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"Yes, and how long have you lived in London now?"
"I was raised but only moved back about two years ago." I replied.
The landlord shuffled through the rest of my papers and said,
"Well, the apartment is yours if you want it. Here are the keys sign the contract and that's that."
I squiggled my name on the line and the landlord got up to leave. Before leaving the doorway, he asked,
"Just where did you live before moving here again?"
"Second star to the right."
He looked at me oddly and replied,
"Yes...well I best be on my way then..."
I unpacked and sat down at the kitchen table.
Ring Ring Ring...
"Uh..is this ___?"
"Yes, who's calling?"
"Um, I don't know if you remember me. This is Emma, from Storybrooke..."
"What can I do for you?"
"We need you to come to Storybrooke."
"Why is that?"
"We need to go to the Underworld, Captain Hook was captured and brought there. But he isn't the only one there...Rumple says...that Pan is there too and something else about unfinished business..."
"Okay, I'm on my way..."
                          To Be Continued....

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