I Don't Care About Anyone

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I felt a wet finger in my ear and suddenly woke up.
"Damn it Jacob!"
He laughed and I sat up. I smiled, there was something I had missed about this.
"How do get up here?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, this is Pan's room, how'd you get past him?"
"I dunno, I guess he didn't notice. Why are you sleeping in Pan's r-"
"Oh trust me, I noticed.", I looked over and saw Pan with his arms folded.
"Um, Jacob...you should probably go.", I said.
He got up and climbed back down the latter.
"What was that all about?", I asked.
"I don't want guys up here."
"You're a guy."
"Yes, but that's different."
"How so?"
"It just...is, okay? Now c'mon we have another sword lesson today."
Pan was unusually possessive today. We walked deeper into the trees and stopped at the clearing we had been practicing in.
"Ready position.", he said firmly.
"You know, you're really bossy for an eternal kid."
"I assure you __, now is not the time to be pushing my buttons."
"One second you're all nice and the next you're all authority-like. What's with you?"
"I like things my way."
"Wow, ego much?"
"It's not an ego, it's a control problem okay? I need control.", he said embarrassed. He sat down and ran his fingers through his hair. I sat next to him,
"You are so confusing."
"I know, it's part of my walls."
"Walls? What are you scared of?"
"Exactly, people knowing I fear something, so if we could please change the topic to fighting..."
"Why can't you open up to me? I thought I meant something..."
"Nobody means anything to me.", he said before standing up and walking away. My heart sunk. As to think Pan, the powerful and almighty Peter Pan, could actually somewhat, deep down, care for me. I felt foolish for believing, for believing in him.
"I don't believe...", I whispered to myself.
I heard rustling in the bushes and grabbed my sword.
"Who's there?"
I saw Jacob walk out of the trees and spot me.
"Calm down, it's just me."
He took a seat next to me.
"Where's Pan."
"I don't know, he ran off."
"Look, I wanted to talk to you."
"Um okay."
"I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"For treating you like that back home, I was kind of a jerk to you at times."
"Yeah, but it's okay, it's in the past right?"
"Right. Thank you."
"No problem, but you owe me a chocolate bar when we get back home."
"Get back home?"
"Yeah...there's no reason to stay anymore..."

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