something.
"Yeah that's what we thought but lunar cycles not right, Niether is the timing between kills."
"Maybe, but no other signs point to it. Let's see Alice Carters, junior at Wallice High. Not many friends, average grades. No reason any witch would have any beef with her."
"How many have been killed?"
"She will be the 10th in the past thirty years. All the same age, all died the same way."
"Maybe someone just needed virgins."
I said playing with my shoes.
"No because only three of then ten were virgin. Not including Alice." He responded.
"Did you get a good look at the body" I said
"No they creamated it before we even saw it."
"So why was this kill so close to the last, when all the others have been spread apart."
"That's what I am trying to figure out." Said Sam then his phone went off.
"Its Dean, he says he thinks the mom might have something to do with it. I am going to meet him over at her house just in case." He said grabbing his things. I watched as he headed out the door. "Glad to see you got some sleep." He said as the door shut. Again... I was alone.
Of course I was used to it. Alec always left me home alone. I guess I just thought that now would be different.
I sat on the bed for a while thinking. After about 5 minutes I pulled out the phone they gave me and starred at it for a moment. Then I knew what I needed to do. So I got on Sam's laptop and typed in his phone number into a tracker. I wasnt going to let people leave me anymore. Then a little red dot popped up showing where he was going. The house must've been close because he had already stopped. I wrote down the address and headed out the door.
10 minutes of walking/jogging 2 lefts a right 1 left and 2 more rights and I was at the house. By now it was getting dark but the impala they always drove was still parked out side the house. "Good" I whispered to myself "there still here" I ducked behind the car for about 1 minute or so and listened to evidence as to what was going on. After hearing nothing a snuck across the yard. I went around the side and peered through one of the curtains. I could see Sam and Dean both tied to a chair. Sam was unconscious but dean was talking to somebody. I moved a little to the left and then I heard several bangs. I looked over to see i knocked a shovel over. The tip of it had blood on it. I glanced back and the person was gone. Dean was looking to his left like he was watching whoever it was leave. Which meant the had heard me. So I snuck the opposite way and through the front door. I opened it with a small click and walked in.
"Jai, what the hell?" Dean whispered as I ran to cut him free "I thought we said to stay in the room."
"Yeah well I was bored so." I said cutting his ropes then moving on to Sams. But before I could cut them all the way something pushed me and I flung into the tv.
I lifted my head up, vision blurry, to see a figure grab dean and throw him into the wall. I managed to get up but then the figure was coming after me just as it was about to grab me dean stabbed it with his blade. The figure looked shocked then it laughed and pulled the blade out from its chest. By now my vision had returned and I could see that is was Alice the missing girl.
She turned and smacked dean who fell to the floor and picked me up by the shirt.
"Oh now your a little young, but I'm sure you will do." She said touching my face. Then Sam tackled her and I fell to the floor. I must've cut the ropes enough for him to break them.
I stood up just as dean did. Then Dean looked behind be and pulled out his gun.
"Duck" he yelled as I fell to the floor once more. He fired 5 shots and as I turned around I saw a woman maybe in her late thirties standing there. She had 5 holes in her but wasn't bleeding. She smiled as I backed away and stood up.
I looked over to see Alice holding a knife to Sam's throat. I wanted to jump on her and get the knife away but I knew it was stupid. He would be dead before I made it a foot.
"Well well well. Now you boys didn't mention you had a stray. We love strays don't we Alice." She said turning to Alice. Then to me.
"Come here its ok. I just want to have a look" she said putting her arms out to me. Dean stiffened. "Oh now I wouldn't if I were you" she said looking over at him then to alice who tightened her grip on Sam. I looked over to Sam who nodded to me. Then I slowly walked over to the woman.
"Hmm" she said touching my hair. "This is beautiful hair you have. And those eyes, your father's I presume." Said looking into my eyes.
"Wait what?" I said looking at her. She smiled.
"You can leave boys." She said looking over at Alice who let go of Sam.
"what?" Said Sam
"Give us the girl and we will let you live."
"Yeah right"said dean "and to think I actually thought you were hot. We're not leaving without the girl." Then I realized that the woman was Alice's mom.
"Oh don't be a fool." She said looking over at him. " This girl will leave you the moment another boy comes into the picture"
"We said no" Said Sam angrily. I then realized that the angel was wrong. Here Sam and Dean could leave. Be safe and free and yet they stayed facing whatever these things were to save me. And we haven't even known each other that long. So I had to do anything I could to not let that be in vein.
Not really seeing an option I pulled out my blade and stabbed her in the heart. There was some red sparks then she crumbled to dust. Then I knew what she was. Alice, Sam, and Dean all stood there shocked. But the most was me, it took me a second to process what just happened then I turned to Alice.
"No..." She said staring at the remnants of her mother. "That's impossible."
Then she lunged at me and I held my knife out. She fell on top of it and she too crumbled. I looked to Sam and Dean who were starting at me.
"What- how did-" started Sam
"They are a rare form of wendigo and shapeshifter" I said sitting down exhausted I still hadn't slept much. "I read about them in one of the books in the bunker. When they are young, so for about the first 100 years, they have to switch bodies every couple of years. But the way they stay "them" is to swap hearts. Towards the 100 year mark they have to start changing more often. Until they hit 100 or so and don't have to change at all. I just didn't think about it before because of there only being thirty years. But when I saw the mom I realized that most likely they moved in from somewhere else."
"Huh, wow Sam didn't think anyone could out nerd you." Dean said smacking Sam on the chest then grabbing his knife off the floor. He looked at his knife then to mine in my hand.
"Wait a second. Why did your knife work and not ours?"
"Guess mines more powerful."I said admiring it, then putting it back in my boot.

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