New member

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Finally, that long weekend was over. I had to go hang out with my best friends, Caroline and Stephanie, to forget about this werewolf crap. I walked up to them. "Hey." I said. "Hey." They replied in unison. They had bright smiles on their faces. They always did. (Stephanie doesn't in her pic but whatever) I loved it. They're the best. "What's up?" I asked in my happiest voice. "The sky." Stephanie shouted a little too loudly. Caroline laughed as I rolled my eyes. We walked a little longer and discussed our weekends. I just said that I stayed at home. I can't tell them. We waved goodbye and split ways. I wasn't paying attention and bumped into Justin Lawrence. He's the cutest guy in school. All the girls want to date him. "S-sorry." I said shyly and looked down. He grabbed my chin and pulled my face so we made eye contact. Then he smiled kindly. " "Don't worry about it. What's your name?" I froze up and he chuckled. "A-Alyssa." He smiled and pointed to his cheek. He wanted me to give him a kiss. What?! Me?! I can't believe this is happening?! I stood on my toes and planted a kiss on his cheek. He gave me his number and walked away. I smiled and looked at his number. In my next class, I wasn't paying attention. I was too distracted. It was the same in all my other classes too.
I rushed home to call him. When I walked inside, my family rushed towards me. "We've got to hurry." My mom grabbed her makeup bag and rushed into the bathroom, pulling me behind her. "Hurry for what?" She pulled a small brush out and brushed my hair. Im not sure why it was in her makeup bag. "Today is your welcoming ritual. To our clan. You get to meet the clan today." She put some makeup on me and then we walked into the woods. "Okay, you do not transform until they tell you to." I nod and look around. Eventually, we come to a group of people. They all look normal. I know the truth though. People talked for a while then a tall man came to the center of the group. "Can I get everyone to move to my left?" Everybody instantly moves to his left. I follow along. "Now, can I get the new member to come forward." I walk up to him then turn to face the crowd. I hear a gasp but I don't see who it came from. It was a girl. The man continued. "This is Alyssa Jones. She is our new member today. Does anybody reject her?" Everyone was silent. "Ok, good. Now, has she done any training yet?" He looked at my parents. They looked at Blake and he shook his head. "No sir." He looked at me and nodes slowly. "Will, step forward." A guy about my age walked up to him and stood next to me. "Will is now being given the responsibility of teaching her about our ways." He turned to me. "I am the clan Alpha. If anything happens to me, my son Kyle takes on the responsibility. Please, show us your wolf." I concentrated and surely, I changed. The alpha spoke again. "Join her." Everyone else changed too. I looked at the alpha. He was huge. I've seen smaller bears. Okay, so that's a bit too much of an exaggeration but he was like five times my size. "Let us come together and meet." The whole group formed a line in front of me and one by one, I met them all. Then, I met someone I never expected to see here.

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