part 15

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  I grabbed onto the edge of the house. I looked back at the young boy who shooed me up. 
There was a one of those fancy looking white fences up against the house covered on vines. It started to climb up it. About halfway up my foot slipped and I fell onto the ground. The boy watched me giggling.
"Shut up" I mumbled as I got to my feet.
I grabbed onto the house once again an climbed. After 2 more attempts I finally made it up to the window. I pulled myself up expecting to see Garret standing wondering what in the heck a random person was doing climbing up his window. But the room was empty.
I climbed over the window. My shoelace got caught on one of the vines fell onto the ground with a thump.
I winced as the thump echoed through the room. I heard somebody walking up the steps so I hurrily stood up. When I did I almost fell to the floor again looked down and pulled up my pant leg. My ankle was a rose red.
"Well today's just my lucky day." I said limping into the closet. I got in just as someone entered the room. I peeked through the crack to see Garret. He seemed worn out.
"And when your done you can polish my guns!" Yelled a voice downstaires. Which I presumed was his grandmother.
"Yah grandma. Got it" he said in a defeated voice. He pulled off his shirt and threw it towards the closet. Then grabbed a new one from his drawer. Dont ask me why but for some reason I thought then was a good time.
"Hey" I said coming out from the closet.
"Gah!" He said turning around he was about to yell when I tackled him onto the bed and put my hand over his mouth. He tried to fight but was surprisingly weak.
"Hold still I'm not going to hurt you!" I whispered to him. He starred at me wide eyed and terrified. After a moment he quit fighting. "If I take my hand away do you promise to not yell?" I asked him. He nodded. I pulled my hand from his mouth and-
"GRANDM-!" I quickly put my hand over his mouth again.
"Jeez what's wrong with your family!?" I said to him. He still remained starring at me. I don't know why I expected a response considering I was holding his mouth shut. "Look. I am seriously not here to hurt you. I need your help. It has to do with the demon that possesed you-" he started fighting when I said that and I lost my grip. He fell from the bed but I was able to get back on top of him and keep him from screaming.
"Dude. Freaking quit it!" I said annoyed. "This is serious and I need to talk to you before- well it doesn't matter just please let me ask you some questions. The demons gone and no one can hurt you."
"Hmhmhmh" he said
"What?" I asked
"Oh right.... promise you will shut up?" I said pulling my hand from his mouth.
"I said your hurting me" he responded annoyed.
"Oh sorry" I said getting off of him.
"Your crazy!" He said to me standing up.
"Only moderately." I said standing up with him. Or course I was his height and he was pretty tall. "Look your brother let me up ok. If he trusts me then you can too"
"Did you give him money" he asked
"Well yeah." I mumbled
"There you go" he said to me.
"Look you know those guys that got the demon out of you?"
"What the model and sasquach?"
"Exactly! They're after me and I just need some Intel before they figure out where I have gone"
"Look I am sorry but I don't want anything to do with anymore demons or monsters or any part of Morin's plan alright. I just want to be left alone." He said putting his shirt on.
"Wait what about Morin's plan?" I asked stepping closer to him.
"What-nothing." He said avoiding the subject.
"No you said something about Morin's plan. What is it?"
"I - I don't really remember much ok. The demon he-" there was a knock at the door.
"Shoot!" I said peeking out of his window. Sam and Dean were standing on the front steps. "Oh no no no. This is bad. This is very very bad!" I said turning from the the window then to Garret."hide me"
"What no!" He said quickly. "You broke in here. You should get caught"
"Oh come on!" I whispered as I heard his grandma answer the door. He just stood there. "Ok look. I can protect you ok. Teach you how to fight the demons and keep them from possessing you again!" I said desperately. He sat there for a moment debating it. Then his face softened.
"Ok up here onto the roof." He said opening the window on the side of the house. And I climbed though my ankle ached but I was in to much of  a hurry to care. I got onto the roof Just as his bedroom door opened."Gare dear" Said his grandma. I tried to keep from giggling at the nickname she had given him. "There are some very handsome men here looking for thier daughter and they think she might be here. You don't know anything about that do you?" She said politely.
"A no ga-ma, I uh I don't" he said voice shaking. I pulled myself higher onto the roof as I heard Sam and dean enter the room. I almost got to the top when I put pressure on my hurt ankle and I began sliding down. I barely caught myself from falling into view of Sam and dean. I regained my grip and got to the top. I stood up and looked around trying to find a way down. I needed to get out of there before Sam and dean left. I looked to the right to see they had a shed.
"Ew. This is going to end badly."I mumbled to myself as I got ready to jump. I tightened my shoes and ran. I jumped off the edge of the roof and onto the shed. I landed awkwardly and with a loud bang. I saw Sam and dean through the window. And to my horror they saw me too. I pulled a slip from my pocket and as I ran past Garret's little brother I tossed it to him along with a five dollar bill.
"Tell him to call me!" I said running around the corner. I don't really know why I was running they had already spotted me. But then I realized if they caught me nearby Garret's grandma would see me and I didn't want to give up that advantage yet. I got down the street when I saw them a ways behind. I was surprisingly faster than them. I made a sharp turn left when I almost ran into somebody.
"Sor-"I began to say looking up. But when I did I saw Cas. "Crap."
"Jessica." He said wearily. I looked at him to see his trench coat ripped and bags under his eyes.
"Cas what-"
"I am sorry but I need some of your blood." He said touching my arm. I felt a wired sensation that made me feel weightless. I tried to pull my arm away when I got really tired.
"Stop cas.... What are you-" I began.
"I am really sorry but I need a lot" he said as I fell to my knees. I looked up to see him begin to fade to black. He said something but a growing thumping in my ears blocked it out as he did he slipped something into my pocket. Then everything went dark.

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