Telling them

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Kyle's house ⬆️
"Mom! Dad! Blake!" They all ran down the stairs with a worried look on their face. They calmed down once they realized I was smiling. They waited for me to speak. "I have great news.....I found my mate!" They all looked at each other with joy and smiled. "That's great." My mom said while hugging me. "Who is it?" My dad asked curiously. "Kyle." I responded. They all cheered and gave me hugs. They seemed to like Kyle a little too much. I read their minds and heard some selfish thoughts.
Mom: We're gonna be rich!
Dad: It's about time we move up in this community
Blake: I heard the family of the alpha and the alphas mate are rich and have special abilities that no other wolf in the pack has
I frowned and walked away from them. How could they be like that? So selfish! I flopped down on my bed and grabbed my phone. I had a text from Kyle.
Can you meet me by the big oak tree at 6:00?
It was 5:37
I should probably leave now if I wanna make it on time. I ran outside while my parents were still dancing and cheering. I rolled my eyes. I ran straight through the trees and into our pack's main territory. In the center was the big oak tree. Kyle was already there waiting. I hope I didn't take too long. I pulled my phone out of my pocket. It was only 5:53 he was early and so was I. "I need you to meet my parents, again. Since my dad is the alpha and you are my mate, you get some new abilities." I must've looked too happy because he lifted his eyebrows in amusement. "You get your powers little by little though. It's just how it works." I nodded. He signaled for me to follow him and I did. He took off running. It wasn't hard to catch up with him. He must've read my mind because he laughed and sped up. I laughed too and caught up again. We kept doing this all the way to his house. He lived in a big mansion with a pool in the front. Beautiful. A man walked outside and greeted us. He took our coats and hung them on the coat rack by the door. After that, he walked quickly past us into the kitchen. "That's Dylan, our butler." I nodded, still shocked at how beautiful this place is. Dylan got Kyle's dad to come meet us at the door and walked away again. "Nice to meet you again Ms. Banks." He shook my hand and I smiled politely. "Please, call me Alyssa." I've seen people say that all the time in movies but I never thought I would actually say it. He nodded.
"Quickly, the ceremony must begin at once."
I'm gonna skip the boring stuff
I waited while down on one knee. Kyle's dad started talking
Blah blah blah
More boring stuff I'll skip
Now you will have great power over others. They will obey you. You can control them. Be a leader. I nodded.
Great, now just skip some more boring talking and speeches
When I got home, I saw my mom and dad on the couch watching a movie. It looked really old but I didn't really care. I walked into my room to find my brother sitting there on his phone. "Get out." I commanded. He was about to argue but then his eyes flickered and he left. Wow.

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