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I went up into Pan's thinking tree and began to look around at what we was working on. Pages I had seen before were spread across the old wooden desk.
"The Heart of the Truest most powerful items? Located in...Storybrooke..."
He was trying to get the heart to gain power, but why?
I heard a creak in the floorboards and turned.
"Pan." I said clutching the table behind me.
"What are you doing?"
"I was just...well, you see, I-I was up here and something fell over so I was just um picking it up and putting it back on the desk."
"How much did you find out?", he asked, totally disregarding my excuse.
"It was really nothing much, just that you went to Storybrooke, wherever that is..."
I couldn't tell him that I knew about his plan for the heart, that was one advantage I was not willing to give up.
He sighed and held out his hand.
"Come with me."
I took it and he lead me outside, were we sat on a fallen tree.
He kissed me and looked into my eyes,
"You don't trust me."
I shook my head no.
"I know it's a lot to ask, but I need you to. A lot of things are about to happen and I need to know you'll always choose me, no matter what anyone tells you." , he told me.
"I...well...okay Pan."
"I want to give you something."
"What is it?"
He placed a necklace in the palm of my hand.
"Pan, it's beautiful."
"It's enchanted, with the only light magic I have left. It contains enough power for one spell to...kill me."
"Woah, why would I ever want to kill you?"
"It's not so much about killing me but knowing that you have the ability to. I'll trust you with it if you can trust me."
"I'll trust you Pan, through everything."
"I'm not so sure..."
I kissed him and hugged him close.
"There's a new lost boy." He whispered.
He waved his hand and a ball of energy appeared, showing us what the new lost boy was doing. He was younger than Pan and I, and wore a black coat with a red-striped scarf. It was the boy with the heart of the truest believer...

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