I Don't Believe in Faries

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I awoke startled at first by my surroundings, but quickly remembering where I was.
"Pan?", I called out.
There was no answer, I figured he was about his own business as usual. I got up and looked at what he was working on during the night.
"The heart of the truest believer?"
I flipped through the book and in it was an illustration of a boy, younger than me and Pan.
I wondered what made him so important, but more so why Pan was interested in him. I changed and went out, finding my way back to the main camp. Someone quickly covered my mouth and pulled me into the bushes. I rustled as they pinned me to the ground, it was the same person in green cloak.
"Who are you?", I said under their muffled sleeve.
She pulled down her hood, revealing her dirty face and blond hair fixed up into a bun. Strands of hair strayed from the bun and her eyes looked tired.
"Tinkerbell.", she replied unclamping her cloak and letting her glowing green wings fluff out.
"You're...you're a-a"
"Yes, a fairy."
"But how? Fairies don't exist."
She cringed and clenched her stomach, groaning in pain.
"D-don't say that.", she said weakly.
"Just tell me why you pulled me into the bushes, Tinkerbell."
"It's about Pan, you can't trust him. He's planning something...big."
"What makes you think I'll believe you? And besides, Pan told me to stay away from you. Now don't you have some teeth to collect or something?"
I climbed out of the bushes and made my way back.
Pan was there, playing his pan flute for dancing and chanting lost boys. Pan motioned me towards him and I sat down.
"You never told me you guys were having a party.",I said smiling.
"Oh it's not a party, rather a celebration."
"What for?"
"A major breakthrough. I have a plan, and it's going to change everything..."

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