The crash

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I was well aware that my friend Stephanie was drunk. I'm not sure why I still got in the car with her. We swerved around until she drove down the wrong lane. A car hit us, sending us spinning into a ditch next to the woods. I climbed out of the car slowly. I touched my head gently then looked at all the blood on my hands. I crawled out, leaving my friend behind. She wasn't moving. I started to cry. I couldn't get out of the ditch, it was too steep. I looked into the woods. I grabbed a tree and used it to help me get up. I looked back at my friend who now lay in the car, dead. I had to keep going. The forest was dark, it scared me. I looked up and saw a full moon. Suddenly, I felt a cramp. It was spreading. I was getting bigger and sprouting hair. My clothes ripped and fell to the ground in shreds. I screamed as my back snapped several times. I fell on my legs and hands. I couldn't stand back up. I heard voices near the car, I went to it. There were police officers. They looked down at me and the light from their flashlights bothered me. I cringed at the brightness. Down? Usually people look up at me. "Stupid mutt. Go!" One of the cops yelled. I looked behind me. What? He can't be talking to me. The other one started walking towards me. "Go! Get! Move on!" I tried to yell at him but all that came out was a low growl. Growl? What is happening to me? I turned and ran when they pulled out their guns. Eventually, I splashed into a puddle of water on the ground from when it rained yesterday. I looked into it and saw a wolf instead of me. I tried to scream but instead, I howled. I lifted up my foot and looked at my big paws. My tail wagged back and forth slowly. How do I control this thing?! My legs were unstable. I slowly walked home. When I got there, I waited in the bushes. I hadn't thought this through. What would my parents think. I went around the back and looked through the window. I saw my brother, Blake, in his room reading a book. I put my paw up to the window and hit it several times to get his attention. He put his book down to look at me. To my surprise, he laughed. He opened the window and let me jump through. He laughed and patted my head. "Mom! Dad!" They walked in and froze when they saw me. "Hey sweetie...." My mom said. She came and hugged me. My dad did the same. I took a step back and shook my head. They knew this was gonna happen?! My mom and dad looked at my brother and he nodded. Blake's clothes ripped as he arched his back and started growing hair. He was like me? He walked towards me and nodded. How'd he hear my question? He looks up at my mom. "Sweetie, our clan has the ability to read minds. Other clans have other Abilities. Some have strength, some are smart, and some are kind. We are a special clan of werewolves that can read minds. Our kind is very rare." I nodded and thought 'How do I change back?' My dad looked at me in shock. I heard his voice but his lips weren't moving, I heard his thoughts. He thought, 'you're a fast learner just like me.' I tried to smile at him but it probably looked creepy. He shook his head. My brother changed back to a human. It was a little awkward because he was naked now. He quickly grabbed the blanket off his bed and covered himself. "Sorry about that. You just have to think about being human again. Then you will change back."  I nod and start to think. Suddenly, I stand up straight, my claws disappear, and the hair from my body disappeared. I looked down to find that I was completely naked. I blushed and tried to cover up as best as I can. My brother gave me the sheet from his bed and I quickly wrapped it around myself. This was a lot of new information to take in. "Thanks." I was about to leave but my mom stopped me. "You will start your training tomorrow. Your brother will teach you how to fight and control your wolf. He will also teach you about our clan and our rules." I glanced at Blake. He smiled and I walked to my room to get clothes.

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