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I haven't said anything to Pan since, nor has he. There's something unbearable about the silence, how he can say everything at once without uttering a single word. The days are growing shorter, and there was an ominous feeling in the air, as if something was about to happen soon.
I jumped down from the treehouse,
"Where's Pan?", I asked the lost boys.
They giggled and replied,
"We dunno. He said we was going on a trip"
"A trip? To where?"
"Stonyhook or something like that"
Another one chimed in,
"It wasn't Stonyhook you idiot! It was...oh! I know! Sleepynook!"
Felix stabbed a knife into the tree, gaining all of our attention,
"It was Storybrooke."
"Storybrooke?", I questioned.
"Different realm, actually same that we came from, different time period though."
"London? You mean...Pan can open a portal back there?"
"He can open a portal anywhere. You didn't think we were all really stuck here did you?"
"I...I, no."
He chuckled,
"Ol' Pan's playing ya. Just like Wendy Darling."
"Okay, who the hell is Wendy Darling?"
He released a sly grin,
"Oh nobody, just another name for the book Guinea Pig."
A thousand thoughts raced across my mind, was Pan really playing me? Felix hasn't exactly been one to trust...but if he was lying, then why would Pan not tell me he was leaving? I did, however, have one advantage,
Pan was gone. And that meant everything he's hiding was now out in the open...

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