A Lost...Girl?

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"Don't...touch him!"
I looked up and saw a floating boy dressed in a dirty green tunic. Felix immediately stepped away and the other lost boys fell silent. He dropped down in front of me and stared.
"What's your name?", he asked.
Again, I remained silent and watched as he grew annoyed.
"Quiet are we? And just where are you from?"
I cleared my throat and said in the lowest voice possible,
He stepped closer, branches and twigs snapping with every step. He put his hand on my hood and pulled it down.
The lost boys gasped and whispered to each other,
"A girl! It's a girl! She's a girl!"
"Quiet!", he ordered.
The lost boys fell silent again.
"What...is your name?", he asked once more.
"___..." , I replied shyly.
He turned back to the lost boys and said,
"Continue on with whatever you were doing."
He turned back to me and said,
"Come with me."
I followed him to a treehouse further away from the others. It was bigger, and furnished with a bed and a night stand.
"This is my cabin, where you'll be staying."
"...there's only one bed, where will you sleep?"
"I don't sleep."
He rummaged through a trunk and pulled out some clothing.
"Here.", he said handing it to me.
He headed for the door but I quickly said,
He turned back.
"I...didn't catch your name."
"Peter Pan."
"Oh, well thank you Peter."
He looked at me angrily and quickly pulled out a knife, holding it against my throat.
"Pan...never Peter."
I nodded in fear and he released. He stabbed the knife into the wall and left.

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