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As I watched Caroline run home, I felt bad. She lost it, she can't help it. I went home too to tell my family. I walked in to see them all sitting on the couch quietly. "What's up?" I yelled. Then I realized now wasn't the time for that.
"You've been ordered to attend Caroline's trial." My mom said. I just looked at her. "Go, get out!" She ordered. I quick ran back out. I wandered into the woods until I find Kyle. The Alpha and Luna stood next to each other and an old man stood in front of them facing Caroline who was down on her knees crying. I looked at her and wanted to punch everyone that did this to her. She had claw marks on her arm and they were oozing blood. A wolf came and stood next to the old man. The man beckoned for me to come over to him. I stepped forward and he bowed his head. "Good afternoon Alyssa. You have been asked here because you were a witness." I nodded. "Please stand next to Caroline." I did as I was told. Caroline looked over at me and scoffed. "It's all your fault." She muttered. I wasn't in the mood to argue so I didn't respond. The man spoke. "Caroline, Alyssa is your friend from school. Is this correct?" She looked at me. "She was but now she's not." I feel like my heart shattered just then. She was my best friend. Caroline reached for her wrist and pulled off her friendship bracelet that I had given her. She snapped it in half and threw it on the ground.  Tears fell down my cheeks as I picked it up. "Caroline-" she held her hand up to stop me. "You ruined my life and now, we're not friends so you can have your stupid bracelet. It means nothing to me now." I can't take this much longer. "All I did was try to help you Caroline." My voice was shaky now. "Well you failed." The wolf growled, getting our attention.  The old man spoke again. "Alyssa, what happened?" I took a deep breath and thought. "I heard screams outside. I ran to them and saw Caroline about to pounce on two girls. I commanded her to stop and she did. Then I commanded the girls to leave, forget what they saw ,and to not speak of it ever again. Then I sent Caroline to the forest and followed her with an extra pair of clothes I had in my locker. We discussed it there and Kyle found us. He wasn't alone, a classmate of ours was with him. I also told him to never speak of it." The man nodded and looked at the wolf. The wolf picked up a paw and pointed to me. Kyle also came and pointed at me. "She's telling the truth." The man nodded, looked at the Alpha and Luna and they also pointed to me. The Alpha stepped forwards. "Caroline, you have disrespected our kind and you have put us in danger. You must be banished from the pack. I'm sure a pack of rogues will accept you. Do not come back here ever again. Good luck out there." She cried as the wolf nudged her away. Eventually she kept walking. The Alpha turned to me. "You will tell everyone at school that Caroline moved away but didn't want anyone to know." I nodded. The Luna stepped forward. "You did the right thing. One day, you will make a great Luna." I smiled and bowed my head. "Thank you. Both of you." My smile was all fake though. I wanted Caroline to come back. She's gone now....forever.

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