The Lost Boys

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The smell of dewy soil filled the air as I awoke, on the ground surrounded by towering trees, fastened upon thick trunks. Long vines draped down from the trees, and moss covered most of the vegetation. I was wearing my cloak, the hood still hiding my face. A tall figure, a boy, in a similar hooded cloak looked down at me and flashed a sly grin. His dirty blond hair hung in front of his eyes and a scar ran down the side of his face.
"Well look what the cat dragged in.", he said before chuckling.
I remained silent as he let out a devious laugh.
"Pan will be excited about a new lost boy, follow me."
Did he say lost boy? He must not have seen my face...
I got up and followed him through the thick jungle, carefully stepping behind him as he cut down branches away from our path. We arrived at one of the biggest trees of the jungle. Wooden tree houses hung above us and ladders were nailed into the trunks of the trees. A campfire was burning in the center of a circle of what I'm assuming were fellow lost boys. They turned in excitement as they saw me enter, fascinated at the new person.
"Felix! You didn't tell us there was a new one!", one shouted at the tall boy that led me there.
"Well, what's his name then?", another shouted.
Felix shoved me and asked,
"Go on, what's your name?"
I didn't know what to do. If I spoke, I knew I would give myself away. Maybe there was a reason there were no girls here, and I was not about to find out.
I stayed silent, hoping they would eventually ignore me, but they persisted.
"What's your name!? What's your name!?", they chanted together. Felix walked over to me and grabbed onto my hood. Before he could pull it away I heard,
"Don't...touch him!"

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