Happy Endings

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"He cast a curse..." Regina said staring at the incoming purple fog.
"Pan, what's going to happen?" I said a little scared.
"Don't worry. We're going to be transported back to a land without magic."
"...you mean...my home?"'
"Not exactly. We're going back to a different time period than you're from. To you, we'll be going to the future but for them it's the present."
"What if I don't fit in there?"
"You will, I promise."
The fog began to seep into the cave and Pan grabbed my hand. It felt cold and all I could see was darkness for a while. I could still feel Pan's hand gripping onto mine. The darkness slowly faded and I regained my vision. We were now in a place with paved streets and loud moving machines.
"Welcome to Storybrooke." Pan said.
"Why the hell would you bring us here?" Emma asked.
"Reasons." Pan replied.
"Are...are those street cars?" I asked.
"Haha, yes of sorts I suppose." Pan replied.
"Where do you attach the horses?"
He grinned a little,
"These don't require horses."
I blushed as I said embarrassedly,
"Okay, enough of this playing around, why the hell are we back here Pan?" Regina asked.
"Look, I came back here because I found the island unfavorable. Nothing more."
"I don't trust him." Snow White added.
"And you're wise not to..." Rumple said in reply.
"I know I've betrayed you in the past, but-"
"Get him!" Regina yelled as she waved fire into her hand and threw it at Pan.
He quickly dodged it as the others began to run towards us. I pulled out my sword and pointed it at Emma.
"Kid, stop. Don't do this, whatever he tells you he is is a lie."
"No! You stop! You don't know him!"
"I know you're probably scared, but we can find you a home."
"I'M NOT SOME SCARED LITTLE KID!" I yelled as I kicked her and she fell to the ground. I held my sword over her as she looked into my eyes.
"Mom!" Henry yelled.
"___! Don't do it! Don't make the same mistakes I did!" Pan yelled.
I shook as the blade got closer to her throat. I gasped as I drew the sword away and dropped it onto the floor. I turned and Regina quickly punched me, causing me to black out. In that moment a memory came back to me. I was back in Madam Ackerley's study, watching as some little girl met her new family. A tear ran down my cheek and Madam Ackerley was there with a big hug for me...
My eyes suddenly opened and the others were still fighting Pan, until he shouted,
With one wave of his hand we were all frozen there. He slowly walked up to me and said,
"I'm sorry...but I have to do this."
I tried to move, to scream, anything, but all I could do was blink as I watched him walk away. He looked at the others and said,
"Now, which one of you should I kill first?"
Rumple walked behind him and replied,
"Stay Away from them!"
"Well what about that. Are you here to "protect your loved ones?"
"You're not going to hurt any one of them."
"And what makes you so sure?"
"I have a job to finish. And I have to do it, whatever it takes. I love you Baelfire, and I love you Belle."
I watched as Rumple pulled out the dagger, pulled Pan close to him and stabbed it through the both of them. Immediately the spell broke and I rushed to Pan. Tears rushed down my face as he looked into my eyes.
"I'm sorry..." He replied weakly.
"Sorry? Don't be sorry. Sorry for what?"
"For-for not being the person you deserved."
"I love you Peter..."
"Villains don't get happy endings..."
He reached for the necklace around me and broke the chain. He then smashed it to the ground and beams of white light shone out.
And in a cloud of black smoke, he vanished. All that was left was a copper compass. I cried as I opened it, and inside these words were engraved:
"This compass always points to Neverland. When you feel lost, open it and know you can always find your way. I leave this to ___, who always saw the good in me and to who I never had the courage to say these three words...I love you."


*words italicized taken from season three, episode nine of "Once Upon A Time" and written by Christine Boylan and Daniel T. Thomsen. The characters Pan, Henry, Regina, Emma, Snow White, Rumple, Captain Hook, and Baelfire were based off of characters present in "Once Upon A Time", created by Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz.

Author's Note:
Hey guys! Well, that's it! Hope you enjoyed it! What? What do you say? You're not satisfied? You want more? Well lucky for you I will be posting an Epilogue soon as well as coming out with a sequel! The sequel won't be coming out for a while but I'll keep you posted! Thanks so much for reading and voting and I hope you enjoyed it!
-thecatgurl =^._.^=

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