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Isabellaj07 - I try to make my chapters longer but then you complain that I take too long. And you once took like two months to update.
I walked in to see Kyle's hands around Rebecca's neck. Her eyes were rolling back in her head. "Stop!" I yelled and ran at him. He didn't let go so I jumped on him. We both fell. "Are you crazy?!" I asked getting up. He looked as if he was gonna slap me. I dare him to lay a hand on me. I looked back at Rebecca who was breathing heavily, still trying to catch her breath. "You're not ready to be a parent and neither am I!" He tried to jump at her but I pushed him back. "Don't touch my daughter! I'm calling the cops!" I grabbed Rebecca's hand and pulled her into my room. Kyle chased us but we got in and shut the door. I dialed 911.
911: 911, what's your emergency
Me: my husband is trying to kill my daughter! He's banging on the bedroom door trying to get in.
911: what is your location?
I told her our address
911: I'll send someone right over. For now, find something to block the door. Like a dresser. Or a bookshelf.
Me: thank you!
911: any time, goodbye.
Me: bye!
I hung up and looked over at the dresser. I pushed it in front of the door and grabbed Rebecca's hand. I pulled her into the closet with me. If he got in, I was ready to close that door and lock it too. A few minutes later the banging stopped and there was a loud thump. "I can smell you you know." I tried to close the door but it was too late. He was here. "Get away from me!" I yelled and tried to slap him. He grabbed my wrist and twisted it. "I'd hate to hurt you but if you don't let me kill her, I will." I shook my head. "I won't let you touch her!" He shrugged and twisted my wrist again. This time it cracked and pain shot straight up my arm. I screamed. My wrist was dangling awkwardly from my wrist. "Are you done?" I shook my head. "I said don't touch her!" He kicked me and I fell then he took the opportunity to snap my leg too. God it hurt! I could barely stand the pain. I changed and stood up. I barked fire and he yelled. He fell back and kept yelling cuss words. He made his way over to the bathroom and used the shower hose to put out the fire. He came back and I growled at him. "So you wanna use elemental powers? I can do that too." He changed and put water everywhere to put out the fire that didn't hit him. Then he turned and barked at my leg. It froze to the floor. I heard a growl from behind me and before I turned around, Rebecca had changed and jumped on Kyle. She was ripping his fur out and he was howling in pain. How does he like it? I signaled for Rebecca to grab clothes for me and some of my small clothes for her. We changed and got dressed. I could hear the sirens approaching as Kyle made his way closer. He broke the ice and moved my broken leg around. I screamed so loudly. It felt like he kept breaking it over and over and over again. "Stop!" I yelled. He stood up and kicked it. Just then the front door busted down and we could hear people running everywhere with heavy equipment. The police. Rebecca looked at me. She was thinking what I was. Both of us screamed at the tops of our lungs. Seconds later, the police charged in. Crap! I forgot that he was in wolf form. "Ma'am, this is a wolf, not a man." I shook my head. "He was my husband then he turned into this!" As if on cue, Kyle changed back. "I suggest you run while you still can." They didn't move. One of them held his gun up and the others pulled theirs out and held it to Kyle's head. They formed a semi circle around him and one said something into their Walkie talkie. Them he put handcuffs on Kyle and carried him out. I stuck my midd,e finger up at him and Rebecca stuck her tongue out. After they got out, hospital workers came inside and took me out on a stretcher. Rebecca rode in the back with me.

Now thanks to Kyle, I have two casts and I have to wrap a bandage around a majority of my leg. When we got home, Rebecca and I packed our stuff. We're not staying here to wait for Kyle when he comes back. Even though he probably won't. We packed one suit case and got in my car. I figured that if he did get out, he could somehow find the car. I parked the car at a restaurant not too far from the train station and we walked to it.

We caught a train to the airport. We had to wait awhile after we bought our tickets but we finally got on. We were headed to Italy. 

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