Neverland Flashback (One-Shot)

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Flashback to Neverland...
"Pan!" I laughed in between my words,
"Pan! What the hell is this?"
He appeared in my room with a grin.
"It's a dress."
"Yes, that's apparent. But what is it doing here?"
"It's for you."
"Did you make this?"
"Make is not really the word I would use, more like conjured."
"It's enchanted?"
"Why don't you see for yourself?"
I began to undress but stopped,
"Well....go wait outside you pervert!"
He chuckled and vanished out of the room.
The dress was dark blue and sleeveless. It draped down to my knees and had a golden shimmer to it.
I suddenly began to float upwards towards the ceiling.
"Pan!" I called out. "What did you do?!"
He appeared once again and laughed at me hugging the ceiling.
He flew up, grabbed my hand, and brought me down.
"Today I'm going to teach you how to fly."
"Oh jeeze, this is a death trap waiting to happen."
He smiled, "You'll be fine."
I have a fake laugh and replied,
He led me outside, still holding my hand to make sure I didn't fly away like a balloon.
"Okay, think happy thoughts and you'll fly upwards."
"Umm...I don't know..."
I shuffled through all of my memories trying to think.
"Here, let me get you started," Pan said before kissing me and sending me upwards. He followed quickly behind and grabbed my hand again.
I waved my arms and legs trying to steady myself.
"Just keep still. Pretend you're swimming."
I steadied myself and kicked my legs. Pan grabbed my waist and flew us up higher. I looked down and the now far ground. Fear entered my mind and I suddenly began to hurtle towards the ground.
He quickly swooped down and caught me.
I jumped down from his arms and replied,
"Thanks," while trying to hide the redness in my cheeks.
We flew together for the rest of the day until the sun began to set.
We sat together by a fire as Pan played his flute.
I smiled at him and he looked over.
"What?" He asked.
"I want to teach you something now."
"And what would that be?"
I stood up and took his hand.
"Oh no, I don't dance."
I laughed,
"Which is why I'm teaching you."
I took one of his hands and put it on my waist and held the other one. I wrapped one of my arms around his shoulder and began swaying back and forth. He quickly followed the rhythm. He snapped and the flute began to play itself. He led me and spun me around for a dip.
I smiled,
"I thought you said you couldn't dance."
"I said I don't dance, doesn't mean I can't." He said before pulling me towards him. I rested my head on his shoulder and we began to fly upwards.
We didn't care, we continued to dance in the sky for what seemed like eternity...

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