Truth Revealed

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It was for me. Henry's heart was for me? What did that even mean? I heard something behind me and turned to see two men. One with a light beard and the other with a hook for a hand.
"Well, bloody hell. Looks like Pan actually captured a lost girl.", the one with the hook said.
"Who are you?" I asked drawing out my sword.
"Woah. Slow down there lass, first of all that is not a fight you'd win, and second I'm Captain Hook of the Jolly Roger. And this is Baelfire, don't worry he was a lost boy once too."
"What do you want?"
"We need you to help us find Pan. You wouldn't happen to know where he's is eh?"
"Why the bloody hell would I help you?"
"Because I have a hook for a hand and lemme tell you, it's not just for decoration."
"Okay Hook, that's enough. She's just a scared little kid.", Baelfire said.
My stomach growled loudly and Baelfire added,
"When was the last time you ate kid? Come on we can find you something to eat."
"I'm not just some scared little kid! I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself!"
"Okay, that's fair. You look like a responsible young woman, so would you help us find the way back to camp?", he said.
"Um...I suppose."
We made our way back to camp and joined the others I saw earlier.
"Who's this?" Asked the woman with the black hair.
"Regina, leave her alone, she's just here to borrow some supplies and leave."
"Borrow some supplies? I don't know if you've looked around here, but we barely have any for ourselves, let alone any for giving away." Regina replied.
"What's that around her neck?", an older man in a suit asked.
Their attention turned to the necklace Pan gave me.
He began to walk towards me slowly, not keeping his eyes off the necklace.
"Rumple, don't." said Baelfire.
"Looks like our little friend here has some light magic." Rumple added.
"Well just how light?" Asked Regina.
"Light enough to kill Pan."
Regina's eyes widened as she stared at me, then back down to the necklace.
"I...I can't give this to you, I'm sorry." I replied covering it with my hand.
She ran towards me and reached for the necklace, but was suddenly pushed backwards on to the floor in a beam of light.
"What...I-I'm sorry. I don't know what just happened."
"Enchantment spell. Only she can use it." Rumple replied.
"Regina! Stealing is not how we're going to do this!" A lady with blond hair said.
"Emma, my son is out there! And let me remind you he's yours too, and I don't know about you, but I'm willing to do anything to get Henry back!"
"You're...Henry's family?" I asked.
"Yes, and we're trying to find him. Do you know maybe where he is?" Emma asked.
"I...I'm sorry I can't help you. I promised Pan."
"Haha, Pan doesn't care about what you promised." Rumple added.
"He does! And I'm sorry about your son, but I can't help you!"
"And just what do you know about Pan?", he continued.
"Well...he...has dark magic...and..."
He chuckled and replied,
"So unknowing and naive. Here's the thing, Pan's lying to you. He brings people here for his own personal use okay?"
"And just how would you know that?" I replied annoyed.
"Because he's my father."
I stood shocked.
"You're...father? He's a father? That's absurd! He's only sixteen! And aren't you like...50?"
"Haha dark ones live much longer than that, and anyhow Pan wasn't always what you see him as today. I remember everything like it was seconds ago, my dad used to tell me these amazing tales of Neverland. And he finally got the magic to bring us, it seemed like paradise at first but things soon turned. We went on a journey for wishes, and when he got his, he wished to be young again, and for me to be out of his life. Thus the story of the great Peter Pan."
Tears began to weld up in my eyes,
"You're lying!" I said backing away.
"Am I?
I ran away for a while and sat on the dirt floor. 
"I want to wake up. I want to wake up from this nightmare." I said to myself.
"Pan!" "Pan!" I called out as tears streamed down my face. A cloud of purple smoke appeared and there he was standing before me.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I knew you wouldn't want me to take the heart if you-"
"-not the heart. Your son. Tell me it isn't true, tell me they're lying to me."
"It's true...I..have a son. Please you have to believe me, it was such a long time ago and honestly and don't really remember that life much."
"Pan I don't care about what you were, I care about you using me!"
"I'm not using you! The whole reason this is happening is for you! There's a reason there are only lost boys here okay? Boys will live forever on Neverland, but girls...the magic doesn't work on them. I...I wanted us to live together...forever."
And pulled him close and he wrapped his arms around me. I looked at his face and a tear ran down his cheek. That tear meant something more. It meant that he was human, that he loved me...

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