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"Why did you bring him here?" I asked as Pan went through some spell books.
"Same reason anyone else is here. Why do you think he's so significant to me?"
"I don't. It's just, you yourself went to go get him. Why not your shadow?"
"He lived in a place without magic, much like yours, only there was absolutely no magic to be found. Your world on the other hand had bits and pieces hidden in the cracks of it."
I stared at the floor until I noticed he was standing in front of me. He placed his finger under my chin and pushed it upwards so my eyes would meet his. He kissed me and said,
"You're changing me, you know that?" 
"How so?"
"You make me...brighter."
He wrapped his arms around me as I held the necklace to my chest.
"Why are you so tense?", he asked.
"I'm just...scared."
"Of what?"
"I'm not sure...I think I need to he alone for a little while. I meet you back here tonight."
"Oh...okay. You know where to find me if you need me."
"Yeah.", I replied before kissing his cheek and climbing down from the massive tree. I made my way back to camp and watched the new lost boy huddle alone by the fire. He was frightened. I walked over and sat next to him. He looked at me a little confused.
"Hi there," I said.
"My name is ___."
"I'm Henry."
"Did you get settled into your room yet?"
"No. I'm not staying. My family is coming for me."
"Henry...I know your scared, and I know I miss home sometimes too. But trust me, it's much better here than-"
"NO! I'm not staying here! I'm not becoming one of you! Now leave me alone!"
I stared, shocked and backed away.
If Henry was right about his family coming, then Neverland is about to get a little more interesting...

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