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Alyssa in her dress ⬆️

All of my stuff had been moved to Kyle's place now. Today was the wedding. My moms dress fit perfectly. Her shoes however, didn't.
I just put on my sparkly white sandals. They had small heels so I would look like I was wearing high heels. Plus my dress was so long it didn't matter if I was barefoot, nobody would know. I invited Stephanie but she didn't come. I stood at the back of the aisle behind a curtain. This was all inside Kyle's house. He stood at the front waiting. The music started and the curtain lifted. My dad walked me down the aisle with tears in his eyes. When we got to the front, I stood facing Kyle. He smiled at me.
Bla bla bla long speech
I will just skip to the I do's
"I do" Kyle said. I zoned out for a minute. Then it got silent. Oh, I guess it was my turn. "I do"
Bla bla bla
He said something else then the next thing I heard was, "you may now kiss the bride." Next thing I know, my lips are pressed against Kyle's. After that, we linked arms and walked over to my
parents. They both had red, watery eyes. I hugged both of them then looked at Blake who was smiling. I hugged him too. Then I looked back at Kyle. Today was probably the best day of my life.
After all the cake, tears, and presents.......
We got in a limo that was waiting out side and Kyle told the man something.
I guess he told the man where to take is because he started driving. "Where are we going?" I asked. He smirked. "You'll see."
The limo pulled up to a small cabin. "Honeymoon?" I asked with one brow raised. He smirked again. "Something like that." When we got inside, I looked around. It was beautiful. There was one bedroom. On the bed, there was a pile of clothes. My clothes. Kyle put his arms around my waist. "I didn't think you would want to wear this poofy dress the whole time." I kissed him. "Thanks." I picked up my favorite high waisted shorts and a crop top. I kicked off my sandals and headed into the bathroom which the clothes. "Let me know if you need help with the zipper." Kyle said as I shut the door. I immediately opened the door again. "Zipper. Help. Please." He laughed and unzipped the back. I walked back in the bathroom and pulled it off. I pulled the crop top on and the shorts up. I ruffled my hair a bit then picked up the dress and walked out. Kyle took the dress and placed it on the couch. We walked into the bedroom after that and you know......
A little while later
I pulled the door open and took a deep breath. He walked out after me, placing a kiss on my cheek. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you too." I whispered back.

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