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I sat in my room, trying to sort out my thoughts when Pan abruptly entered.
"We need to go. C'mon."
"Woah woah slow down there Mr. Bossypants."
"____, please."
He was concerned and in a hurry, definitely no state to argue with him.
I took his hand and he flew upwards, holding me close to him. We flew for a while until we came across a little hut by the shoreline. He landed and set me down gently.
"Where are we?"
"Far from camp."
"Care to explain?"
"People are coming. They're going to tell you some things about me but I need you to know they're not true. I need your trust now more than ever."
"I trust you."
That was a lie. I knew too little about what he was up to to trust him. He lead me into the hut and said,
"There's a food supply here, but you'll have to use the pump out back for fresh water. I'll be back by tomorrow, but please stay here."
He quickly flew off and I began to examine the hut. Nothing of much entertainment was there. I sat and waited for hours wondering what use Henry's heart could have for Pan. I thought about when Pan was holding Jacob's heart, and how it almost killed him...wait...was Pan going to kill Henry? I wasn't sure, but I wasn't about to just wait here like a helpless princess in a tower. I ran deep into the jungle.
"Tinkerbell! Tinkerbell!" I called out.
She suddenly appeared and looked annoyed.
"Oh so now you believe in fairies?"
"Look I'm sorry okay? I need to know what Pan is up to."
"I was trying to tell you before but you were too stubborn to listen."
"Yeah yeah, we get it. Would you please just tell me now?"
"Well, Pan is going to take the heart of the truest believer, Henry's heart."
"I know that, but what does he need it for?"
"I dunno. It's the most powerful heart there is, well maybe with the exception of "the savior," but there's possibilities you could do with it are endless. You could possibly become one of the most powerful sorcerers who ever lived if you harness its power right."
"So you think Pan is going to use it to become more powerful?"
"Not more powerful...the most powerful..."

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