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I sat and watched as the lost boys dueled each other with wooden swords. Felix walked in and snickered,
"You woosses!"
He pulled out a real sword and threw one to me.
"C'mon, let's see what the Guinea Pig's got."
I had no skill in sword fighting whatsoever, let alone even touched a sword before now.
"I dunno, I..."
"What's wrong? Oh that's right, you're a girl...I'll let you get back to picking your flowers now."
The lost boys hooted and hollared. I angrily stood up and pointed the sword at him.
"On your mark...get set...go!"
Our swords clashed back and forth. I clenched my sword, trying to block his strong whacks. He quickly kicked my knee, causing me to fall. He held the tip of the sword just over my nose and said,
"Lost girls don't belong he-"
I looked up and saw Pan. He took Felix's sword and added,
"Felix go."
He stared at me on the ground and helped me up.
"I could've saved myself you know.", I said.
"Oh I'm so sure.", he said sarcastically.
"What exactly are you implying here?"
"Look, there's nothing wrong with being a brain rather than a fist."
I walked away and went up to bed. Later that night I looked out my window, searching for Pan. I heard music coming from the roof and climbed up. Pan was there, playing a flute. He was calm, and seemed lost in the music, another side of him. I just sat and watched him play for a while. He turned around and I blushed.
"So now you're stalking me...oh how the tables have turned." 
I smiled and sat next to him.
"That was really beautiful."
"Complementing me now? Does someone have a crush?"
I punched his arm.
"You know, I probably would've killed you now if you were someone else," he said.
"And what makes me so special now?"
"I'm not sure yet."
We fell silent until I said,
"I want you to teach me how to fight."
He looked at me,
"Lots of reasons, to kick Felix's ass, protect myself, be a badass."
He laughed and replied,
"I'll teach you how to fight, but right now let's stick with the flute."
He took my hand and placed it on the pan flute, moving my fingers as he blew. It was a different song this time, more happy and light-hearted. I smiled and he smiled back.
"That's the first time you've ever smiled.", I said.
"I've smiled before."
"No, you've smirked before, this is real."
He picked up his flute and returned to playing a sweet melody, until I fell asleep...

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