The Thinking Tree

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The wind blew my hair behind me as I climbed upon the roof...
No Pan.
I thought as to were he could be, but knowing him it could literally be anywhere. I looked down and saw Felix, his scar illuminated in the glow of the moonlight. He stared at the glowing embers of the once lit fire and then back up at the stars above him.  I made my way down and walked behind him. I swiftly turned around and said,
"What do you want Guinea Pig?"
"You wouldn't happen to know where Pan is, would you?"
"Why the hell would I tell you anything."
"I didn't expect you would."
I took a seat next to him and rested my chin on my knees.
"So why are you awake?"
"Why are you talking to me?"
"I don't know, something tells me you're not all scars and swords."
"Fine I'll tell you where Pan is but you have to f***ikg leave me alone after I do. He's in this place he goes when he stressed or whatever, he calls it his "thinking tree."
"Thinking tree, got it. Thanks Felix!"
"Whatever just leave."
I walked through the darkness and trees until I came across the thinking tree, just where Felix had said. I stood outside for a long time, contemplating whether or not I should go in.
"Hey!" I heard someone whisper.
I looked around but no one was to be found.
"Hey! Hey!", I heard again, this time spotting a figure in a green cloak.
"Can I help you?", I asked.
"I need to talk to you, it's about Pan, he-"
I felt someone grab my arm and fly upwards, bringing me with them. I gasped as Pan let go of me on the roof and stared into my eyes.
"What did that person tell you?", he asked.
"Are you sure?"
"Good. Now what are you doing walking around in the jungle in the middle of the night?"
"I, well Felix-"
"Felix told you about my thinking tree."
"Yeah, I mean no if you're going to kill him because of it."
He looked at me with a hurt expression and I added,
"Sorry I didn't mean it like that, I-"
"No, I get it. Come inside."
The structure of the treehouse wasn't too different from the one I had been staying in, besides the fact that it was a little bigger. The contents on the other hand, were very different. All of his things he had collected and made. Magic spells and potions, books stacked upon books, music sheets he had written was like entering his mind.
He opened a small drawer and pulled out a candle, lighting it with a little wave of his finger and handing it to me to hold. He grabbed some wood from the corner and threw it in a fireplace, lighting it with quick motion of his hand. He took the candle back and placed it on a desk before opening a trunk and handing me a blanket.
"I don't usually light this place up, but I thought you would get cold, if you need another blanket I-"
I laughed a little and replied,
"I'm fine, I'm a big girl."
"If you haven't noticed, not a lot of people really come up here, no one in fact."
"I kind of figured." I said examining all of his magical trinkets.
"I want to show you something."he said picking up something and placing it in my hand.
"A compass?", I asked.
"It's enchanted, it always points towards Neverland."
I smiled at the fancy designs engraved in its metal casing. Pan smiled at me and I looked up at him,
"What?", I asked.
"Nothing, it's just...seeing you so amazed at a compass. It's...cute."
I blushed and rubbed my eyes as I began to feel tired.
"You should rest." He said motioning towards the bed. I agreed and climbed in, watching as he sat in a chair by the fire.
"Aren't you going to sleep?", I asked.
"I told you, I don't sleep."
I turned over and closed my eyes whispering before drifting off,
"Goodnight Never Peter..."
"Goodnight Guinea Pig."

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