Another Way

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Felix and I sneaked through the cave until we reached where Pan and the others were. We hid behind the corner and listened to what they were saying,
"I told you, I was trying to return Henry to you." Pan said.
"Cmon we all know that's bullshit." Regina replied.
"Regina, does it matter anymore? We have Henry, let's just let him go.", Snow White replied.
"I'm not letting him go to just steal some more kids." Emma added.
"Well then what do you suppose we do with him?" asked Prince Charming.
"You know, as much as I love hearing you all bicker, I think I'm tired of this whole "no magic" thing." Pan said before braking free from the anti-magic cuff.
"How did he-"
I watched as Snow White drew an arrow and pointed it at him.
"Don't move." She said.
"That's cute really." Pan replied as he vanished it away. As Pan was distracted, Rumple drew out an odd, curve-shaped dagger. I recognized it from some of Pan's books. It was the dagger of the dark one, the only magic strong enough to kill Pan, well, with the exception of the necklace he gave me.
"Pan!" I yelled as I jumped in front of him and whacked the dagger out of the dark one's hand with my sword. Felix quickly followed after me and pointed his sword at the others.
Pan looked behind at me and whispered,
I smiled and swiftly picked up the dagger.
"Dark One, bind them." I said.
Pan looked at me in concern,
"No, stop. Don't use the dagger."
"Why not?"
"Because, that's dark magic."
"So? You use it all the time." I replied as Rumple continued to tie them all up.
"I know but that's different. It's me, this is you."
"What? I'm not strong enough?"
"No that's not it at all. You're better than that, you are stronger than me."
I looked at him and a tear ran down my cheek as I dropped the dagger. I looked at Henry and his family tied up and a rush of guilt fled over me.
"I...I'm sorry."
"Rumple now!" Regina yelled as he grabbed the dagger off of the floor.
"It's doesn't matter what you do now Rumple. We're all taking a little trip in about, oh I don't know, two minutes or so..." Pan added.
"What?", Snow asked.
"Som of a Bitch." Regina said as she looked out the cave opening.
I turned my head to see a gaunt cloud of purple smoke heading right towards us...
"Pan, what did you do?" I asked.
"Find another way..."

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