The Shadow of A Boy

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Your POV:
"___! ___!"
I heard someone whisper my name and suddenly felt wet finger in my ear. I quickly woke up and said,
"Jacob! What the hell!?"
"Would you keep your voice down?! C'mon the others are waiting."
He took my hand and lead me to a secret room we found in Madam Ackerley's study. It was old and dusty, and we weren't even sure if Madam Ackerley herself knew it was there. My other "friends" were there with some sort of map.
"What's going on?", I asked.
"We're getting out of this bloody hell-hole that's what.", Abigail replied.
"But..tomorrow's Preview Day..."
Preview Day was the one day in every month where  potential parents visit us at the orphanage. If it goes well you have a pretty good chance at getting adopted. This, however, was our 180th Preview Day. Nobody wants a moody fifteen-year-old with authority issues that's for sure.
"Screw Preview Day.", William said marking areas on the map in red. 
Preview Day was actually my favorite day of the month. I wasn't sure why, but there was still a part of me that had hope. I was determined to find where I belong. But I would never tell them that.
"Yeah Preview Day is the worst.", I replied.
"When are we leaving?", asked Jacob.
"Tomorrow night, midnight, by the Oak Tree. If your not there, we're leaving you." William added.
I actually had no desire to leave, I was still hoping someone would come along and pick me up and if I left I knew that would never happen. I decided I would agree to the plan now, and not show up tomorrow night and make up some excuse.
The next morning the plan was all set up, little did they know I would not be participating. We spent the day with mostly newly wed couples who obviously weren't out to take home a teenager. But still, in that moment it still felt like I had a family, like someone for once actually made me feel wanted...
So maybe they were just being polite but I couldn't help but eavesdrop on what they were talking about with Madam Ackerley.
"So, ___, she's very unique. Some authority issues but she seems to only act up when she's in a group, very intelligent, a fast learner..." , Madam Ackerley began.
"Yes, how old was she again?", asked the husband of the couple.
"Umm, she's fifteen, sixteen this spring."
"I'm sure she's a wonderful young lady, but that's just the thing...she's a young lady. Surely you have some children perhaps younger than she?"
I writhed with anger. I knew it, I knew they wouldn't want me.
"Oh, well yes, but please she's been moved so many times and she really is a fantastic character.", Madam Ackerley replied.
"Look, we have no doubt she's an amazing person, but we really would prefer a child. I mean, she's practically a young adult."
"Yes...well I see, let's move on then..."
I ran out of the building and kicked stones at the pavement. I sat on the front steps and cried into my knees.
"I'm going to die here...", I whispered to myself.
I had to leave. I was going to that oak tree tonight...and no one was going to stop me.
I saw three figures by the oak tree that night and ran to them.
"William? Abigail? Jacob?", I whispered.
"Yeah, put this on.."
Abigail handed me a wool cloak and I slipped it over my head.
"Put the hood on, make sure your face isn't seen.", Jacob whispered.
William pulled out the map and we began to walk further into downtown.
"Where are we going?", I whispered.
"Bloody hell ___, didn't you listen to anything? We're going to the clock tower.", Jacob whispered.
We made our way down the brick paved roads and out of the light of the lamp posts.
"There it is.", Abigail said pointing.
"Next stop...Neverland."
"Neverland?", I questioned.
Jacob punched me in the arm.
"Don't be an idiot ___. You're going to get us kicked out of the plan!", he whispered.
Neverland? What was Neverland? And how was this going to help us escape?
We waited a while and Abigail grew impatient.
"William! You said the shadow would be here!"
"I saw it a couple nights ago! It's coming!"
"You don't know anything William!", she replied frustrated.
Shadow? What in the hell were they talking about?
There was a quick whistle and we quickly snapped our heads in its direction.
"It's the Bobbies!!", William said as we ran off.
The police officer followed after us, twisting and turning until I felt a hand grab my arm. I looked behind me and saw the policeman watch as the others ran away and left me there.
"Alright kid, what's your name?"
I remained silent and forcefully yanked my arm from his grasp. I took off and winded around the corner and down a rather dark alleyway. In the glow of Big Ben I saw what seemed to be a boy-less shadow, or more importantly a shadow-less boy somewhere.
It's glowing eyes rushed towards me and took my hand, and flew higher and higher, bringing me along with it. The air grew thinner and thinner as we soared higher and higher, and as it whisked me off to somewhere far away...

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