Kyle and Justin

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At school, Kyle walked up to me and put his arm around my shoulder. He smiled and looked down at me.
"Hey." He smiled a perfect white smile. "Hey" I responded. He kissed my forehead and I blushed. We walked past Justin and his group of guys. Kyle was usually with them but today he was with me. Only me. Justin and his friends caught up with us. "Why you messin with my gurl?" Justin asked while pulling me towards him. Kyle looked at me with a confused look and I looked at him the same way. "Well she's my girlfriend." Kyle said stepping closer. Justin shoved him. "Well she's mine now." I couldn't move, he had a tight grip on my arm. I looked at his muscles. He was strong and cute. "She kissed me, not you." I mouthed 'don't worry' to him as he stood there in shock. Justin turned with me and we walked away. I let out a fake giggle. Justin held me at his side as we walked.
I pulled out my phone and texted Kyle.
Meet me at the gym doors after school
I slid my phone in my back pocket and smiled at Justin.
After school, I went to the gym doors and waited. He smiled as he walked up to me. I gave Kyle a hug. "Sorry, I couldn't attack him, but I wanted to." We pulled away but I kept my arms around his neck. "You're different than the other wolves in our pack." He smiled and nodded. "My dad is the Alpha." My jaw dropped and his lips curved into a smile. He had the cutest dimples. I quickly kissed him but he wasn't ready, when I looked at him again, his lips were frozen in the same shape. He smiled.

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