Don't Want You To Get Hurt

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The morning was surprisingly silent. The air was missing the hollars and laughter of lost boys and seemed calm, which concerned me. I exited the treehouse, to find all of the lost boys silent, staring intently at the roof of the hut I had been sleeping in. I peered up, to see Pan and Jacob.
"What in the bloody hell were you doing?!", yelled Pan. I had never seen him this angry.
"I...I" Jacob said stuttering in fear.
"Answer me!"
"I was just going to talk to her I swear."
I watched in horror as Pan forcefully grabbed at Jacob's chest, and held his beating heart between his fingers. Jacob cringed in pain as Pan began to squeeze.
"Pan!", I screamed with tears forming at my eyes.
He turned at me shocked and quickly glanced at the heart, and back to me. He looked almost embarrassed, as if he hadn't wanted me to see this side of him. He returned his heart and Jacob fell to the floor, gasping to catch his breath. I turned and ran away through the forest. Winding around trees until I came to an edge of a cliff, overlooking a never ending sea. Pan followed quickly behind me and landed briskly on his feet beside me.
"__, I-"
"Why? What was that? That wasn't you."
"It was me, that's the horror of it all."
"No, I refuse to believe that."
"I found him in your room, he-"
"So you decided to kill him?"
"You want to know why? Because I care, okay? I admit it! I care about you! The great and powerful Pan has a weakness! Are you happy?!"
"I would be a fool to believe you care for me, you said it yourself."
"Look, when I saw him there I...I couldn't stop myself."
"Then why did you say that you didn't care about anyone during practice?"
"Because...I...was scared. Caring for someone makes me makes me weak."
I realized his denial was a part of his walls. He shut everyone out to avoid weakness.
"Caring for someone isn't weakness, it's strength." He sat next to me and said,
"I'm pretty f***ed up."
"I know, that doesn't mean I don't care for you."
He looked at me with wide eyes,
"No, you can't.", he said with a nervous tone.
"We can't do this. I'm not going to let this happen. We need to stop this."
"Stop what?"
"I can't do this to you. I could never live with myself. You're going to get hurt."
"How are you so sure?"
"I'm not the person you deserve. I'm a villain, not a you know everything I've done? All the lives I've taken..."
"I don't care about who you were, and I don't think that was really you."
"I don't want you to get hurt..."
He said before flying off and leaving me with my thoughts.

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