Live Forever

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I couldn't sleep. I stared at the wooden ceiling and thought about home. I thought about Madam Ackerley and how she was trying so hard to get me a family...maybe there was still hope...
I heard a tap on the window and turned to see Pan.
"Is watching girls sleep in the middle of the night a hobby of yours?", I asked.
"You weren't sleeping, therefore, it wasn't creepy. And I'd like to remind you that is my room your sleeping in."
"Debatable, but anyhow why are you tapping on the window again?"
"Because we're going somewhere."
"And what makes you think I trust you?"
"Oh I don't believe you trust me, and you'd be smart not to."
He took my hand and led me to the roof. The sky was black, embroidered with stars that never seemed to stop shimmering.
"Do you know what this place is?", he asked.
"Well, no, not completely."
"This is a special never grow up here."
"So here forever?"
The concept was hard to grasp. I mean everything had to eventually die off, nothing was immune to time...but for some reason I still believed him.
I stayed silent, just staring upward into the sky.
"So old are you?"
"Sixteen, but the question is rather how long I've been sixteen."
"Okay, then how long have you been sixteen?"
He laughed and replied,
"That, I will never tell you."
There were so many sides to him, I mean one day he's holding a knife to my throat and the next he's joking with me? It made me wonder just what else he was hiding...

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