Kyle's Chapter

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Kyle's POV
I missed her so much. How could I be so stupid. She couldn't have gotten too far. I need to make things right.
I walked outside and sniffed a scent of her. She smelled of roses and peaches. Then the scent disappeared. I knew what I had to do. Darren and I were friends. I had forgiven him since he and Caroline took Alyssa. It's not like he had a choice. You have to listen to your Alpha. I told him to take Rebecca. Alyssa and I were not fit to be parents and she was starting to stress a lot. I had to send Darren. I didn't plan for Alyssa to get all crazy about it, maybe a little sad. I had to tell Darren to bring her back. I called him.
Darren: hey was up!
Me: not much but I gotta ask you somethin
Darren: go ahead, I'm listening
Me: I need you to bring Rebecca back.
Darren: what happened?
Me: Alyssa left. She is going to look for Rebecca.
Darren: oh no. I can't let her find me. She'll kill me. She already tried to.
Me: what? How?
Darren: she barked fire everywhere!
Me: ohhhhh so that's her elemental power.
Darren: yeah! I'm not getting near her!
Me: okay meet me tomorrow and I'll pick her up. I'll just tell Alyssa that I made a deal with you that I can never speak of.
Darren: ok but what if she gets all like "baby you can tell me anything"?
Me: I'll tell her that if I ever said it, I wold have to leave the pack...forever.
Darren: perfect.
I can't believe I had to say I was in love with your daughter. Don't get me wrong, she's beautiful. But I don't roll like that.
Me: don't worry, I know
Darren: ok good, so I'll get on the plane today.
Me: great, see ya
Darren: see ya
I scrolled through my contacts and found Alyssa's name.
Here goes nothin.
Alyssa: what do you want?
Me: I want you to come back
Alyssa: come back! I finally found our daughter and you want me to come back! No way!
Me: Where do you think she is?
Alyssa: she's in Zimbabwe. I'm on a plane headed there.
Crap! She does know! She's not crazy!
Me: well that doesn't matter because Darren and I made a deal. She's coming home today!
Alyssa: Really?!
Me: yes. So can you please come home?
Alyssa: yes! Of course! I gotta go change my flight. Love ya, Bye.
Me: love you too. Bye
She hung up.
Darren better hurry because if she can get a flight before him, she will somehow see him. I sat down on the couch and started chewing my fingernails. It was a bad habit of mine but it kept me calm. I decided to watch football to get my mind off things.
A few hours later......
I heard a knock at the door and jumped up. I opened the door to see Darren and Rebecca. Thank god! Rebecca looked up at me and hugged me. "Dad!" I patted her on the back then pried her off. Did I mention I hate children? That's another reason why I sent her away. "Welcome home Rebecca!" I acted cheerful. A breeze blew past my nose and I got a whiff of Alyssa. She's coming! "Run Darren run!" He looked surprised then took off. A few minutes later, Alyssa walked up to us. "Rebecca!" She kneeled down and threw out her arms for a hug. Rebecca ran into her arms. "Mom!" Man, I wish Alyssa would've just let that child go.

So now that Rebecca's back, and seven years old, she needs a bed. So here I am at a furniture store, trying to buy a cheap bed for the thing. Then I got an idea. The child won't be a problem if she's dead. 😈

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